Forum Replies Created
princess Angela
ParticipantI was loosing weight at the start of my pregnancy as well an i didnt have morning sickness at all… and my baby is healthy acctually his bigger then he should be for how far along i am….so weather u gain it wont really harm the baby u will start gaining weight when the time is right.
I havnt hoped on the scales in a while acctully hahaha since like the first 2 months of pregnancy… so im not even sure if i have put on weight i am sure i have about 7 kilos i would say an im 22weeks
princess Angela
ParticipantSeriously…. I would say keep it but thats what i choose… The way i have looked at it is… I can do anything i set my mind to … baby or no baby…. At least i will have purpose to do it now…. i hate my job atm but force myself to go to work because it will help my baby…. I am 21weeks now and this baby pretty much has everything he will need already…..
You can do it !!!
Love angelaprincess Angela
My frist and only symptom to start with was very very sore nipples… then came nasuia and things like that but i also had like 5 negitives even a negitive blood test when i would have been around 2-3weeks pregnant….. then a week last a took another one an that came out positive…. i did 3 tests over that week … they just kept gettin stronger lines… so about 3-4 weeks later i went to the doctors an had an ultrasound and i was approx 7-8weeks pregnant… with edd 31-7-2008…Negitives can be wrong… if you dont have enough hormone in ur urine/blood u may find urself facin a false negivtive…
So give it a week or 2 and try retesting that would be ur best bet… its hard to wait but u get there in the end….
PLus if ur pregnant waitin that 9 months seems so much longer hahaha
Hope this helpt
Angelaprincess Angela
Participanti still have forever 20more weeks:( i want him to come i wanna hold him and kiss him and stuff hehe….. im so excited now and its taking forever hahaha…Now that i seen him and stuff i cant wait to see him in real life..
I thought of a couple of names but not 100percent on one….
love angela
xoxoprincess Angela
ParticipantI feel sorry for you darling….. I have started cleanin all the time myself …. ive never liked cleanin like ever hahahaha….
I hope you have your baby soon… all looking forward to seein that beautiful baby
love angela
princess Angela
ParticipantCongrats on the birth of ur son….
hope he comes home soon and is doing well
Love angela
princess Angela
ParticipantThis is something i can relate with very well.. I was pregnant when i was 17 an had an abortion because i was told we cant do it it will ruin ur life an all that kind of stuff an i regreted havin an abortion ever since…. then i feel pregnant at the end of last yr and my bf dominic told me he wasnt ready blah blah blah and tried everything to make me get rid of it said it would ruin my life an all that kind of jazz…. but im 19 weeks pregnant and i havnt found it to ruin my life… only make me a stronger person….
I am scared because dominic is not around but i know i can do it an ill give this baby the best life…. After all it my baby only i know whats best for it….Dominic has since come around from when he first said he wanted nothing to do with it… an wants to see the next ultrasound and be there when its born ….So he will come around it just takes some gettin used to to i guess.
I hope that helps you
Love angela xoxoxprincess Angela
ParticipantWhen i first missed my period i had done like 6 tests which all came up negitive … i started testing about 1 week before my period until 1 week after i missed my period…. i even had a blood test and that came up negitive also…. then a week or so later i took another one an it was positive by that time i was 5-6 weeks pregnant and went to the doctors and had an ultrasound to confirm it at 7weeks….
Im not sure if that helps… U may not have enough hormone in ur urine yet for it to be deceted by a home test…. but u should defently have enough in ur blood to be dected so i suggest u go to the doctors and get a blood test…
Best of luck
Angela xoxoxprincess Angela
ParticipantJust thought id let ya know atm my blood pressure is back to normal… maybe it could have been from rising hormones … as at that time i had been cryin like everyday for the last month hahaha…
Thnks for everyones help
princess Angela
ParticipantMy first symptom started when i was about 3-4weeks i had really sore nipples…. id say take a test but generally its a bit early an will just come back negitive anyways…. best thing u can really do is wait like a week and take a test…. although i had a blood test and it came back negitive although i new i was pregnant it was just too early to detect it now im 18weeks….
So try stick it out and then take a test… i think i took like 6before i even had one come up positive… then i had 3 come up positive … all taken on different days
hope this helps
aneglaprincess Angela
ParticipantIt was one of the midwifes at the hospital when i was there for my last check up… she told me it was slightly high… but she didnt seam concerned at all about it…
Im also thinkin that it could have been caused because i was runnin late and i get all excited when i go to the hospital…. heheh the speciallist wasnt concerned about my blood pressure either….
