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  • in reply to: I think i’m having synthoms but I don’t know. HELP #24687

    Hmmm…the symptoms you are experiencing do sound similar to pregnancy, but it could just be your period about to come of the flu. Before i found out i was pregnant, i was having flu like symptoms, i thought i had the flu. I had a cold, my body ached and i felt tired. Then i took a test and found out i was pregnant. You should definitely take a test soon. Good luck. πŸ™‚

    in reply to: misuse of this site #23383

    Omg, I definitely agree. This site has totally gone down hill. It seems like all these young girls took the site over and making it a trying to conceive website. I am so sick of seeing young teenage girls trying to conceive and having their little friends encourage them. makes me soooo mad too. I used to always come on this site, but it now seems really immature and full of little girls who don’t yet know what reality is.

    in reply to: I miss you ladies!!! #22579

    Hey Meg. I know what you mean about missing the old members and missing the new ones. I havent been able to come on here that much because I am so busy as well. I am taking 15 units of college this semester. My baby girl Emma is 4 months and 2 weeks. She is so amazing. She is 15 lb and 9.5 oz and shr is 26 inches, she is a tall girl. I miss you and I miss the old times of being on here, its sad. I will ttyl.

    in reply to: When is your due date? #20805

    I am due June 2. I am 31 weeks pregnant today!! πŸ™‚

    in reply to: The Baby Moves alot!! #20417

    Hmm..I think i started feeling little flutters around 18 or 19 weeks, but then i started feeling little kicks around 21 weeks. I am 24 weeks and 4 days and feel them all the time now.

    My due date it June 2, 2008.

    *we are due so close together, thats so exciting. Are you having a boy or girl??

    in reply to: Big belly!! #20416

    I started actually showing around 17 weeks. But from 14 weeks to 16 weeks my stomoach was getting bigger, just not too noticable. I am now 24 weeks and 4 days and I am definitely showing now. I think you will start to get the belly soon!!

    in reply to: when did you find out if your baby was a boy or gi #20415

    I found out I was having a girl when i was 16 weeks and 6 days pregnant, but that was because I had a 3d-4d ultrasound for fun.


    in reply to: Plleeeeassse give me some postive reassurance #20158

    No, I dont think you are pregnant. I think that since you took the pill an hour after, that you are okay. Some people do get pregnant while on the pill (my mom got pregnant with me while on the pill), but it is rare. As long as you take your pill everyday then you are okay, it doesnt even need to be at the same time everyday. Also, my doctor said you are allowed to miss one pill in the whole month and you will be okay, but once you miss more then one it wont work as well or not work at all.

    Good luck girl!! πŸ™‚

    ps: You have a very beautiful daughter.


    in reply to: prenatal care costs? #20133

    Well, so far I have been on Medicaid and it has all been completely free. The reason I was on that insurance was because I didnt have my insurance near by where I used to live. Since I just moved, I will now have to pay co-pays of $10 or $15 co-pay everytime I go to the doctors, which is pretty cheap. I got my prenatal vitamins from longs drugs and the doctor said they are just as good as the ones you get from the doctor. The vitamins were under $10 from longs drugs, which is also pretty cheap.

    I think that as long as you have good insurance then you will be fine. But you will need to get the baby indurance right when it is born. Unless you are on medcaid, then you and the baby for 6 months after the baby is born will have insurance for free and all your doctor visits will be free too.

    I hope I helped and I hope I didnt write it too confusing!! Write back if you dont understand something I wrote!


    in reply to: Fun thread… Were You Convinced?? #20065

    Haha, I totally 100% thought I was having a boy. Everyone that knew me even thought I was having a boy. But, Guess what….Its a Girl!!! I am still very shocked and kinda think it may still be a boy….I guess I am in denial. But I am very happy either way. πŸ™‚

    in reply to: Please Pray for me #19441

    Oh Meg, i am so sorry. I just prayed for you that you and your baby will be okay. I will keep praying for you. I know how much you want this baby and I think that if you keep thinking positive then your baby will be okay. You are probably too early in pregnancy to see the heartbeat. How far along are you? How far along do the doctors think you are? You deserve this baby, and this baby deserves you. I think everything will be okay, just keep thinking positive.

    you and your baby are in my prayers.

    -heather xoxox

    in reply to: 5 & 1/2 Months and I need help #19368

    If I were you I would apply for low income housing. My boyfriend and I are actually going to apply for that as well. Low income housing is usually an apartment that is really cheap. You pay as much as you can per month. Like if you only made 400 a month, you would probably only pay about 150 a month to live there. It all depends on how much you make as to how much your rent will be. You should try to get a job at a fast food. Fast food placces are always hiring. I worked at taco bell, mcdonalds and parkers hot dogs. I know that no one likes to work at fast food, but sometimes we just have to, to be able to save money. If you work at fast food 4 days a week for 5 hours a day, you could make about 150 a week, which would then be around 560 (I took tax away) a month. I think that would be the best way to go. I hope I helped. Write to me if you have any other questions. πŸ™‚


    in reply to: spicy food? #19367

    No, it is not bad for the baby. I eat so much spicy foods too. you can eat anything except too much sweets/candy and caffeine.

    in reply to: Baby #3 on the way!!! #19266

    Yay!!! congradulations!!!! We are both due in June, it will be an experience we can share together. I am sooo happy for you and your husband.


