is this love?!!!

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      I am 20 and a mother of a 2 year old boy,his father and me has no significant understanding. sometimes we are in there parents house,or in my parents house. currently I am here in his parents house with him and my baby. we’ve been like this for 2 years now.We are not married and no commitments to each other. what I am confused now is I love him.but I dont feel that he loves me too. He treats me as if I don;t exist he cares only about the kid.wheeeeew!!!I want something new now. His not working at all.His parents are the one who;s supporting my baby’s needs..his totally irresponsible..I am confused now…anybody help me!


        Do you love him. You may just feel a bond between you two since you two have a child together. Love is a wonderful feeling. Its when you wouldn’t do anything to hurt the other person. Its when you keep thinking about them its when they make you feel better when ever you down. Its when you want to be with that person and nobody else. The problem with the question is only you know how you feel. I have no clue. Just pay attention to your feelings. Get a guy that is capable of taking care and helping you. A guy that is as sweet as candy 😉 Somebody who you enjoy spending time with. That is my advice. Good Luck


          why don’t you try to talk to the father of your baby., about the 2 of you., i think you have to be honest., about your feelings so that you will know what you have to do ., for you to know where to place yourself! btw,. your living with each other., do you guys still having sex? knowing without any commitment., or whatever.,

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