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  • in reply to: Natrual child birth #27022

    Epidural for me was HEAVEN if Ill have another baby someday Im definitely getting an Epi again.

    in reply to: Betrayed and Hurt By “Loved Ones” #27021

    If you make a decision like that be prepared for judgment its just life.

    in reply to: My story. #26974

    Hey mamaz good to hear that you are doing good =]
    Definitely let him go a man who is abusive doesnt belong around a little child who cannot protect them self you know where Im coming from? Keep up the good work tho
    Mother of a 2 week old baby boy

    in reply to: confused #26973

    Ok you need tough love loca nothing less. What are you thinking?! 15 and TTC? what? First off your b/f would get locked up because you cannot legally consent sex so it would be statutory rape so your b/f would go to jail and have a sex offender stat. for the rest of his life. If he gets locked up and will be a sex offender and comes near your child you will get it taken away since you would legally expose it to dangerous people. How is that being responsible. Before you make a decision like that you got to think it through. You are 15 and how will you support the baby a 15 and 16 year old cannot possibly work enough to make enough money to support a child. Unless you are famous. What you expect your mother to be helping you out? AGAIN how is that responsible? Im a mother of a 2 week old and it aint all fun and games trust me you need to have transportation and money and time to take care of em and a place.

    in reply to: Pregnant and don’t know what to do. Need support. #26944

    Its up to you but I could never choose adoption myself. My little angel makes me the happiest I ever been. When Im down all I need is to hold him and I feel so much better. I love holding him all the time and I love taking care of him even when he keeps me up at night. I never knew I could love somebody as much I love my lil man. I want whats the best for him and I know it is to be with his mommy. He loves when I hold him and he is the most beautiful little life I ever seen. Do what you want but there will be a attachment between you.

    in reply to: Future #26911

    Ugh I cant believe Im 8 days overdue

    in reply to: NO pregnancy symptoms. #26887

    Consider your self lucky…I started having symptoms at 9 weeks and it was horrible. Nausea from 9-16 weeks 5 times a day it was horrible..Its nothing to worry about you will get symptoms eventually and I didint even feel pregnant at 4 months.

    in reply to: Need POSITIVE abortion advice! #26876

    ty for asking eve and im 3 days overdue [my due date was 3/18] and might be in labor now lol

    in reply to: help please?? #26875

    Well tell him if he wont be there you WILL tell the court since its a fellony and a statatory rape. Also he is saying the baby is not his because of the legal situation and he is a coward but if he wont be there put him on child support and if you take him to court and he will get a record and jail time you can file dor sole custody and most likely get it. You have more control than he in this situation then take control.

    in reply to: c section or naturally w/ pain meds? #26874

    Your height and weight does not make a difference to tell you the truth. A c-section will hurt less at first but after it will be really painful. Labor will hurt but its more beneficial for you and your baby since its natural. My aunt just had a c-section and is in horrible pain right now. Im giving birth anytime now Im 3 days overdue. BTW did you know that during a c section you are awake?

    in reply to: never know what you have till its gone #26835

    Awh hun you should try counseling it is hard to loose somebody you love and even tho you haven’t met em you still have that bond =[ Good luck and hope you feel better

    in reply to: Need POSITIVE abortion advice! #26798

    I know a lot of women who got a abortion and now they resent their decision and they feel horrible about them self. Well at this point there is nothing they can do. So I just encourage them to tell their experience to others maybe it will get through some people. If most women who get abortion feel horrible after, then why other women want to put them self through that?…

    in reply to: 15 pregnant please read help #26797

    I agree with babbiehgirl

    in reply to: pls HELP! I NEED AN ADVICE.. PLS!! #26796

    Ok so first of all we do not know if you are pregnant and there is no way of anybody giving you a accurate answer to that one. Early pregnancy symptoms and PMS are the same so if you miss your period take a test that is your best bet. Also why are you having sex if you worry so much? Also if he ejaculated or not does not make a difference Pre Cum has a equal chance of getting you pregnant.

    in reply to: i had symptoms then they went and now are back #26795

    You don’t really gain weight in most of the first trimester. Preg symptoms can come and go there is no right or wrong on that it just depends on the person. You can bloat in the 1st trimester but you don’t really gain that much. Your best bet is to take a test since missed period does not mean “Pregnancy” one time I missed mine by 2 months and were not pregg and My friend missed her’s my 4 months and was not pregnant. It could be your hormones just messed up and you may think you are getting pregnancy symptoms since the early preg symptoms are the same as PMS. So your best bet is to take a test and at this time it should be accurate.

