ima newbie & need help&advice!!!!!

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      hey my names renee & im 17.. i deperatly need some advice.. i think im pregnant but ive taken 4 pregnancy test & theyre all neg.. my period is 4 weeks late.. i went to the doctors & wanted me to take a bloodtest but im terrified of needles! is there any other way of checkin 4 pregnancy?

      & also is feeling faintish or actually fainting a sign of pregnancy? coz ive been blacking out almost everyday for the past few weeks! its not from eating nothing coz i eat regurly.. & is it possible to start showing that your pregnant if your 8 weeks? coz i have this random pot-belly thing going on!!! plus i need to pee way too often?

      can anyone help me out? xxx


        Hi there sweety,
        If yr hpts are all coming up neg, a blood test is the only way to be sure right now. I dunno about the passing out, because I never experienced that, but I was very dizzy and nauseas around a certain time of day… this month I was also 4-5 weeks late and then my period showed up when I least expected. So just remember that it could be something else that’s delaying it too.
        Just be brave and get a test, so that you know for sure.
        Best of Luck!!!!


          there is still a possibility of pregnancy but if the tests are still negative you really need to let the doctors figure it out because it could be something else very serious.


            You could be pregnant, but unfortunately the best way to test is a blood test. But I totally get how you feel about needles… I am terrified of them as well!
            The thing is that if your period is 4 weeks late and you are blacking out all the time, but any pregnancy tests have come back negative… well, you really need to find out what is going on.
            You might just have to have a blood test, but if you tell the nurse that you hate needles sometimes they can use a baby-needle or something and that hurts less and is a lot smaller.
            Keep us updated, ok?


              plz get a test hun the sooner the better you can prepare for your baby and start a prenatal vitamin 🙂


                well i took another home preg test this morning when i woke up and i think it was positive.. not too sure though because of how faint the line was.. it was really, really faint compared to the other line..
                so i guess im just gonna have to take the bloodtest 🙁

                wish me luck!! 🙂

                thanx everyone for your advice n stuff!


                  Did you take the blood test?
                  Listen, even a REALLY faint positive line is a positive line. If there is a line, no matter how faint it is, it means that you are pregnant. 🙂

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