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Participanthey yes the pill takes 2wks to kik in, in that time u can become preg, u have to take it the same time everyday n if u forget to take it then the next day u should take the 1 u missed plus the one for that day, the only thing im confused about is weather u wer already on the pill wen u got ur period, if so, then the pill mus be makin it heavier and the pill has sum side effects like weight loss or gain n tender breasts etc maybe it u body adjustin to the pill…. hope iv helped
Participanthey congrats on ur pregnancy,my baby also due in june! in my opinion men omly get better or worse wen the time cums to face the reality of their actions and it seems ur man wants to be in your babies life coz he is trying to change 4 d better….
Participanthey gabby, um sometimes men dont like to talk about their feelings and they deal with it better in their own way,and it probably pains him to talk about it, or think about it so he rather just avoid it, he wants to be ‘strong’, and that could be his personal way of dealing with it which is not a bad thing as long as its not changing who he is, we girls need to get our feelings out in the open and vent before we can deal with them but that doesnt mean all men are like that and we as females also feel the need to know or would like to know our partners every thought and feeling lol and want them to express it,but not all men are comfortable with it and forthcomming… i think you should not ask him anymore about it, he clearly doesnt want to discuss it and thats ok as long as you dont see him changing like something eating him up inside… so save yourself the arguments and fights and be happy and enjoy ur pregnancy, i dont think he takes this as a cover up for the baby you lost but maybe he sees this as a way to bring light and happiness into your lives and i know you both deserve it 🙂
xoxox mwah!
Participantwoah how simmilar can 2 stories be…
im 17 married mom 2 a 13month old, 6months preg wit numb 2, i also found out wen i was 18weeks preg, i also had no symptoms,i also was on birth control (the pill and breastfeedin) and like u i also felt like i would be robbing my (then 10month old) of the attention she deservd plus we are not in the best financial sittuation….
i really dont know wat advice to giv u except that it will be ok, sure he will go a lil nuts wen he hears the news but wats done is done and its no use fighting it, the sooner you both accept it the better, its not like u planned it intentionally, its just destiny, and wen ur husband sees and holds your lil one the day he/she is born, he will know that its worth it, i also think the earlier u tell him the better so that u can make a financial plan like saving more or a extra part time job and another reason u shud get it out in the open is so u can go to the doc n make sure all is well sincing u had complications last time roundbest of luck xoxoxo
Participantcongrats hun! all i can say is follow ur heart n motherly instinct,i understand that u r still hurt from the first pregnancy but maybe that experience can aid u in this pregnancy, u can be more clear about the choices u make coz u know the conseqences, im sooo glad to hear that u are gettin stronger eveyday and maybe this baby is here to help that healing process, and althou this baby will never replace the 1 u lost, he/she will make life better, i dont know what happend with ur daughter so im sorry i cudn giv u better advice but im very happy that u are doin well 🙂
take care xoxox
Participanthey sweetpea i think u need some professional help, healing takes time and u have to find a way to express what u are feeling, i think the reason it gettin worse is coz u holding it in which is not good for you, if u are not comfortable with a professional councellor then yawk to someone you trust n bear your soul, but it mus be someone who will really listen… my best wishes are with you, good luck, n if u wana talk, feel free
Participanthey my almost 14month old started throwing tantrums at 12months of age! wen they started they were frequent but now have subsided to once in a while, i ignored her wen she threw a tantrum for something small or dangerous things like me takng a scissor away from her, she was welcum 2 scream as loud as she wanted coz they need to express their feelings, soon she saw that it was gettin her nowhere so she has jus cum to terms wit it, and when she does nawty things and throws thing around, i giv her a time out, accordin to parenting magazines they say u should giv 1 min per year of life, so if u hav a 5yr old for eg then a 5min time out is sufficent, the trick with this is that even if they say sorry u still giv them the time out they need to learn that they cant get away with it, then wen time out is iver its time to forgiv n forget, giv hugs n kisses n carry on wit life, i hav a much happier emotionally balanced girl