    in reply to: How do i break it down nicely to my Partner #26787

    Get transitional assistance -help with money-… Also most money problems are temporary.

    in reply to: I really cant believe it. #26769

    There are a lot of programs that are also willing to help and there is counseling if you need to talk to somebody. Get all the resources you can and I hope everything works out for you.

    in reply to: I chose Abortion. I was 16 and selfish #26767

    Hey hun, I’m not going to preach because you obviously did learn from this and right now you do need comfort more than a lecture. You made a mistake now you need to move on from it and I never said its easy and I never said it will be quick. The pain will slowely decrease. Maybe you could stop other young mothers by telling them your experience and how you feel about it. Try counseling and support groups. Maybe you can change another girls life and stop her from making the same mistake. People usually listen to somebody who been through the experience. Heal quick and Good Luck in the future.

    in reply to: Future #26766

    Cute names every one =]

    in reply to: 13 and pregnant what do i do????? #26765

    I agree with nina. Concentrate on yourself and the baby. Your friend might have a lot of problems, well those are HER problems not YOURS. You have your own problems you know what I mean?

    in reply to: Need POSITIVE abortion advice! #26764

    Thank you =]… That was my point for it to be graphic aka real. Sugar coating abortion is not good in my opinion people need to know the truth about it and how it affected people who have some experience with it. That post also hit me but its true. BTW my name is klaudia I made up iswaggaliciious when I had a “Brain freeze”. lol

    in reply to: hey #26763

    I think you should try to contact him and get him involved. If your child will not know him when she hits teen years she will not bond and she will feel sad and confused. I dont know my dad and that brought a lot of emotions. A step father even if he is great, its not the same the child can feel the lack of something. Right now I do not want to know my dad. First I blamed my mom but he’s the one who did not contact me hes the “bad guy” in my eyes. I dont understand how can somebody live with knowing that their child is somewhere out there and they have no idea who he/she is. They could pass them on the street and not even know it. Try your best but if he does not get involved its not your fault you’re doing what you can do make your child happy.

    in reply to: is this love?!!! #26762

    Do you love him. You may just feel a bond between you two since you two have a child together. Love is a wonderful feeling. Its when you wouldn’t do anything to hurt the other person. Its when you keep thinking about them its when they make you feel better when ever you down. Its when you want to be with that person and nobody else. The problem with the question is only you know how you feel. I have no clue. Just pay attention to your feelings. Get a guy that is capable of taking care and helping you. A guy that is as sweet as candy 😉 Somebody who you enjoy spending time with. That is my advice. Good Luck

    in reply to: 16 and possibley pregnant. #26761

    Also early pregnancy symptoms are same as PMS. Find out for sure ok? Good Luck to you

    in reply to: gym class and pregnant #26757

    Its not “Pathetic” you cannot expect a person to automatically know the right way to go. Specially when the person is confused and scared and is asking others for help. Women Shelter? Its not as easy as it seems have you seen those places they are not only dirty but packed with people which brings on diseases. Plus how do you know that the DCF don’t get involved 1st and tears this girl apart from her baby and puts her in a foster home or even worse a residential program. Those things are worse than lock up and I would NEVER advise anybody to go there. I’m speaking from experience. This girls best bet is to have somebody while she does it but to sit her mother down and talk with her. Talking can do a lot more than just taking off without thinking. Hopefully things go right for her…

    By the way hun, your mother way tell you to get a abortion but that does not mean you have to. You can say no and if she takes you to a clinic you tell them you are not giving your consent for that and you will not let them give your an abortion and nobody will knock you out and kill the baby because it is ILLEGAL they can get a long a** jail time for that and those people will not risk that specially that there is more than 1 person in the room while you get a abortion. My mother wanted me to get a abortion when she found out. She said “Either you get a abortion or get out of my house”… I simply said ” I’m not getting an abortion plus you cannot kick me out because I’m under 18 so good luck with that and I doubt that you will go through custody court process since you cannot afford to miss work there fore you just trying to get your way and that is not going to happen,” She told me to get a abortion EVERYDAY and tried making me misereable to get her way. Now she is happy about me having her grand son and she denies ever treating me like crap and demanding for me to get a abortion. Just stick to what you believe in and stand your ground. That’s a important thing to be able to do in life it will get you some where. Good Luck hope this helped

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