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please you have to know that you are not alone. there are people that want and hopefully also can help you.
it helps to speak about it.
it does.i was there, i know totally what you are feelin…maby not 100% but atleast 90% of that..
if you wanna talk, or anythin… i would be glad to be there for you..
you can post or eami8l me anmytime you want
take a deep breath..i wont tell you that its goin to be better…cause i cant do it…not from my experience out…
i had my abortion on the 13th october,two years back…
i totaly know what your sayin…
if you ever wanna talk, just post me or send me a email, im there for you
Participantwell, i think your chance to be pregnant is reaaally reaally high =)
like Autumn said, keep your self healthy-no alcohol,caffein,tobacco..
and then when your period is late make a hpt =)
keep in touch**GangY
Participanthei hunny**
i so like get what youre sayin..
it’s been almost two years since my abortion. all i could do is think about having a baby, i was thinkin all the time that im not complete without a baby,that only a baby would make me smile (you know, so really really, and happy, big smile?)..
that was all i was thinkin bout, deraming bout… it was the first thing about i thought in the morning,and the last in the eveinng…
but i would say you should wait. its clear that your boyfriend loves you, but he want to finish his education,so he can provide for his family.. and he is doing the right thing.
you should do what you are doing find a great job,which youll enjoy doing, let your bf make his thing…youll see, you two will be soo happy then, and whenGangY
Participanthei, welcome here =)
well, if you are takin the BC pill the way it should be taken, then theres like 0.01% that you are..
i would say you are more not than yes..
make a hpt if your period will be one week late, and keep us updated please=)
good luck***GangY
well i would say..i doubt that is a pregnancy… you may just stressing and cause youre lookin all the stuff up about simptoms, you put that in your head and your body starts to have those simptoms..
well yea it is a possibility of being pregnant, but i would say youre not, you should relax, stop thinkin bout it all the time, just give time the time it needs, and then youll find out.
that’s actually the only way to know. dont stress and wait..GangY
wow.. look girl, it is YOUR body, and its YOU where the new life is growing..and it is growing fast…you should go on the internet and look up how your BABY looks right now..
gosh, don’t let the boy make decisions of whom YOU will suffer the moste..
you are in a bad situation, but in the end everything settles up…
there are ups and downs in life, and after every down there comes an up…
please let YOUR BABY live.. let him see the sky,the sun,let him decide what will be his favourite flavour of icecream..
and let him be your baby.
keep us updated on what you decide,
and please know… YOU ARE STRONG ENOUGH TO DO IT!!
Participantheeei girl:side:
well, i kind of found myself in your words haha=) well ok not everythin is the same..but moste of it..and i am also due on my period on the 8th, so yees one day less than a week 😛
and i have very simmular simptoms like you have…
so right now, im just waitin on the 8th, and then ill know, cause my period is like never late or anythin, so.. hope this 6 days will go around soon..
would like to chat with you sometimes
Participantoh honey***
your story made me cry.. its all that im doin.. same as im feelin..
there’s not a day that i don’t think about my baby.. he would be now 1yr 3-4 months old..
i think too, that the baby wouldnt affect the college.. i sometimes think that its harder to study with the abortion than with the baby.. well atleast thats how i feel about it..
hunn, if you ever need someone to talk, i am here for you.. i know, talkin doesnt make it go away, but it helps a bit, to talk with people that have the same feelings..
stay strong!
take a breath and relax..its not so dark like u see it now gir..u have a life growing inside you..are you a person that would kill someone who is alive? i doubt it..and i also doubt that you are willing to make your life hell,just so that your parents wouldnt be shoked (cause im sure they would love the baby aftzer the first shock).
i had an abortion,and belive me thjat’s never the right thing,it’s not right at all…
there are many centers that can help you with clothes,diapers,…think about it again, please,!!..
YOU are STRONG enough to MAKE IT!!
im pretty sure that you don’t wanna do an abortion, because im 100% you are in love with that tiny little life inside you…you can make it,you can stand up for YOUR child!!
