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Participant🙁 omg tell him no you cnat because you love this man but you have to tell him no cause hes going to do it again. dont have sex with him either totally cut him lose i know it hurts n its going to but its going to be beter for you n your baby you dont need a part time bf n dad theres prob a great guy out there some where ofr you n as long as you stick with him youll never know or find him.good luck
Participant:unsure: o girl i sorry you feel like this you know you loved her, just dont get to stressed you made a good choice by giving her life. if you wnat to talk i gave you my email adress so anytime you know im here 4 u thats what friends are for.
Participanti say go to doc to make sure your doing ok no systoms at ll is weird but some woman dont have any for a while. sorry about your miscarr. i had one to hugs to you. good luck i hope it all works out for you
Participantsome woman dont ahve systoms for a while i would say wait to see if you get your aug pe.. n if not go to a doc n explain whats going on. good luck
Participantwell i think you should try to go to a clinic or call the # for birthright on this site they give free confin. tests. just get one done dont wait to long.go to girl help under here n call them.
Participantwell you must make before its to late meaning they feel like your 2 much into the other person n say forget it. its got to be hard do you love the new bf cause you have to have feelings for him rite but maybe not im love with him??? you need to ask your self all thses questions before you jump. maybe it feels old with your bf n you wnat to be with your x. well i think if you truley love your x n think hes the one i would say thats your choice than but dont threw away a good relonship with your new bf if thre is love there.i hope this helped you prob not but tell you what your heart says do that.good luck
Participantnot excate but i did get a pe with the 1st child you really need to go to doc n see if your preg its imp. to get care if you are. good luck
Participantid wait till its about 1 week late than test again do you ahve any sypm. yes the pull out method isnt very good i got preg 4 times with that method. the 1$ store tests actually work good but you also may wannt to go to the doc or call them. good luck keep me posted
Participanteven a faint line means post but your best bet is the doc. but it sounds like its post+ so if so congrats n keep me posted mommy6
Participanti think its your choice really but it sounds like you really want to finish school 1st n thers nothing wrong with that you will have a baby when the times right for you n your bf., hes great that hes supportive either way talk to him tell him what you think. n your not 40 so you ahve time to go to school n have your baby or babys. good luck
Participantyou need to see your doc asap. i ahd a miscarry n didnt ahve any syptoms jusat there was no heart beat at 15 weeks. get checked everything mybe ok but its better to be safe i hope it all works out for you keep me posted.,mommy6
Participantwow this is a hard one my kids did the same with 2 i just let them run around there room out of bed till they dropped n i would just pick them up n put them to bed now i would say read him a book n tell him after your done with the book its sleepy time.rub his head as you read the book it might work n if it dont just keep up what you were doing he might not be ready for bed by himself yet good luck.
Participantwell i agre with momma of isa but all people are diff it can happ in your 3 rd mo deprnding on your bodt type before you became preg.
Participantwell let me tell you this is when youll find your true friends it happend to me as well.i was left with like 2 friends n after my 2nd child with 1 n i dont see her much come on now who wnats to be friends with someone with 6 kids, well i have 2 friends now n alot on here. you have to find friends with babys girls with out dont understand they mostly wnat to party n say about you she cant comeo ut shes got a baby o no dont invite her well girl go to a play group once your babys born or join a group in your area for new moms n youll meet people they might not be the people you wnat to hang out with all the time but youll know someone n maybe they will be it a shame it takes something like this to show you whos real n whos fake. talk to your bf dont cry tell him how you feel.comeh ere n talk your never alone we all love ya here.
Participantim so sory for what happ to you ive been rapped at 13 yrs old i dont want to go into details but let me tell you put his ass behind bars go to trial dont let him do it again., as for your bf hes so wrong i hope he turns around n relizes whats up its not your fault n never will be dont be scared to tlak to anyone you didnt do anything wrong at all., you didnt ask for this please talk to a counsler.,i hope it all works out if you ever need to talk im here 4 u mommy6.,
Participanteven a faint line means post congrats i think your preg go to doc though thats the best way to see everything n all.sorry about your abortion hugs to you
Participantim so sorry i dont think its rite at all that your family pressured you like they did.,try to see if there are any type of support groups you can go to you dont wnat to fall into dep depression trust me ive been there i miscarr 2 mo ago n have been there done that., get help now as for him i know you loved him but he has to see it as your hurting now n if he cant under stand that n be with you through this than hes not the person you want to be with., if you ever need to talk you can write on my page or email me. hugs to you
Participantsory about your back pain you can take tynoel or motrin i think motrin works a lil better lay on your side with a pillow between your legs on under your belly n put a heating pad on your back not to hot just warm n it helps ive had to do it through 6 pregs., ive colored my hair but dont use ammonia based hair dye or like bleach kits other wise your safe n good to go i hope this helps good luck
Participantcall your doc n tell him asap cause 3 mos is early for those kinda pains., something could be wrong or not but you need to check maybe the babys not sitting in the rite place ???? its good to be safe call n check good luck n i hope it all works out 4 u
Participanttell her congrats n that you will be thee for her n show her this sight so she can look at others who had abortion, tell her its her choice n she can do it you think shell be a great mommy.,also get the # for birthright off of here its under girl help n they can help her out big time.good luck i hope she keeps her baby keep us all posted
Participantwell i wish you luck n hope everything goes good for you have a heathly baby keep us posted n we want to see pics
Participantthings are a lil better we are talking now but no i dont trust him hes a man
Participantwow girl i didnt know you were going through this why would he do this hes the one who cameh ere supporting him maybe its his family telling him this cause i really bel., he loves you from what i know i do.give him space now i know hes hurt you n no matter what he says he did want this baby.i know you feel alone but trust me your not we are all here 4 u no matter what you choose or what happens . email me if you like im here always . dont feel bitter towards him iyts his family n you both are young hes prob scared i know you are i dont want to sound like im no his side cause no way am i he should fight his parents n be there for you n the baby.,i hope it works out for you keep me posted
Participantdont worry about what other people think of you n he cant just come n take your baby so dont listen to him hell dont even talk to him till you have your baby n thats for fincally help.dont be scared we are all here for you as friends did you tell your family yet n if yes tell them what hes saying to you cause he shouldnt be threaten you hes sounds very immature. but were here for you in it will work out
Participanti have 6 kids n lost my 7th all my syst where basically the same sore breasts,. crammpy . tired , nes. n vomiting everyones diff though i did home tests as well as doc apts to make sure it was true