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Participantits a good movie- iv watched it over and over- but yes its
not that easy and stressfree as they make it seem.cheried
Participantxstarr- yes you could very well be pregnant !
missing your period is one of the first/common
signs of pregnancy. if you think you are the only way is to
take a test – better ind out now that later!!!!!
`~god bless~cheried
Participanti think any girl who goes for a abortion or has a miscarriage,
at some point longs for the feelling of a baby inside them.
i know i did- i mis carried in april i hit huge depression,
now im 15 weeks pregnant and i got my full familys support and that of my boyfriends
its going to be hard yes but its a chance im willing to take.
i know that i will give my all for that child- to give it a good life.
i know for a fact even if things dnt work out between
the father and i – he will never abandon his child.
but good luck hun!:cheer:cheried
Participantwell god would never give us something we cannot handle!
dont worry to much about your bf!
im glad your mom is supportive- its always a big help!
all the best*** chercheried
Participanthi hunny- i dont think you must get to worried to fast-
it is very possible to have a period and be pregnant
but very unlikey, to me if you get your period like normal 4-5 days
then there is a small chance you are pregnant-
-brown blood can also just be old blood thats being cleaned out!
– a normal period starts off light – goes heavier- then light
again when its about to end.
– stress could also cause your period to do wacky things
– plus you on the pill- which can change the flow from time to time.
– your mind can also play tricks on you- it may be telling
you, you have all the symptoms when infact its just the stress
-(but dnt get me wrong there could be a chance you preg.)
i think before you start to stress get hold of a test
and test- if you not preg get checked out by a doc as to why
you bleeding and spotting.cheried
Participanthoney home birth is even more than giving birth in a hosptial
cos the doctor needs to actually come to your house
and monitor you once you go into labour
i know cos my mom asked our gyne- just to get a private room
in a hospital to give birth is like a extra R5000
its a tough one- cos i got myself onto Fed Health
just b4 i got pregos- even if you were to try get on medical
aid now they wont cover anything to do with the
pregnancy!you will only get cover if you in a accident-
but not the baby!
south africa is a hard place there no help –
thank goodness i am on one.
maybe try tslking to your folks first and see wat the say
let me kno how you go!!!cheried
Participanti know how you feel- im 14 weeks along- all my friends here “disowned me”
but hey.. its not about them its about my child now.
oh boy i get emotional days to where i just want to be alone.
i think its all the raging hormones haha.
who knew creating a life would effect ones body so much!
hope you start feeling happy all the best:Pcheried
Participantyou havent mentioned if you been sexually active and things like that.
if you have been sexually active before the time your first period was
missed- there is a possibility of pregnancy.
if you have not been it could be a cause of stressing,
not eating right or just hormones and your age.
if you think you pregnant get a test- a home test should be accurate by now
if you have missed it for 2 months alreadycheried
Participanti think it sounds like implantation- i wouldn worry to much about
your parents i ,ean you got a stable home and you
doing just fine!
if you are preg let us all know
Welcome to the site
Participanthiya hunny- hmm it sounds like your in a very stable relationship
im 14 weeks pregos- fight with my bf constantly-
lol- well it seems you really want this baby- and talking to your parents
and knowing they behind you 100% im sure is a huge relief.
how does your bf feel? is he ready to have a baby?
i know the disappointment and grief one experinces with a loss
or failure of pregnancy . i had it myself.
i think if you really feel strongly about this then you
should consider marrage, then have a baby- but there lots
of people who have children then get married..