Participanthey darlin!
first please, take a deep breat and relax, u have to know you are not alone.
i’m happy that you found this page before u did anythin… i can tell you, from my own experience that abortion is not a way.. it’s been 2 years since mine, i felt in depression,a bad one, then when i thought its better (6motnhs later) the nightmares came..and i have them till now..
i know that you are strong enough to stand up for that baby.. if you think that you arent able to take care for him, adoption is a option..
please girl, dont make the abortion, having a baby at your age is hard, but havin an abortion is hell 4 the rest of your life.please, give that baby a chance to see the sun, the rain,to smile,to call you mommy, to tell you he loves you..please, don’t do the abortion,stand up for him!
keep in touch,
i have read your older posts 2, and i have to say i am very,very proud on you.
i am sure that you are a very strong person and that youll come throught this!!
i will keep you and your babie in my mind!
when i read your story… all i thought was, ou goossshh, how good i understand you..
i had my abortion 1 year,9months and 28 days back… i know you are not askin why the hell i know that so exactly, cause you know it too…it’s not so long sinceGangY
Participantwa girl!!!
congrats!!! i’m so happy for you!
i was really worried the pst days about you and your baby, i was thinkin on both of you!
God bless you and you famiy!!!GangY
Participantwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Meg, congrats*****!!!!!
is she healty? and what about you?
i have you and your familiy, specialy the youngest member:) in my mind!!!
Participantwell girl… i can tell you how it is to have an abortion… a painfull thing with wich you will wake up, sleep down…whatevery youll make it won’t go away,the pain wont get everyday smaller, just bigger maby..
i think, look you have a choce, and i think that someone that has a choice should choose live..
you’ll see, when you’ll hold your baby in your arms, you’ll see it was worth to choose live…
Participantwaaa girrl =))
i’m so excited for you! goosh im one week apsend and so much happens 🙂
is it a girl or is it a boy? hope the little one is healty thats the important thing!
love ya honey**GangY
Participantheey hun!!!
i just wanted to say my best wishes to you and the lil baby growing inside!
a big yei for babys!!GangY
Participantooo meeeg!!!!the baby is cooommmiiinnnggg…
I’m praying for you, and i will keep my fingers crossed that the baby will be healthy!!!!
i wish you and your husband luck and stay strong!
i suggest you to make a hpt, you should not fear about the result but about what if-questions, ’cause if there is a fact you are not pregnant you HAVE to go to the doctor, oufcourse if you are pregnant than so much better-and u still have to goo to the docs…
good look, and really go to the doc.
Participanthey sweety!
well, i suggest you, to wait some days and make another hpt,or maby you’r period will come.
did you had any stressfull situation in the past days/weeks? this can also affect your period, or if you started to take the birthcontroll pills, or started takin new one… there are many things that can make your period come late…
you should not worry 2much, wait a few days, and when there still wont be nothing u should make another HPT or make a test on a clinic.
wish u luck*
Participanthey darliin!
well the possibility that u are pregnant is, the HPT are not alway 100%…
i think you should wait one-two day and then make another one, and in the main time you should not think about beeing pregnant, ’cause sometimes if a woman wants to be pregnant, or thinks about it 2 much,our body can make a fake pregnancy…
if your HPT will be negative and u still don’t get your period, i suggest you that u make a test in a clinic.i wish you luck and update your resoults.
Participanthi girl…
well,like untbunny suggested…
make a HPT..
i doesn’t cost soo much, and you will be sure about are you or are you not…
Participantgirl…. first of all, i wanna say to you, that if there is anything u wanna talk about…if there is anything i can do to help n’t know if there is anything that hurts more than that…but, you have to hang on…babe you really have to, belive me it’s hard but you can make it!!!
i send you all my love and thousands od hugs…
if you need anything..just send me a post…i can be there for you**
well, i don’t know exactlyy what u are going thru, but i can think…the boyfrinds father…why doesn’t he want the baby? some ral fact or is he just afraid from having responibility?
i don’t know… i just can say to you…if you are having an abortion…you will never feel the same… you will never be the same..maby with time (but hell its been almost 2 year since i had mine and i feel like crap)…you’ll aski yourself how would he/she look like… it’s not easy… i know having a baby at this age isn’t easy at all…but i think (and many who i know that had an abortiion, and later (still as a teenager) had a baby says so to) that keeping it isn’t that hard than to live with an abortion…
but still… i think you really should think about, think about YOU, YOURSELF, and what you want…you shouldnt let someone decide for you…or let someone push ypu into something…
thats why i am telling you..take a day just for u and your heart…think about, what u expect,want…and then decide…
love**** -