I miss you ladies!!!

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      Hey all, I just wanted to give an update on my very busy life. I miss coming on here and spending time getting to know the new comers and hanging out talking with the old timers but this season has been a busy one for me. I will be on more often in the months to come I am sure but for now I have 4 kids in school and one who is still so dependent on me. Despite some post partum depression we are all doing great. I fed little Tabitha some cereal and applesauce for the first time today and she LOVED it!! She is a good eater and is even heavier than a friends baby who is two months older, she is just full of rolls and chins. I miss you all but I wanted to let you know that I am keeping up on your postings and praying for many of you and I am still here for you, it just might take me longer to write back than it used to, I am so proud of all of you who have recently decided to keep your babies that is such an awesome Stand Up thing to do and for those who are living the every day life of single moms, you make me so proud and I know that you will continue to do an amazing job as mommies. I may not be too active on here right now but I never neglect to check in and see what is new in your lives, I hope to post more soon but I am off to get some sleep while I can. Love you ladies and talk to you soon…Love Meg


        Haha I’m sure that you are busy. I don’t think that anyone expects you to be on here as often as you used to. You have given some great advice to me over the past months and I still thank you so much for that! Enjoy your little girl. 🙂


          aww thats so precious! im glad to hear everything is going good with you.. i miss you too mussy!!


            Hey Meg. I know what you mean about missing the old members and missing the new ones. I havent been able to come on here that much because I am so busy as well. I am taking 15 units of college this semester. My baby girl Emma is 4 months and 2 weeks. She is so amazing. She is 15 lb and 9.5 oz and shr is 26 inches, she is a tall girl. I miss you and I miss the old times of being on here, its sad. I will ttyl.


              Thanks for giving us an update on your life! 🙂 We miss you too, but I can imagine that you must not have much time to come on here anymore.
              Tabitha sounds SO cute! 🙂

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