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Participanthey gurly !
ParticipantDon’t do it you got plenty of time to have a baby after your career is set you should enjoy these times while you can. Because once you have a baby you gotta think about whos going to watch the baby while you go out if you wanna party or daycare while you work or in school, also diapers clothing and ect take it from me its hard
ParticipantYes what you described . I found out I was pregnant both times around 6 weeks and I new because of all of the symptoms but everyone girl is different
ParticipantI think you should keep it I was 22 when I fell pregnant with my first son and I couldnt imagine not having him right now and I had a apt, job and a car so if you have all of those things right now then I dont see why not good luck
ParticipantVery touching thanks for sharing
ParticipantThat dont sound normal unless ur on some type of birth control but ur best bet is to make a doctors appt and get seen
ParticipantThere is a big possiblity I think you should take another test now that you’re so late good luck
ParticipantIf you haven’t had a abortion than dont follow ur heart and it doesnt matter what it is now!!!! Its whats its gonna be in 9 mnths and thats a lil baby girl or boy . But if you have had a abortion
ParticipantI’m so sorry to hear that I remember you telling me you were pregnant again. Ima pray for u honey
ParticipantWhat Exactly are you talking about ?
ParticipantCramping is very common in pregnancy it kinda feels like your about to get ur period but you dont I would probably wait another week and take one. and if your not pregnant you and ur husband should buy a ovulation test and try it when ur ovulating you should have a better chance of getting pregnant then :cheer: good luck
ParticipantHey π Ok as far as insurance you should check into medicade its called pregnancy medicade and that should get you seen by a doctor. I think you should keep the baby becasue im sure there would be thoughts later on in life and believe me the first few months of pregnancy is rough have to break the news to people and to feel like you let so many people down but believe me it will get better all in due time and by the time the baby get here every one would be so in love with the little one you’ll be glad you stuck to ur guns and not have chosen neither abortion or adoption :cheer: Good luck
ParticipantWow congrats π
ParticipantI think you should take a pregnancy test now to comfirm ur thoughts of being pregnant
ParticipantYou should enjoy it to the fullest if I could have had those symtoms I would’ve been one happy girl π
ParticipantWhat are some of the signs that are making you think ur pregnant .I think you should take a test to confirm ur suspension
ParticipantEveryone pregnancy is different I say go by a HPT and see what the results are so that way u wont be so far along without prenantal care just in case u are. Good luck π
Participantcongrats on the twins :cheer:
ParticipantI think you can get all the anwers you looking for by contacting a doc and let him know whats going on good luck and take care.
ParticipantSorry to hear about your lost if you ever need anything i’m here just hang in there
ParticipantI think if the test comes back postive I would lay off on all of that you said (Tanning, med and etc) until you’ve seen a doc and they cant tell u what u can and can’t do. good luck π
ParticipantI would just say get a pregnancy test to find out if you are or not
ParticipantI had a c-section with my son and got the staples and the lil white stripes after the staples were taken out i never had the white puss come out so maybe you should call the doc to ask to be on the safe side another thing that help out if you have to do alot of moving is get like a pillow and putting pressure against the incision good luck
ParticipantYou should try the m&m thing I had them at my baby shower its was neat to have the baby’s name printed on them
ParticipantIf ur a model then when u have the baby i’m sure that would give u all the motivation u need to get back to that size for if u want to keep booking jobs good luck with whatever decision u make just dont abort think about adoptions and for the strech marks theres surgery for that well laser surgery maybe when u get a lil older if they dont fade