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  • in reply to: 14 months after the abortion #28793

    hey hun!

    ive been there, please if you need to talk or justs omeone to listen, send me a message, its been 6+ years since mine…and i still remember it all liek it was yesterday πŸ™

    in reply to: Maybe pregnant #28316

    hello Tiana, Im Monika.

    What youre describing sounds quite a lot like implantation bleeding, that happens when the fertilized egg implants in the uterine wall….yet it could only be a super short period. i would make a hpt just to be safe, and know for sure.

    tell us how it went, and good luck!

    in reply to: I choose life, partner chooses abortion #28247

    im so sorry youre goin through this.

    i had an early abortion, and it affected my whole life, and after YEARS of feeling awfull, i am slowly startin to forgive myself for what i did.

    but late abortions, i am agains them, why? my girls were born around 23 weeks, they were ALIVE, and they are completely formed, not just a fetus like a baby is at 7 weeks.

    what i am tryin to say is, if you got to 22 weeks, you made your decision, you WANT this baby, do not go through an abortion cause life would be easier for your SO after it, because it surely wouldnt be easy for you…


    in reply to: 2 weeks, #28170

    ok are you telling me like its my fault that he killed himself? seriously now?

    in reply to: i just want… #28086

    Meg11 wrote:

    Oh I love you too and I hope you know that it is truly the Lord who loves you through me! I am just His hands and feet! <3

    welll my way of thinkin still didnt change THAT much πŸ˜‰ but i will try to think about how i like his hand and feet lol:D

    in reply to: i just want… #28084

    oh i suck i havent even seen that.

    thank you Meg….you know you are the one who changed my way of thinkin…and i looove yooouuuuu***

    thank you melissa

    in reply to: Mum pushing Abortion #28080

    imsorry to hear about your mom, but i am sure once she will hold the baby she will feel better. or maybe ivite her to your next ultrasound appointemnt? i know my mum wasnt really happy when i told her that i was pregnant, but once she saw my girls moving around she way crying tears of joy and happines.

    now to the financial situation, can you get a job? in a abr, in a shop, anywhere, any amout of money will be helpul, so that you wont need to worry about all the baby stuff you will need, and also so you will be able to focus just on the baby in the first few weeks when he / she is born.

    you go to school? KEEP ON GOING. if not, go back and try to do as many credits as you can. make somethin out of yourself so that your baby will be super proud on you.

    it may sound hard BUT YOU CAN DO IT. so many of us did it, you can too!

    in reply to: im so scared…. #28079

    hei baby girl! i am sorry you feel ‘trapped’ but whats done its dne, its time for you to step up and tell your parents. tell them you messed up, that you know that, but that you are ready to take responsibility for the cosequences.
    its important that you tell them cause you need special care now, you need to start taking prenatal vitamins, and just take good care of yourself, remember, you are growin a beautiful baby inside right in this moment when you are reading this, babies heart is pounding your blood through his tiny body, forming and formin lookin more and more like a human person.

    we allways think how bad our parents will react, what they will think about us, how mad they will be… we never think about that after the first shock will be gone, they WILL support us, specially if your mom is a real, true christian, she will be 100% behind your back, helping you every way possible.

    good luck!

    in reply to: anyone from the UK? #27855

    not frfom the UK but i am from europe too πŸ˜‰

    in reply to: really confused :S #27844

    hei girl!

    im sorry.

    lie i told you yesterday i think you had a chemical pregnancy. that is when you find out youre pregnant even before your period is late, and your digitsl one saying you were 3/4 weeks, i asume thats the case.

    and then miscarry just around the time your period is due (1 / 2 weeks later)

    im sorry!

    in reply to: Addiction and unplanned pregnancy #27818

    i would focus my mind on the baby. would you really be able to destroy his life, just because you ”couldnt” stay away from the stuff for 9 months?

    the truth is, it would be YOUR fault if there were somethiung wrong with the baby.

    talk to your doctor, there are people who can help you with it, its going to sound rude but you need to keep yourself together for those 9 months, so that youll have a healthy, precious baby, and stay away from the meds too
    and realize, that you have to grow up now, be a responsable adult, who is in charge of another precious life, and do all in your power to assure him a healthy start.

    in reply to: Cramping during pregnancy? #27817

    having cramps during pregnancy is totally normal. your uterus is streching and that causes cramps.

    as long youre not having any bright red bleeding i wouldnt worry, and since lookin at your ultrasound pics youre 12 weeks +, i would ask your OB at your next appointment, and for now just relax and not stress about it.

    in reply to: Hey, Im Back….-update! #27814

    hhheeeiii girlie =) welcome back! cant wait to see pics of the kids!!!

    in reply to: New Chapter #27813

    having to decide to what college you will go is allways hard, no matter if your a mom or not.

    well..being a mom makes it a lil bit harder cause there will be a bit more planing and organisation needed.

    like i see it…you got into some good colleges, i would catch that opportunity cause if there will be a job opening and they will get 100 people applying for it…having a degree out of a well known college will be a big plus by getting the job.

