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  • in reply to: ima newbie & need help&advice!!!!! #24496

    there is still a possibility of pregnancy but if the tests are still negative you really need to let the doctors figure it out because it could be something else very serious.

    in reply to: is that spotting?!.. and am i pregnant????? #24179
    in reply to: i think im pregnant #24161

    well just take the test! but think about this… dont u think if u are really ready for a baby AND your boyfriend is, then you both are ready to get married? Babies are forever and so is marriage, so if u cant get married, u really shouldnt be trying intentionally to get pregnant. just ask yourself, why cant i get married now? so then why should i have a baby? even if u do plan on marrying him in te future.

    in reply to: I WANNA KNOW IF I´M PREGGY OR NOT! pLs HELP #23376

    I think it is wonderful that you guys took your time taking your relationship to the next level. It sounds like you guys are really lucky. I would not start worrying about pregnancy just yet. If your period is late, then ok. But it doesnt sound like there is much chance u are pregnant. even though it is always possible, you ovulate halfway through your cycle, so if you get a period ever 30 days, then you would ovulate the 15th day after the first day of your period. There is only about a 12 hour time period that an egg can be fertilized once it is released. The chances that any single sperm even lived long enough to meet up with the egg is quite low, and considering he did not ejaculate, there are very few that could have made it. So you really shouldnt worry.

    in reply to: Is there something wrong with me? #23366

    I think that is just nature. It is the erge to want to reproduce and spread the seed.. but what you need to think about to help is how would it benefit you and your future baby if you wait to get pregnant when you are really ready. For example, i tell myself things like, i need to have a college degree as well as my husband before we have children because I want be sure we can afford to send our kids to camp because that was a great part of my childhood and I wouldn’t want my kids to miss out on it because their parents were young and poor. I also think that if I got pregnant now, it would burden my parents because they would probably have to help me out alot financially and I would always feel in debt to them. I want to be married and have a career before I have kids so that I wont have to work long hours for minimun wage and miss time with them, or also If i got pregnant now my fiance would have to reenlist in the military to support us and that is something I couldnt imagine my kids having to grow up with.. always having their father over seas. So those are the things I think about when I feel myself craving to be a mother. It isnt just about me.

    in reply to: got that “feeling” #23363

    thanks for the responses. they made me feel a lot better. but fortunately i think it was probably just really bad pms and my period was getting a slow start. i cant really say for sure if i am in the clear but i am much less worried now. Thanks!

    in reply to: 4D ultrasound. #23346

    I am not sure of your story… who is mark? and if you arent sure about keeping your children, you should probably make the decision soon so you can find them the right parents

    in reply to: Implantation bleeding? #23345

    it could be but implantation bleeding doesnt usually happen until about a week before your period is due because after ovulation (14ish days after the start of ur period) it will take approximately a week for the egg to reach the uterus to implant, meaning it should be about a week before your period. ofcourse you coul have ovulated early or something. If you are on the pill and you missed one or more pills this could have caused it. It is funny you should post this because I had a similar problem this month. I am on birth control and two weeks after my period i had very light cramping for like 5 minutes and then I had a bt of brown dscharge that seemed to all happen at once.. it didnt last but it was quite a bit. The strange thing is this has never happened before and I didnt miss any pills. I am just waiting to see if my period comes on time tomorrow! fingers crossed

    in reply to: sorry if I am “misuing ur site” #23344

    i was the one who started the original thread of “misuse of this site”. unfortunately it has been taken quite out of context. I am very glad you came here to get advice. if you can afford to raise a child and are in a committed relationship and also feel mentally prepared then I am not going to tell you not to. That thread was in response to much younger girls who are not in relationships at all or are even old enough to have a job. And I was not saying those girls coming here to ask for advice were misusing this site. I felt like the girls who were saying things like “Good luck” instead of telling them the realities of being a single parent who isnt old enough to drive were misusing the site. Girls need to know what they are getting themselves into before they decide to get pregnant. It is good that you came here to hear from other girls. I hope I cleared up any misunderstanding. It is apparent that you are taking this maturely by not jumping into it blindly.

    so anyway, here is my advice. It is going to be much more difficult on your relationship to deal with the stresses of getting married, starting college, AND raising a baby at the same time. I am not saying it isnt possible, but it seems to me that it would be much better to take that a step at a time. go to college, after yall are adjusted, go ahead and get married, and once you feel you are ready to balance the three, try for a baby. But babies take a lot of attention and money. If you want to take the least stressful path, why not wait to have a baby?

    in reply to: c-section or natural? #23343

    well only get a c-section if it is absolutely neccessary because i heard on a medical show… not to scare you.. but it said there has been a rise in death during labor due to c-sections being done more often when not neccesary. they said that doctors suggest c-sections too much when they arent neccessary so u should make sure it is.

    in reply to: I might be pregnant and I’m so scared #23255

    if your college has a student health center, you should be able to get a test done there. have you ever been 6 or more days late before? it could be simply that you stopped taking the pills. my roommate stopped her pills for like 2 months and her period skipped and didnt start until she started the new pack.. she wasnt prego cuz she was tested.

    in reply to: Twins? MAYBE? #23254

    well twins can be made from either you ovulating two eggs or your fertilized egg splitting into two. So if it is genetic, then it would have to be identical twins rather than fraternal twins.. there is no point to this post.. I was just thinking haha. but i have heard you really dont start to show much the first pregnancy until you are around 5 mos pregnant, so you could likely be further along.. or its twins! get the ultrasound!

