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  • in reply to: Turning a New Leaf! #20874

    I am very happy for you. I am glad that you are being blessed with another child. NOt that it will ever take the place of your dd, but that it will share in the love you have in your heart still.

    KUP on your healthy pregnancy. 🙂

    in reply to: Loneliness =[ #20868

    I agree that you need a break. It will do you, your bf and your baby good.

    When I was your age with my first child, I was constantly the one to sit at home. ALl of my friends pretty much ditched me. I couldn’t do the things they could anymore. It was no fun. I made friends at school, but no one really understood what it was like.

    Fast forward 15 years and it still can be the same at times:woohoo: .

    I now have 2 more little boys who are so fun, yet so demanding. If you can, try to find a MOPS group near you. (They’re worldwide). You can even go onto the website. MOPS stands for Mothers of PreSchoolers, but it is for moms of children ages birth to 5 yrs old. They even have a teen mops.

    I love this group because all of the women are like me. It’s nice to be able to connect with moms in the same boat.

    in reply to: I don’t know what to do #20867

    Well, I can say that having a child with a boyfriend rather than a husband is a lot less fun. I’ve been on both sides of that street before and truly, it is way better to have children with your husband. That being said, I suggest that you hold off on having sex with your bf for a while.

    Is there any other reason that you think that you may be pregnant? Any other symptoms? You are still early to test positive, but it can be. I know that when you start thinking about a baby it can get exciting and you can actually get your hopes up for one. But trust me. It is a much better trip with your husband.

    in reply to: late period ?? #20866

    You should be able to def find out with another blood test in about a week. Your hcg levels will increase enough by then to tell if you are pg or not. I think it’s anything over 5 that is a positive pregnancy. Good Luck!

    in reply to: I’m not convinced. #20865

    The only symptom I had with my first child was a very strong sense of smell. I had no other symptoms. I found out I was actually pregnant when I was about 8 weeks along, or so.

    With my other babies, I had severe symptoms. Mostly fatigue and morning sickness. It didn’t hit me though until I already knew I was pregnant.

    Keep us posted!

    in reply to: advice needed =( #20814

    when I found out that I was pg, all I could think of was "oh my gosh, my dad and grandma are gonna know I had sex!"

    My mom knew because she was with me when I tested. My bf was really mad and scared and his mom hated me.

    You are really fortunate though to have a bf that isn’t pushing for an abortion. If he says that he’ll support you in "whatever" decision you make, that sound to me like he’s pretty ok with you having a baby.

    in reply to: help please!!!! =( #20813

    I’m not sure if another stae would let you. I’d tend to think no.

    But rather than an abortion, have you considered keeping our baby or adoption?

    in reply to: weight gain #20812

    As long as you are making good/healthy choices when you eat, I wouldn’t worry too much.

    I lost 27 pounds with each of my boys. Yes, 27!!

    You’ll eventually make it up. Just try to eat things like spinach for salads or oatmeal for cereals. If you’re trying to load up on calories to gain weight, eat loaded baked potatoes. Banana splits are also good!

    in reply to: Why doesn’t it seem real? #20811

    Yes, it could be that you were not anticipating having any children, that why it might not seem real. But it is!

    I didn’t *grow* with my baby until I was almost 6-7 months along. It will certainly become more "real" to you when you start to feel the baby move. Right now it’s normal to not feel much of anything. But it will come soon enough. Just wait till you are able to see the baby move around in your belly while you’re laying around. It’s pretty freakin’ cool. B)

    in reply to: Oh God. :( #20810

    I almost aborted my daughter. She is now almost 15! I am so glad I didn’t. Her dad didn’t want me to keep her, neither did his mom. It wasn’t easy, but I had to come to a place where I had to choose what was best for ME and for HER.

    I was really scared. I didn’t htink I could be a mom. I was also going to give her up for adoption, but in the end, decided not to.

    Your boyfriend may or may not stick around. That’s a sad reality. So if you were to think about him not being in the picture, would you even ever consider abortion? I’m proud of you for realizing that you have other, better options.

    in reply to: raspberry leaf tea, castor oil etc etc #20809

    It’s true that your body, along with the baby’s just "knows" when it’s time to be born. The hormone levels change in the uterus which sends signals to the rest of your body to get ready for the big day.