Participantwell im almost 17,lost my viginty at 14 married at 15, mom of a 1year old and 6months into my second pregnancy,so let me tell u from experienceccc its not a simple thing to just abort like u seem to think nor is it to raise a baby,its deeper then that n u only realize how deep once ur in it! like u said, u only 13, u really should be more careful n not have unprotected sex and as they say…. prevention is better then cure, n in this case the cure isn really a cure coz wateva decision u make will be life long n change ur life dramatically… please be more responsible, ur just a kid, enjoy life, havce fun growin up…. but do it responsibily… good luck hope everything works out for the best
Participanthey jus relax dont stress coz that can make ur period cum late, look either wait a week or two then take a hpt or do a blood test and ul hav ur answer, keep an eye out for other signs as its still early to tell, hope everything goes well and keep us updated
Participanthey a home remedy for teast infection is plain yoghurt, but its most effective if u have a burning sensation lol its crazy but foolproof hope it helps
Participantblood test will giv u an accurate reading no matter how early, good luck
Participanthey ur only 7days late, i suggest waitin another week 2 avoid gettin incorrect results…but u have to take a test to know once and for all, and if ur not, theres still time…. best of luck
Participanthey hun, be greatful that u hav a man who wants to support u n isnt threatning to leave u or not support u unless u abort! i think u shud jus wait till u take a test n discuss the avenues thereafter with him, its better to make decisions with the correct facts rather then ‘what if’s and maybies’
Participanta blood test shud put ur mind at ease or a scan
Participanttake s test, put the mind at ease…
good luck 🙂nadza
Participantyeah u wont get ur period if u did fall preg, n if u miss ur period u can take a test n c if u r, sum tests can tell b4 ur period is due most preg tests can pick up a pregnancy at 2weeks or more… also u myt experience preg symptoms lyk nausea, cramps, tender breasts, needing to wee alot etc etc…
good luck, hope everthing turns out for the best xoxo
Participanthey, whoeva told u that is nuts! life isnt over, not even close, im 16 n a mum of a 1yearold girl n preg wit baby numb 2 and altho evry1 is being judgemental of me, n i didnt plan either pregnancy, im happy coz i hav my hubby by my side n my family…
life is, what u make it out to be, anything is possible if u set ur mind to it n a baby makes ur life worth living!
Participanthey im 16 and mother 2 a 1year old and preg for the second time and not terminating it, jus wanted to tell u that i know what u mean wen u say that it wud be stressful coz thats the same thing that worried me, if my hubby wasn there to support me i dont think i wud be able to cope, im sorry for the dillema u r facing and if the abortion was unsuccessful, i hope u will consider keeping the baby…
my love is with u and be strong, good luck and i hope everything works out for u xoxox
Participantyou go girl!!! prove em all wrong!!
Participanthey i dont think u cud be preg coz u still bled the next day, also the body takes a while 2 adjust after births and miscarraige, the hormone levels need to stabalize and u wont be very fertile in this adjustment period
im sooooo sorry for ur loss and i wish u d best xoxo
Participanthey it sounds to me likec’spotting’, its wen the placenta is lying abit low so u get a pinkish brownish discharge, um the only thing i know you can do is sit wit ur legs higher then ur head so if u lie down and put ur legs up against the wall it should help n get alot of bed rest but if it persists i think u should go see a doc
hope i helped in some way n congrats on the pregnancy!!
Participanti agree jus take a test it sounds like u are preg, that dtuff cummin outa ur boobs is colostrum which only preg women get n the nausea n othr aches are a clear indication too
Participanthey i think u should only be induced if u hav passed ur due date n the crap thing about being induced is that unlike wit natural labour ur body cant adjust to the increasin intensity of the contractions, and wit an induced labour ur even more likely to need medical intervention for pain, i say go for a natural as far as possible, ur at the end as it is, why rush it, u can induce labour at anytime but i say giv ur body and baby the chance….
best of luck xoxox
Participanthey swty, im glad to hear that ur keepin the baby, sooo many ppl think that they cant be single mothers but wen u hold that bundle in ur arms u develop such strength n u will be able to do it… yes it wil be hard, i have my hubby yet raising a baby wasnt easy for us but it is sooo worth it! and as for the dad, he jus wasn gud enuf 4u n cant see past the responsibility of fatherhood, well its his loss! a day will cum wen u will meet the ryt man who will giv u n ur baby wat u deserve, never lose hope k mwa xoxox
Participantu cud be… take a hpt or blood test n ul know 4 sure