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  • in reply to: Thank God thats over! now what about ultrasounds? #22983

    Most people do a ultrasound and I would say they are pretty accurate. I would not risk the amneo unless you HAVE to have it done. Best of luck. Jessica

    in reply to: TWINS #22978

    Kayla im very glad you and your babies are happy and healthy.

    in reply to: misuse of this site #22976

    I completly agree. I would never encourage a teenage to get pregnant. Infact I strongly believe you should be married for the childs sake. However if it is an “opps” and the mother decides to keep the child they should also know that they can continue to make a life for themself and their child.

    in reply to: fun, being free, vs having a baby without him #22975

    I’m sorry you feel this way….keep in mind I don’t know your whole story but here’s what I think from what you wrote. Your bf may just be worried about you having another misscarage which I know is driving you nuts but it sounds like he means well. High heels maybe you would fall etc etc. I had a baby 6 years ago and the dad didn’t worry about anything I did while I was pregnant, granted we never had a misscarage and he was just not the involved type. When I get pregnant again with my fiance after I am married he is going to drive me nuts. I know this already, he is going to worry about everything I do. Maybe attempt to put me in a bubble for 9 months. Men are kind of helpless in the whole pregnancy process and maybe this is his way of trying to protect both you and your baby. Keep in mind it is possible that the way you are taking things, mood swings and hormones change while you are pregnant and some this can just add to this problem. I rememeber several times being sad etc. When your not married pregnancy is a very scary thing because the unknown is scary. My advice would be to try to look at it like he is trying to protect you and have a talk with him (calmly as possible). Also keep in mind you brought your baby here so you should not resent it. I am here anytime to talk and I wish you the best.

    in reply to: pull out method… help #22947

    I would have to say that I agree with lilredheed on this one. You have got to use protection not only to not get pregnant but also to not catch a disease.

    in reply to: Is this a pregnancy symptom? #22944

    I know it’s easier said than done but being scared about it and worrying about it is not going to help the situation. Just wait a week or two and take a test. Best of luck. Jessica

    in reply to: 6 Months Of Being A Mum #22880

    It isn’t easy but kids are worth it. Six months is a very cute age enjoy because time will pass very quickly. Jessica

    in reply to: everyone says to forgive yourself #22876

    Forgiving takes time what you need to do is except that this has been done. I know it seems like forever now but the pain will decrease as time goes on. I know first hand because 8 years ago I was in your shoes and I thought I would never accept or forgive myself. To be honest even today I don’t know that I would say I have forgiven myself but accepted that I made that choice. My parents did influence my decision but in the end it was my call. As time goes on your life will take it’s paths and it will be hard to think what your life would be like if you had the baby. For example I had my abortion 8 years ago and two years after the abortion I got pregnant again, so now I have an almost 6 year old. She is my life and if I had that first baby I would not have my daughter. So although this is a really hard time for you it will mold you into the person you will ultimately become. I wish you the best of luck in accepting and I am here anytime to talk. Jessica

    in reply to: Help… #22864

    Hi and welcome to the site. I just wanted to let you know that I have been in your shoes twice, once at 15 almost 16 and again at 18. The first time I was pressured by my parents to have an abortion and it is something I will never forget. For years it was very difficult for me. I still remember the day my baby was supposed to be born. At 18 I got pregnant again and I KNEW I WAS GOING THRU WITH HAVING THE BABY. My daughter is now almost 6 and she is the best thing that ever happened to me. It did not ruin my life like my parents said it would. So sit back and think about it, you are the one that is going to have to live with this decision. Best of luck. Jessica

    in reply to: how do i tell my parents #22844

    They are right, it is not going to be easy and it will break your parents hearts but they will come around. Just stand you ground and know it will be fine long term. Best of luck. Jessica

    in reply to: i finally went through with it #22805

    jlawrence, I wish you the best. I was in your shoes not once but twice and did not know what to do. The people around you can and are a big influence but you need to remove everyone except you and the baby from the equation. In the end rain or shine thats who is going to be affected from this. I have done both at 16 I had an abortion and at 18 I had my daughter. I am now 24 and I would not change the “paths I chose’ for the world. Life has a funny way of working itself out. But just know that you can do it, you can raise a healthy happy baby and be there for all the bumps and bruises. Nothing is impossible and having a baby does not ruin your life or change your path unless you let it. I know for me I am a better person for having my daughter as a teen and more sucessful then I ever dreamed. So again remove everyone else from the equation and think about what you really want to do. At the end of the day you are the one making this decision. I am here anytime to chat. Best of luck to you. Jessica

    in reply to: positive. #22803

    Congrats and welcome back to the site. Best of luck. Jessica

    in reply to: Help with baby names!! #22784

    I’m really bad with names……..but how about Logan or Andrew. Best of luck. Jessica

    in reply to: "Knocked Up" #22783

    I thought it was a really funny movie. As weird as it sounds it shed some light on different issues new parents/a couple comes across.

    in reply to: misuse of this site #22782

    Autumn I agree with you. Having a baby as a teen only changes your direction in life if you let it. For me it made me a stronger person and my life is BETTER than I ever dreamed it would be. I had my daughter at 18 and she is almost six. Life is what you make of it. Jessica

    in reply to: night trouble driving me MAD!!! #22781

    Well my daughter is almost 6 now so forgive me for the lack of the when to do things time frame but can you give her the baby cereal before she goes to bed with breast feeding. I did this with my daughter (obviously start with only a little) and see how it works. This helped to hold her thru the night. I also did not talk to her or turn on lights in the middle of the night. If she had to be fed the lights would be off and it would be JUST for feeding not playing or cuddling etc. Hope this helps. Jessica

    in reply to: my heart will forever be broken #22769

    I know this is really hard to believe right now but the pain will ease with time. You will never forget but the constant thinking about it will eventually go away. I know what you are going thru I had an abortion 8 years ago and still I remember the day the baby was supposed to be born etc. This too will make you stronger. Hang in there as hard as that is right now. Jessica

    in reply to: My Story #22768

    I was thinking about your story the other night after I logged off. There has to be another option, if you want to keep the baby. Can a mother legally make you put your child up for adoption? (I really don’t know) Maybe call the crisis pregnancy line and see what they have to say. I am here to chat anytime. Best of luck, Jessica

    in reply to: im so nervous/scared/excited. idk what to do #22767

    Well I don’t know much about basketball practice but if you can maybe not practice until you find out. How many days since you missed your period? I would just say your not feeling well. If the practice is not that intense I don’t see any harm in it. Best of luck. Jessica

    in reply to: TOTALLY CONFUSED, NEED HELP #22766

    So what was the outcome?

    in reply to: am i pregnant???? #22765

    Well best of luck to you. Jessica

    in reply to: could i be pregnant? #22699

    I would say probably not. Are you stressing out about maybe being pregnant. This can cause some of the same symptoms. Best of Luck. Jessica

    in reply to: I think i might be pregnant #22691

    Well im sure your not surprised, with unprotected sex that is always a strong possibility. Best of luck. Jessica

    in reply to: Am I being paranoid? #22690

    Well as you well know avoiding taking the test is not going to change the result, just make you worry for longer. Best of luck. Jessica

    in reply to: My Story #22689

    Kayla, I am so sorry. I read your story and it gave me goosebumps. I can’t image what you are going thru right now. I am here to talk anytime. My heart goes out to you and your baby. Keep your chin up and if you need to chat im here.

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