My story.

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      Hey everybody :kiss: I’m 17 years old & my names Emma. I have a 6 month old daughter named Charlotte. Our story is pretty long & complicated, but I need to tell somebody about it, so here goes…..
      I’ve always been the good girl. Great family,straight A’s, all AP classes, VERY involved in theater. I was inocent but happy. Life was going pretty dang well. That all changed when I was at the beach with friends one day. I had gone to the snack bar to get a drink & boom I ran (literaly) into Tommy. I thought it was love at first site. Tommy is a “bad” boy. He had a complicated family life & like most young girls (I was 15 at the time) I thought I could fix him.
      We started going out & honestly everything was GREAT at first. I was getting through to him, & was changing his bad ways. He stopped drinking & smoking pot. Tommy treated me great. We were in in love. The kind of love that made other people sick.
      This lasted about 6 months- then his mom died. As bad as they had always gotten along- Tommy was broken. It killed me to see him like that. He soon went back to his old ways & he started treating me like crap. I put up with it though, because his mom had just died. I thought it was a phase.
      We started having sex- without protection & I got pregnant. As soon as I told Tommy he got angry. REALLY angry. He shoved me down the stairs & walked out. I kept calling him for 2 weeks, but he never called me back. Then I was about 3 months along, he sent a letter. Tommy said that he didn’t want to be in my life or the babies life. He signed his rights over & that was it. His never even seen her.
      Speaking of her…. Charlotte Ann was born on November 1, 2009. She’s my world. My family just adores her. Charlotte is funny, happy, playful, & everything else you would expect a 6 month old to be.
      As for me? Well I’m doing really well. I graduated high school early, & am now taking college classes online. Just taking life one day at a time & enjoying being a mommy :silly: I DO miss Tommy, more than words can say. But I know now that I can’t change him. I have to let him go, no matter how hard it is & how much it hurts.


        Hey mamaz good to hear that you are doing good =]
        Definitely let him go a man who is abusive doesnt belong around a little child who cannot protect them self you know where Im coming from? Keep up the good work tho
        Mother of a 2 week old baby boy

        stacy ann

          im glad to hear your doing well i had a baby last year august 10th 2009 n he is my world i was 17 and alot of people looked down at me i think im doing a really good job and my baby alays has what he needs us young mums do just aswell as older mums1! im proud tobe a single mum its hard buts= its so worth it waking up every mornin knowing i have a purpose in life. My bbys dad has no right to my baby and never will he left me as soon as i told him i was pregnant he chose a life of drugs i chose my baby boy1! your story really has made me feel alot better n sounds like ur doing a brilliant job1! ur better off without an abusive person in your life i realised that pretty much as soon as i had cameron joe1!! sounds like your doing an amazing job

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