I regret my abortion

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      Hi im 19 yrs old n on 15th june i found out i was pregnant. i told my bf and he was really happy abt it. i was scared 2 tell my family but wen i did my mum sed 2 get an abortion. i knew she wud say dis but i kinda wantd da baby. she tld me 2 move out so i wnt 2 live at my bfs flat. i stayd der a week but wanted 2 cum bk hme. i tld my mum i wud get an abortion jus 2 keep her quiet. my bf didnt kno this tho. neway da days went by and i started 2 panic abt how my bf i wud bring da baby up financially etc. i decided 2 go along wiv da abortion a few weeks l8a. i kinda did it bcuz i didnt want 2 loose my family n my bf doesnt hav a job or nefin. i had da abortion on 20th july i was 9weeks pregnant. wen i got 2 da clinic wher it tuk place, i had 2 hav a scan 2 c how far gone i was. wen i got out ov the doctors room i cudnt help but louk at da scan picture in my files. i felt really happy but i fort i cudnt pull out now as my mum n family wud b really disapointed. i was ok at first but now im started 2 get depressed and wish i neva dun it, as my bf finks i miscarried bcuz i knew he wudnt want me 2 abort. now i feel really guilty. i feel like im a bad person. my bf doesnt want 2 b wiv me nemore eitha.:angry: 🙁


        I just want to give you a big hug right now! I totally understand why you regret the abortion..every person has a free will and you used it. Unfortunatley, we sometimes realize we make mistakes. It was not right of your mother to push you to have an abortion. It was your decision, but it is understandable why you chose to do what your Mom wanted you to do. You seem like a very loving and caring person who just made a mistake. Everybody messes up. Time WILL heal your wounds. You will never forget what happened, but you can forgive yourself. Just know…that you are not a bad person in any way, shape, or form. You recognized that it was the wrong thing to do, and feel bad. A bad person wouldn’t be upset over it now would they? Try to remain strong, and forgive yourself. You can’t change what happened, but you have become a better and stronger girl from this experience. Best wishes!!


          im so sorry i dont think its rite at all that your family pressured you like they did.,try to see if there are any type of support groups you can go to you dont wnat to fall into dep depression trust me ive been there i miscarr 2 mo ago n have been there done that., get help now as for him i know you loved him but he has to see it as your hurting now n if he cant under stand that n be with you through this than hes not the person you want to be with., if you ever need to talk you can write on my page or email me. hugs to you

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