    A friend of mine has tied the Castor Oil and it did bring on labor for her. It also "cleaned her out". :blush:

    These things work on some people because it artificially stimulates your womb to contract, like the Braxton Hicks, mentioned earlier. It’s cramping and cramping, which not only helps to push out a baby, but it also pushes everything else out. :blink:

    If you’re not ready, you’re just not ready.

    in reply to: help me #20589

    It could be implantation bleeding.. Go take a test.

    in reply to: I dont know what to do.. #20588

    It sounds like you are considering abourtion because you are scared. That is a normal feeling when you find something out that you weren’t prepared for. But you say that your husband is supportive and has even told people that you are pg. That is awesome!

    If he sometimes acts like "it’s your decision" and doesn’t seem to care either way, it’s probably because he is scared too. He might figure that if you were the one to make a decision, then he wouldn’t make the *wrong* one, ya know? But if he has already told people about it, I’d think it is safe to assume that he is excited.

    HAving an abortion would definately change things between the two of you. Maybe you wouldn’t see it for a while, but later on in life it would be bound to come back up. After the birth of more childern could be especially hard, for both of you.

    If the two of you were committed to each other before you got pregnant, then count that as a blessing.

    You will not loose your life by keeping the baby. But you will change. It’s ineviatble. But you can do it! You’re really close to finishing your education and so is he. That is really awesome. You will come to a point where you don’t recognize yourself anymore, but it’s a good thing. I agree. You should not have an abortion.

    in reply to: please help….. #20587

    Well first of all, abortion is not your *only* option. Because you have already had a child, you know what to expect in terms of your body changing and things like that. That should relieve a little bit of fear, eh?

    With your parents, that’s a tough one. They want what’s best for you and are afraid for your future. Having one baby was probably a lot for them to take in, so two may freak them out. But remember…YOU are the mommy now. Not your mom. My two boys are close in age and I love it. It is hard in the beginning, but it does get easier, and they are so much FUN!

    God knows your situation. There isn’t anything about an unplanned pregancy that surprises him. :whistle:

    And you know what they call babies born within a year of each other?…"Irish Twins"..hahaha.

    in reply to: hehe #20586

    Do you have enough $ to buy a hpt? Before you freak out, find out.

    in reply to: May be in dire trouble… #20585

    If anything at all, it’s worth testing to set your mind at ease. But you seem to be aware that it would be extremely unlikely that you would be pg.

    in reply to: when should i stop breastfeeding #20584

    Well, most information says that as long as you are physically able, you should continue to bf for the first year. You ahve already given Sasha a great start in life by bf her this long. But the advantages of bf’ing aren’t only for her, they are for you too. You bond with your baby more by nursing them and it helps to keep u accountable to what you eat and drink as well. It also helps to keep off some added pounds even tho you look really thin anyway. 🙂 And babies are so much cuter when they’re chubby! And since you can’t give baby cow milk until 12 months of age, breast feeding is so much more affordable! Formula is very expensive. You’d go thru a can of powder every 2 days and each can is about $13.

    in reply to: Childhood Diabetes??? #20545

    Glad to hear she is ok. Thanks for the update.

    in reply to: Adoption vs. Keeping the Baby #20543

    ITA… babies don’t really cost that much when they are little, except for diapers and formula (great reason to breastfeed!)

    And if you find that money isn’t flowing that heavily and you need to ask for help…then do it! There are many agencies that are around to help.

    We never thought we could afford any of our children, but we have. God’s way of providing doesn’t always mean there is a check in your mailbox. But it can be a neighbor bringing over a box of wipes or a prepared meal.

    Take a deep breath. It will all come together! 😉

    in reply to: 1 month late #20542

    Although getting numerous negatives is pretty sure of not being pg, you still can ask for a blood test.

    I’ve been told that any spotting between periods is a hormonal issue, and that may explain why you’re having other symptoms as well. I’ve always been a regular kinda girl, but over the past 8 months or so, things changed.

    I’d suggest getting a blood test for sure.

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