    in reply to: hello! 18 and contemplating pregnancy #23253

    well the first thing you should ask yourself is that if you are ready for a child then why aren’t you married yet? a child is a lifelong committment as it marriage. It just doesnt make sense to me that two people would be planning a pregnancy and not even be engaged. I think that there should be a legal committment before you try to get pregnant. basically, if you are really ready to commit to a child, then you should also be ready to commit to a marriage. I am not saying you aren’t, I am just saying think about it.

    in reply to: im not sure if im pregnant #23222

    if u have been having unprotected sex and you are both healthy, there is a good chance you could be pregnant. take a home test

    in reply to: telling my parents? #23221

    telling your parents is hard. It might be easier to tell one of them at a time, probably the one you feel more comfortable telling first, and if you want, you can have that parent tell the other. Some girls I know have written it in a note. But just remember this, you are not alone. there are tons of girls just like u in the same situation who have told their parents and gotten through it. usually telling the parents is the hardest part so once you get that over with things will be so much less stressful. goodluck

    in reply to: home birth? #23220

    home births have risks because if there are any complications your baby cannot be given immediate care which could increase the risk of sids

    in reply to: IM 17 AND IM CONFUSED ON WHT I SHOULD DO?? #23188

    um yea. ur pregnant

    in reply to: scared to do this alone #23072

    I hear ya girly. It isnt fair at all. Guys dont have to get stuck carrying a child so they can pretty much do what ever they want. It is our burden as women to bear when we get involved with an irresponsible guy. It is a terrible situation you are in but things will work out. you work hard for your baby and your baby will appreciate you in the long run. he may not appreciate his father as much, but he still needs to know his father so I would suggest you keep contact with the father. I am sure it is hard and it seems like you will never stop loving him. But eventually you will stop being inlove with him and move on. All you can do now is be strong for your son. Good luck.

    in reply to: misuse of this site #23049

    ok since my last post apparently everyone misunderstood what i was saying. I never said EVERYONE is going to be a good parent no matter what age. but im saying it is highly unlikely you will find a 14 year old with the maturity level to have a child, and say you are as mature as your average 25 year old, your still going to miss out on a lot of life that you wont be able to experience with a child. and generally when this happens, you get married young and have kids young, you get older and suddenly realize how much of your youth you have missed out on, and this can lead to unhappiness, regret, and even divorce. I am not saying this will happen to every single 14 year old who gets married but it is extemely likely. that is why people generally dont intent to start a family at 14. if it happens on accident and you want to be responsible and get married, then great. but if you are planning this intentionally then it shows that you are not at the maturity level because you don’t even have a job or can drive. and dont come back and say i said you couldnt do it. i did not say that. i said these are highly probable outcomes of it based on psychological studies. so yes, it is possible to raise a child from 14, but there is no reason to do this on purpose. i applaud any 14 year old who goes through with a pregnancy because that is a very brave thing to do. but PLEASE don’t get pregnant on purpose at 14.

    i am sorry for anyone who thinks a 14 year old who thinks they are ready should get pregnant on purpose and i completelty disagree with you.

    in reply to: TWINS #23001

    I am glad that you are so happy, but when I read this, it honestly sounded like a child talking about two puppies she found. I am not sure how old you are, but it concerns me that your mother expects you to give up your children after raising them for a year. If you are in no situation to take care of children, you should really be the adult and ask your parents to help you so you can keep your children. Otherwise, it will be probably a harder thing to give up your children after raising and loving and being their mother for a year. I can only hope that if you are in no position to take care of them on your own, that in this time your mother will change to love them and want to help you hang on to them. Well goodluck

    in reply to: I need more help! #22989

    2 days late really isnt a big deal. it could be stress or just a weird month. if you are on birth control that could cause it. i really wouldnt worry about it. atleast you are seeing bleeding. if it only lasts for like a day, then you might wanna try to test again

    in reply to: questions #22988

    she could be strechting or it could be some type of convulsion. I have never been around a child of that age for long enough to know if thats normal. definately ask the parents if thats normal

    in reply to: misuse of this site #22986

    to ch3ry:

    no one ever said at 35 you couldnt do anything. but at 14 you cant even drive or have a job, how are you supposed to support yourself. I have never met someone who didnt wish they waited longer to have a baby that got pregnant intentionally. not only can a 14 year old not drive or have a job, but they are just not mentally ready to raise a child. their brain physically has not finished growing. this site should not be encouraging girls of that age to become pregnant ever. if that has become the new purpose of this site them i will have to cancel my membership.

    in reply to: im so nervous/scared/excited. idk what to do #22799

    I dont see how basketball practice could be harmful this early. If you are really worried about it, just tell your coach you have been feeling really sick and have a doctors appt coming up or something. You don’t have to tell your mom until you know for sure, but dont wait to find out. However, it may be helpful to tell your mom you are concerned so you can know she is there for you just incase.

    in reply to: could i be pregnant? #22701

    it is more likely some other health issue. if you are too thin you won’t get a period, i think it goes the same way with being too heavy. Or if you are stressed out. It could be no reason at all, but If the doctors test came out negative then I wouldn’t worry.

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