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megan Story

Meagan’s Story – Young and Happy

She had her abortion appointment booked. Hear the words that changed her mind and inspired her to #ChooseLIFE!
You never know who in your network needs to hear this message of hope. No matter your situation, you are not alone.

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Louise story

Louise’s Story Where I am suppose to be!

She was raped. Five weeks later she found out she was pregnant...Hear this young woman's reasons for choosing LIFE for her baby. If you are dealing with an unplanned pregnancy, there is hope. You are not alone.

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Felicia’s Story

She was homeless, an alcoholic, a drug user, and PREGNANT. She chose LIFE and it changed HER life! No matter your situation, you are not alone. We're here to help.

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Ninja gamer Saved

I Wasn’t Supposed to Be Born

‘Ninja’ Gamer Reveals Abortion Story to Millions: ‘I Wasn’t Supposed to Be Born’. Celebrities routinely praise abortion and abortion providers, like Planned Parenthood, to their millions of fans.

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Adoption Saved Me!

Adoption Saved Me! Adoptive Mom Cora shares some powerful insights about adoption. Hear the special message she has for any pregnant woman considering choosing adoption as an option.

Everything to Me by Mark Schultz

This song gets me through every day knowing that I am doing what is best for my baby. I just pray that one day when he is old enough, he knows that I placed him for adoption not because I didn't want him, but because I knew it was the best option for him. He will...

My Story Kathy Barnette

Get to know Kathy Barnette My life’s journey represents all that is good about this country. I grew up on a pig farm in southern Alabama in a one stop-sign town in a restful and rustic corner of the world. I never knew just how impoverished we were until I grew up....

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