Im tryin to bring it down with swimming.. because exercise is a good way to help high blood pressure….
Love ange
princess Angela
ParticipantCongrat’s on ur daughters arrival!! What did u name her?
princess Angela
ParticipantAt about 3months i felt the same way… i started eatin jelly babies and things because if i didnt eat like every 3 hours i would feel really sick and yuk in my stomach…. now that im 5months i dont really need them at all…nor do i feel sick if i dont eat every 3 hours…
I hope this helpt a little
princess Angela
ParticipantYesterday i noticed my belly had slightly grown which i was heaps over the moon about:D Im 18 weeks atm so shouldnt be too much longer … hehe
princess Angela
ParticipantI honestly don’t remember much at all from my abortion story… they wouldnt let my bf in with me.. i walked into the roomm and was asked to sit down i did and then they layed the chair back and asked me to put my feet up which made me feel really uncomfortable … Then all i really remember was lookin up at the roof there was a window it was very bright and then everything went blurry an i was unconcious…. then i woke up in the recorvy room after 2-3 hours and i was a bit out of it… a lady came in with a letter for my docter… an she brougth in some good councellor numbers for me… and then i was asked if i was ok to walk an i was fine… i walked out to my bf and could barley look at him… as he was the one who put me in the situation in the first place… He asked me if i was ok on the way home and i said i was fine…. his dad called him on the way home and they were askin about me an how i was…. he was going to melb for 2 weeks the next day.. an i was to deal with it all by myself… an i did well the best i could…
He came back and slowly everything we had just fell apart.Love angela
princess Angela
Participantwell im nearly 18 weeks and havnt felt it kick yet…
princess Angela
ParticipantMy frist symptom was really sore nipples and it started about 3-4weeks after i had fallin pregnant… gee its still happenin now so hahaha
love angela
princess Angela
ParticipantI am a chunky girl so i guess it would take a bit longer to show then usual…. im nearly 17 weeks now an my belly is startin to push out a little…. I don’t think it will be noticable until about 20weeks…. everything is fine with me and the baby though… cant wait till my 19 week ultrasound so excitied… get to see if my angel is a girl or a boy hehe
Love Angela xoxo
princess Angela
ParticipantI Am pregnant with my frist and due July 31st lucky i live in aus hahah
princess Angela
ParticipantIm 13 weeks and already anxious heheh i think that i am just really excited abotu the whole thing now and cant wait to have it here with me…. but its taking like sooo long hahahaha… Im acctully in the same boat as u but the father of my child is a idiot also …
Hope u find sumthing to do not long to go now
Love angela
princess Angela
ParticipantCongrats hun…. Im happy to hear that…. An im sure you looked lovely the baby belly would have made u look cute hehe…. goodluck
love angela and bubs
princess Angela
ParticipantWell i really wanted another one after my abortion ….. I wanted it so bad i would have done anything for it… then no matter what i tried i got no where…. ovulation kits the lot…. didnt fall pregnant i ended up goin back on the pill on my 18th birthday…..cause i was tired of disappointment….. then a month after i turned 18 i met dominic who well is a drop kick hahah but was really sweet to me at first…. but i ended up gettin sick an being on antibodics and not usin a condom and i fell pregnant then…. in all since my last pregnancy it has been a yr …. i fell pregnant roughly the same time as i did with my other child….
I have my first hospital appointment on the 25th January 2008..cant wait heaps excited.
Love Angela and bubs
princess Angela
ParticipantI dont think thats true… my mum was huge when she was carryin me haha they thougth she was having twins…….. hahaha
princess Angela
ParticipantAwww darling….. I hope your ok…. I dont know the story cause i havnt been on much latly…… I would like to know the story if u wanna tell me i am very happy to listen
Love angela
princess Angela
Participant4 weeks after conception is fine you should get a accurate result from that as i was 3-4 weeks when i found out i was pregnant and any time before that it just came up negitive…Also you could go to the doctors and get a blood test result they will tell you defently if you are or are not pregnant. As for you skipping periods im not sure about that because i have never done that before but i dont suggest that you keep taking the pill that way.
I hope this helps
Angela -