Best of luck hunny!!cheried
Participantlol hun im glad you over the shock and you excited
now thats how it should be!!!!!
have a great day B)cheried
Participanthmmm- its a hard one- it does not sound like you are pregnant,
but you could get pregnant- symptoms usually only kick in from about 5
weeks, but everyone is different-
the bleeding- well its unlikey its implantation bleedeing,
implantation happens about 8 days after conception and its a very light
bleeding- kind of like spotting- a light reddish pinkish to brownish
i would say before you freak out, wait untill your period is due
of it does not come then take a test.
try not stress though- it can cause your period to
come early or it could delay your period!
good luck luv:)cheried
Participantif the pregnancy is unexpected it wil be a huge
shock to the system- but soon you will come to terms with
seeing those two lines on the test.
if you pregnant its going to show positive whether you
take it now or later, so y not find out now- for your
health and the babys
best of luck!!!!B)cheried
Participanti think you should tell them asap- i waited till
i was 12 weeks along- by then they already suspected
something was wrong. i was so scared cos my dad was like that
to, saying ah if you fall preg i dnt even wanna kno,
i ended up telling my younger sister which is 14
and she told my parents while i was not home,
my dad was more upset i never told him earlier, when i got
home we sat down and spoke- time heals everything-
my mom pushed for abortion the 1st few days- but now she buying
baby things already. for any parent its a shock-
its a big step in their little girls life,
just try pluk up courage and tell them- it takes a
huge amount of stress off your shoulders- maybe have
a friend or close family member with you- i felt safer with my sister there.haha(:laugh:
best of luckcheried
Participantits very rare that you get a false positive
home tests are pretty reliable
yep i would say your preggies alright!
the thing is you said your period has not come for 10 months now.
that means your period stopped even before you came pregnant
for some reson, you should get yourself checked out asap
for your health and your babyscheried
Participanthmmm it sounds like implantation bleeding .
it could could also be caused from stress.
wait untill your period is due if it does not come
take a test and see what the outcome is- best of luckcheried
Participantif you have missed your period, its a good indicator
that you are infact prego!
you can take a test on he day of your missed period-
usually it is accurate by then, if it comes back negative
and you still have the feeling you preggies, test again
in about a week.
you should not be embarrassed at all- :cheer:
hope it turns out ok hunny!cheried
Participantyour story made me realise that there are others
out there who definately have it worse than i
you see im one of four kids in my family.
and its crazy- also money is a huge problem thats why im grateful
to be working and i can pay my way through this pregnancy.
why dont you try talking to your brother? if that dont work
maybe try tell someone in your family that you trust.
think if somethings happens to him. you going to feel even
worse cos you knew what he was doing.
one day he will thank you for “Ratting him out”.
i think at the moment the whole world is in so much of
a uproar, every family that is fairly big, has huge amounts
of stress, coping with the prices of everything.
maybe your dad has personal problems or emotions
– and he deals with
it by taking his anger out in other ways.
if you feel you more relaxed at your boyfreind, tell your
parents you would like to go there more often “to get away and unwind”
try doing yoga or breathing that might help relax you.
i hope everything gets better- you ant afford to stress your
body like this now- you come a long way
all the best- God blesscheried
Participantit is very normal- especially when it is a shock-
time heals anything- it will work out.
relax and enjoy this pregnancycheried
Participanthi hunny, i know how you feel i just told my parents
a week ago, my mom wanted nothing to do with me
but now she is ok,
there is a life growing in you now! life is precious!
your parents will be upset but they will love that baby.
try not stress to much! it all works outB)cheried
Participanti dont think you could be luv… but maybe take a test jus to make sure (if you are scared) it should be accurate by now
Participanthi hun, maybe it implantation bleeding, you could be pregnant, get a preggies test just to be sure.:)
Participantthanks so so much for everyone that gave me advice it has really made me think,
last night i spoke to my boyfriend i was at his house at the time and he said to me we should keep it. i got a feeling that it was all going to be okay.
when i got home he called me and said his mom and him had a huge fight and she said im not allowed in their house anymore. i dont know if anyone has had this but you treat your bf parents with such respect and you get treated so horribly in return.
then he started with the doubts where we cant have this child because of his mom. it like he trying to play mind games with me.he also said he had told one of his friends and that friend said if we know what is best for us i will go through with the abortion. my bf keeps telling me that we have plenty time for kids and because im so early still it wont matter if i abort it.:dry: