My amazing little boy :)

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      Hey πŸ™‚ ive just found this site and think its amazing! Here is my story:
      I fell pregnant at 16 and was in a happy relationship, I felt I was pregnant a couple of weeks before my period was due and knew from that moment that I could never have an abortion. I was still in total shock when it was confirmed and i faced alot of criticism for keeping my baby.
      I moved in with my boyfriend and had my gorgeous son, Aaron James! I was so happy but sick of the teenage pregnancy stereotype and hated the way people judged me and called me a bad mum bcos i was young! I proved them all wrong!
      I began teaching myself A levels from home two weeks after my son was born, without any form of childcare and took the exams that summer, then went back to college and took some more A levels, achieving straight A’s!
      At the same time my relationship was turning nasty, my boyfriend started using drugs and was becoming verbally and physically abusive, so I ended it with him deciding it was better to be a single mum than have myself and my son around him.

      Now i have started university and am studying for a degree in Psychology, I am proving all the people who criticised me wrong and am proud to be getting a better life for me and my son! Life is a struglle but we are closer than ever and I couldn’t imagine my life without Aaron!
      My story proves that a baby doesn’t mean you can’t have an education or a life. Having my son has motivated me to have a better life.
      Having a baby is the most amazing experience!!!! I have never known love like it! NEVER GIVE UP!!!! xxx πŸ™‚


        Thank you for sharing your story! I am so glad that you have not accepted that lie that you are ‘less than’ because you have a baby. πŸ™‚
        And welcome to the site!


          you go girl!!! prove em all wrong!!


            Whoa!! i look up to you girl because i’m still in college and almost 2months pregnant, i have two years left if i get accepted into the nursing program! With your story you have motivated me even more to keep going and never stop! Thank You so much for sharing your motivating story!!:)


              Your story is proof that becoming pregnant at a young age does not mean your “life is over”. You are a true success story. Take care hun
              -Enya <3

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