    in reply to: Has anyone had trouble with the fathers 2?? #19248

    Hmmm…I think your pregnant or the only other reason why you would get a positive preg test is if you had a rare ovarian cysts which causes a positive pregnany test. Or you are just so early in pregnancy and your hcg levels arn’t that high in your blood yet. If I were you I would go back in a week and get a blood test again, I know that a week is sooo long away, but that is the only thing you can do. And if the blood test comes back negative, then I think you arent pregnant, and something may be wrong which you should then get checked out. But there are no foods that can cause a positive pregnancy test, so It is either your preggers or you have a rare ovarian cysts. I hope I helped hun!!!


    in reply to: "Knocked Up" #19042

    That movie was sooo good. It seemed very realistic. It was very funny and intertaining!!!

    in reply to: Is she CRAZY?!?!?! #18976

    yeah, that would make me really mad too. I don’t understand why a family member would say something like that. I think that over time your aunt or mom will get used to the fact that you have a baby and will accept it. I would just tell them that I love my child more than anything and would never give them up for anything in the world. I guess there is nothing you can do about it to change their minds just yet, except waiting over time for their opinions to change positively. good luck.


    in reply to: AM I PREGNANT EVEN THOUGH I WAS ON MY PERIOD??? #18975

    I am not sure if your pregnant. If you were pregnant and had a "period", then it wasnt a period, it was inplantation bleeding. I got a positive preg test 8 dpo, which was 7 days before my missed period. So you may get a positive test if you try now. I would just wait if i were you though in about a week i would test. good luck

    in reply to: am i #18914

    I would take a test if I were you. At least you would feel better after you took it. Or you should just go to the doctors to get a test done. You sound pregnant to me. I had all those symptoms 4 dpo. If I were you I would start taking more care of my body just in case you are pregnant. Congradulations if you are!


    in reply to: Should I Take A Test? #18913

    I would definitely take a test if I were you. I took a preg test 7 days before my missed period and it turned out positive. If you take one and it shows up negative, I would wait a week or sooner and test again. Or you can always go to the doctors and get a blood test because blood test can tell if your pregnant a week after you conceived. I hope all goes well. Take care.


    in reply to: SIDS scare! #18871


    I learned all about sids in an early childhood education course I took and usually a baby will die of SIDS in a 1 in 500 chance. I think you will be okay. Try not to worry about it too much. You should have your baby sleep in a crib in your room for about 6 months.

    read this, it is important information concerning SIDS (you may have read this already):

    Risk Factors:

    The major risk factors are:
    1. Maternal Smoking
    2. Poor prenatal care
    3. Low birth weight
    4. Hard drug use
    5. Young maternal age.
    6. baby sleeping on stomach (make sure they are always sleeping on their back and that there are no blankets around which could make them suffocate)

    Oddly the majority of the deaths occur during winter months, males more commonly the victim, and the second child is more susceptible than the first. The average age of a SIDS victim is about four months.

    I am sure you and your baby will be okay. Talk to your doctor more about it because they may know more important information concerning SIDS.



    in reply to: any suggestions?? #18865

    yes, i think you can definitely be pregnant. Your symptoms sound like you may be pregnant or your period is due to start. Just wait a few more days to take a test and if it still is negative then you should get a blood test. Do you want to get pregnant?


    in reply to: Why do I let him do this? #18839

    Oh wow, that sounds very stressful and sad for you. I am so sorry you are going through this, it is no fair at all. Well, I personaly feel you schould definitely NOT get back with him. Stop taking him back, he is just an ass whole that acts like he loves you when he wants sex. He sounds like a major jerk to me. For one, since he is seeing another girl behind your back, that shows he is not loyal and committed with you. You need someone who you know will always be by yourside and your babys side and that you know will never leave you. You and your baby deserve the best. Please dont let your feeling of not wanting to be alone take charge. Just know that you can do better and will eventually find the man that will treat you with the respect you need. Also you dont want your child to be around him, because you will never know when he will just walk out of you and you kid. You dont want your kid to never know if his or her dad will come back. I hope I helped hun. I am truely sorry.


    in reply to: My boyfriend dont want my baby anymore #18818

    Well, first I am sorry you are going through this feeling so alone. That must really be hard. It seems your boyfriend is really imature for texting you telling you that…that is something he should at least say in person, not through a stupid text message. He needs to step up to the plate and be a man. If I were you, I would just say, "fine, I dont care, I know me and the baby will be just fine without you. and i am sure I will meet a wonderful guy in the near future and he will be the dad…not you". haha, he would probably get so jealouse if you said something like that. Just let him know that he can be replaced easily. Let him think about your baby calling some other man daddy, that should make hime think twice. Hehe, well i hope i helped.

    in reply to: Some-one Help Me Please! #18816

    Aww dont worry hun, everything will be okay. All I have to say is please please please dont abort your baby. This is your baby, and no one elses. Your boyfriend abviouscly doesnt care about you or your baby together. He is being really selfish. Who cares if he wants you to have an abortion, because it is not up to him, is it? It is up to you and no one else. Your boyfriend may change his mind over time and accept the fact that you both will be having a baby, just give him some time. And i am sure you will be a wonderful mother with or without a boyfriend. Listen to the song on this website, it is the best song, I always listen to it. Go up to the top of the page and click on control panel, then click play….then click on the name Courtney Spears…then click on her name again and her song should play.

    -heather xoxo

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