    it sucks but thats the way the economy works, sad but true, and cause of that id do it. find a party time job so youll have the money for daycare, and look around, cause some colleges have day care for their students children on campus and its a bit cheaper than normal daycare.

    good luck!

    in reply to: I’m starting to wonder…any advice? #27812

    as for now it sounds more like a stomach bug combined with stress.

    wait till your period is late (if she will be) and then make a test, thats the only way so really that youll know.

    good luck!

    in reply to: later #27811

    maybe just stress?

    breath and try to relax! aaannddd keep me updated=)

    in reply to: How did you tell your parents #27783

    hei there, im Monika:O)

    welll your parents were saying that you shouldnt have a kid before 25 simply because they had one in their teenage years, and they know how hard it is, and like all parents, they wanted to protect you.

    i bought some teacups with sayings worlds best granma, and worlds best granpa. i was 18 at that time too, m mom was kind of disappointed but became supportive the minute she went to my US appointment and saw my babies move πŸ™‚

    i would just sit down with your parents and say, mom dad…we need to talk. thats the best way just tell them how it happened. they will probably be pissed at first-knowing they had a baby when they were even younger than you, but they will come around.

    in reply to: abortion at age 15 #27736

    hei there.

    im so sorry that you had to go through this… i went through one when i was 16, and really…like Eva said there is no fast fix to it. there will be ups and downs, and most likely it will be on your mind all the time. but it will get easier. like all the things get with time- mmm i think you somehow…learn to live with it. but first o, you will have to forgive yourself. the more you will hold on to it, blame yourself…you will just fall into a depression and everything will be even harder- i speak out of my own experience.

    talk. write. research. thats what helped me. the research part hurt m,e at first, oh so much… but then i … i dont know, i named my baby, i started having some ‘rituals’ just the aborted baby and i, and it helped. i wrote about it, a lot, and i was talking about it, and that helped me, not having to have the emotions in my self, but lettin them out, express them to people who have been through the same.

    know, you are not the only one. if you ever want to talk, im here.


    in reply to: Fresh Emotional Recovery #27524

    hello honey!

    i am so sorry you feel this way, i wish i could help you someway…maybe with being here for you? you can pm and we will talk, im a good listener!

    well i hope its not too much to ask…but why have you waited that long to get the abortion? im not judging, just want to understand…

    i have had an abortion too. and i needed lots…lots of time to somehow accept it. it will be 4 years this year, yet there are days when i think about the baby i aborted and feel bad..



    in reply to: Why.Do.I.Feel.Bad #27523

    i am really sorry you are going through this.

    i know you feel bad about what you did, but i also know that you love the baby you aborted. these two things is impossible to put together for someone who didnt have an abortion.

    i hope life will get sunny for you soon, and your friends will see that you are still the same person you were before. if they wont…im sorry but then they just arent your REAL friends!

    whenever you need to talk, please PM me.



    in reply to: 9 days late , 2 negative home tests , symthoms.. #27507

    lol if your period is 9 days late you wouldnt be 2 weeks pregnant silly πŸ™‚ the pregnancy is counting from the first day of your last period, so that yould make you 6 weeks, and the HPT’s would probably catch it.

    it may be just your hormones playing tricks on you, and you researching that much on preg. symptoms can make your body ”fake” them .

    my hormones were playing like that with me too, once i was more than 3 weeks late (my period is usually like the clock, 26 days in the morning, from like..the begining.

    good luck toy a!

    in reply to: I lost my son #27497

    i am so sorry for your loss, even tho i know words will not do anything, and you are probabl tired of saying thank you.

    i have lost my twin daughters a year and a half ago. it hurts. it hurts really bad. there are ups and downs, i do not wanna lie to you and say that it gets easier with time, that the pain eases, cause it doesnt.

    you just…learn to live with that pain, on some days it still seems unbearable…but…somehow you hang on.

    if you ever want to talk, please feel free to PM me.



    in reply to: HELP #27073

    he can not MAKE YOU abort, but he IS THE FATHER and he does have the right to know it. it will be his choice if he will be in the childs life or not, but he doess have the right to know it.

    in reply to: pregnant? not pregnant? #27009

    the doc’s are thinking you are pregnant? why didnt they simply make a blood test, the hgc hormones sre shown there much sooner than in pee?

    in reply to: i think gods punishing me #27001

    putting all that mess you wrote together i assume you are talking about abortion?

    thats how it ends up usually..thats how it was for me too, i felt ugly, dirty, ashamed, guilty, a bad person, and
    my BF moved on and was acting like we didnt kill a part of him too, like the baby we aborted was just mine.

    talk to him, tell him whats going on with you, cause i didnt, i had the feeling that he just didnt or didnt want to understand (and who kno’ws, maybe i was right) and we ended our relationship after 3 years.

    if you ever need…maybe just a person who will listen to you, you can PM me whenever you want!+

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