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  • in reply to: What are the chances? #21187

    The pull out method is not entirely reliable so its possible. I was on the pill, my daughter only 4 months old and had only had sex twice and i got pregnant again…If i can get pregnant like that then i dont see why you cant. keep an eye out for symptoms.

    in reply to: Shes Here #21127

    Congratulations! I hope you enjoy being a mother!:)

    in reply to: 2 days left #21038

    If you want your baby, keep it.
    Friends, family, and your boyfried will not be affected in the same way as you if you have an abortion. It does not affect them in the same way emotinally. It will not affect them physically. For them it may be an ‘inconvienence’ something to be gotten rid of. You need to stand up for your baby. He/She is developing rather rapidly. People come around. I dont know anybody that says they hate a baby they are related too. And if your bf does the dissapearing act, its his loss. Life is not perfect, and aborting a baby will not make it any better. You have been given a chance that not everybody gets – to be a mother. Dont waste it.

    in reply to: Speaking out? #21013

    Wow…i have never known you to be scared about speaking about anything!
    Speak your mind. If they are your friends they will accept your views even if they dont agree with them. Lecturer’s arent allowed to critisize you, so dont worry about that. If they do complain about descrimination. Also, if you dont dumb it down, you will probably get a higher mark. Dont argue two sides, that makes it sound inconclusive. Write it how you would write anything else. I think it will be good because you have a very firm view on it.
    Good luck.

    in reply to: I’m not convinced. #20861

    With this pregnancy, i didnt have one early symptom at all. No sore breasts, no nausea, nothing. Its possible.

    in reply to: Turning a New Leaf! #20860

    Congrats on the pregnancy…i have bad dreams too. About the baby being born early, or something going wrong in labour and it dying, or not being able to get to the hospital when in labour…hopefully they are just bad dreams.
    The best of luck to you.:)

    in reply to: early signs of labour help xx #20832

    Well i cant really confirm anything, but that at 25 days out, if baby is born, they are unlikely to suffer any major health issues.
    If you are unsure, talk to your care-provider, they are used to getting calls from people who arent sure if baby is getting ready to come or not.

    in reply to: Why doesn’t it seem real? #20821

    I havent really felt pregnant this time around either. With my daughter i was very aware i was(still, when she was born i was like that thing came outta me??? lol) but this time i had no morning sickness or any other symptoms at all. My belly started to grow fairly quickly, but i didnt really ‘feel’ pregnant. Still dont and im almost 28wks. I get kicks braxton hicks, backaches and the works at this point, but its still hard to impossible to believe that there is a baby in there.

    in reply to: I’ve Made MY Decision. #20769

    Please be sure its what you really want. You seem determined, but if you have one ounce of wondering if its the right thing, dont do it. Keep coming on here after no matter what happens- there are many of us that have had abortions myself included. Its good to talk sometimes.

    in reply to: eye infections #20744

    Go to the dr again…

    What do his eyes look like?

    in reply to: weight gain #20743

    As long as bub is healthy, its all good.
    Did you have bad morning sickness? I have heard this can make people lost weight but it wont affect bubs health.

    in reply to: Very confused. #20742

    Definately possible. I got positive 10 days after conecption.

    in reply to: Teething Question #20741

    Have you tried a teething gel? Im not sure what country you live in, brands vary. I got a really good one from the hospital pharmacy. Dont worry about ‘late’ teething, my daughter didnt get her first until 8 months.

    in reply to: Birth certificate and child support #20740

    you are in aus right? Here it doesnt matter if he doesnt sign (though easier if he does) the CSA (child support agency) will get him for childsupport if you tell them that he is the father. He can of course deny he is, but you can make him get a dna test done. He will get stung one way or another. And it doesnt matter if he moves interstate.

    in reply to: raspberry leaf tea, castor oil etc etc #20739

    No i dont want her out yet, i was just asking for future reference, trying to sort out fact from fiction. There is a whole bunch of old wives tales surrounding this stuff. I just wanted to know what has worked for people.

    in reply to: Pregnancy Vitamins #20699

    No it wont harm bub. They are all very similar.

    in reply to: help me thankoo #20690

    I was watching a medical show last week, and it was all about FAS (Foetal Alcohol Syndrome). One thing i learnt of this that you may want to remember is that alcohol doesnt just cross the placenta (so your developing baby essentially consumes it) but it is also present in the amniotic fluid. The show said this was like ‘pickling’ your baby…

    Hold on, not long now and you will have your baby, and you can have a drink to celebrate after if you arent breastfeeding.

    in reply to: Hospital bag #20689

    A jumpsuit and singlet, blanket, nappies, bum wipes and baby bath.

    in reply to: Waterbirth #20665

    I have already discussed it with my midwife. Im having the baby at a birth centre, so im allowed a waterbirth if i want one.

    in reply to: pregnant again?? help? #20651

    Depends on what type of test you use. I found out i was pregnant this time 10 days post conception but i had a ‘feeling’ i was before that. I think more ppl tell 2-3 wks post conception.

    in reply to: It’s a BOY!!! #20594

    Aww wow. I wish i had asked how much my babies weighed in utero at scans. I never thought too.
    Congrats on the boy.B)

    in reply to: Going Crazy: Last week of Pregnancy #20593

    At least you know now that there is only a limited time they will allow bub to remain in there before inducing you.

    in reply to: my baby is here! #20498

    Congratulations on your daughter’s arrival! :laugh:

    in reply to: What was your first pregnancy symptom #20489

    sore breasts at 5 wks with my daughter, leaking breasts at 7 wks with this one

    in reply to: First movements? #20467

    I was 14 1/2 wks with my daughter, but didnt feel this one kick about until almost 19wks due to an anterior placenta.

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