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Participantdont treat the situation as you have to win and she has to lose… you are putting him in the middle,,, he cant say anything because its his mom and hes probably not much older than you… and he cant defend her, because you are his babymom… the best thing is to keep quiet for him. Sit down with his mom one day and tell her that you love her son, and the baby inside you and you are not the type of girl to sleep around.. etc. Set the record straight by keeping your manner… be polite and patient. You have to understand that she is frustrated a little even if she doesnt say anything…. her grandchild at an early age means that her son is going to be a father now and that may be overwhelming for her. I disagree with "shuving it in her face" because you will want your child to have grandparents and their love and for you and your child to be accepted by his mother and his family… things will run much smoother if you did do that.
ParticipantTrust me, you do not want to have a baby yet. I had an abortion in 2005, 3 days before my birthday… my mom was my biggest influence along with many things. remember that you had a choice and you made the best choice that was there for you.. you chose your mothers support and you cant blame yourself or her for that. I got pregnant the year after my abortion and I chose to keep the baby… I moved out and I was 19… in university…. with a stable relationship that i had been in for 3 years… I gave birth at 26 weeks, to a beautiful and tiny lil girl. She passed five days after she was born.. My heart was shattered and still is… All I could thing was to get pregnant again.. but that is not the right choice… not for me nor for you.. we are just too young.. theres just more to life than that. The other day, I decided to go out for a few days fishin with my bf… and I did… but my sister in laws had to stay at home because of their children… they dont regret it because they are over 25 and it is time for them to watch their own children and they have lived their teen years.. I want you to understand that it is completely normal for young teenage girls to want to become a mother, it is just not intelligent to do it intentionally… although if it does happen, I dont suggest abortion. Goodluck hun
ParticipantI didnt want to tell my parents at all and I was 19… I waited a long time and I wish i hadnt… the stress of keeping something like that gets to you… you can try writing them a letter if you are good at it… i told my mom over the phone one night when she asked because i was getting bigger by the day. She eventually broke it to my dad. They cant kill you for it, which would be the worst case senerio. They are your parents and it will be alot more comfortable for you when its done. They may be so angry and say different things but you have to stick to your words… promise them that you wont be another statistic, you will finish school and you WILL support your own child, you just need their support. It is so important that you get it. about your bf… people confuse the fact that some people who are suicidal are not insane. I was suicidal at one point in my life. I overdosed twice and nearly succeeded… i later found out that it was a side effect of a pill i was taking that i didnt need in the first place. Effixor or somethin. teenagers go through alot of depression at a certain point, its one way of dealing with "the difficult years". please dont see him as a insane person… this baby might actually give him a light at the end of the tunnel… somethin to live for… ofcourse you know him better so the judgement is really on you, if hes in any way actually insane then for sure leave him… good luck hun
Participantway to go…. i like your attitude. I had an abortion a couple of years ago. 3 days before I turned 18… it was really hard, i didnt want it but my mom had made me, my bf was so against it.i felt angry at my mom for the longest time, until i realized that what i did, was my decision. I chose to listen to my mom whom i love dearly and i chose her over my child whom i had never met and would never get the chance to meet. I wanted her support at the time and she told me she wouldnt be there if i had the baby,,,, who knows…. maybe she woulda come around. As time passes, you’ll make peace with it. you are forgiven if you ask for forgiveness but forgive yourself. It was a decision that was made and we can only move forward. You have alot to be angry about but im glad to hear that you wouldnt let it hold you back. I got pregnant the year after my abortion and that made things easier for me, unfortunately, i lost my daughter when she was 5 days old. That was the hardest thing i dealt with and for a while I thought i was responsible, but i forgive myself and i hope that god has forgiven me, Today, we are stronger women because of the events that have taken place in the past in our lives. Good luck and keep in touch
ParticipantNaming is a very stressful time… everyone has a say… What you can do is come to a mutual agreement… i find that worked best for us.. when we had to name our child my mom kept givin me hints on what she wanted and i told her id consider it… my bfs family didnt want any persian names because they are jamaican and it was important for me to have my child with a semi-persian name: like Ava, this went on for months and we faught enough over itwe ended up givin my daughter a first name and two middle names and a last name… i named her Donya for what I wanted… and Noami for what her grandma wanted (bfs side) and since she passed we named her after her grandma also… long name. Its stressful now but you will laugh about it later… plus you can call you child what you want,… they’ll always respond to the name.. share your feelings with your parents: ie. tell them that though you would love to name your child what they want, it is your first baby and it is important for you to make a decision as a family… somethin you can all agree on.. then set some guidelines and ask for their help… dont make them feel left out, like they have to do everything for you and you dont do enough in return, naming is fun so let them help you. You need their support right now,.. more than ever, please dont build two sides and see them working against you, if they were, theyd never be talkin to u or even caring enough to want to help name the baby.. i know you are sensitive and feel that since you are doing all the carrying right now you have the most say, and dont get me wrong, you do…but its still nice for your parents to feel wanted. Imagine when you are having a grandchild, im sure youd make suggestions and would just like to feel appreciated for it so do the same for them. Make best of what you have today instead of wishing things were different hun
Participantthis is a serious thing.. as much as i know you are worried about her, you need to worry about you… the urinary infection can bring on early labor,,, but if it goes on for a while without treatment it could be fatal even to you… i know a lady who was pregnant and died from it… please make sure you take this seriously… youre lucky to have known this at all… take care of you 2. and a urinary infection cant be caused because of you so you cant blame yourself one bit
Participantno matter how faint, as long as there is a visible line, you are pregnant. No one can tell you for sure, but to make it 100% asccurate go to a doctor and get a blood test. congrats by the way
Participantwell, its good to tell your doctor about it. I had the same problem with my pregnancy, but i had a premature baby, and since there are no real answers, id check with the doctor, dont panick, it means that you will have enough to feed your child ;).
Participantsickness could have something to do with u missing your period, if your iron levels are low, you can miss a period, if you are stressed, you can miss a period, alot of things can cause you to miss your period besides pregnancy. If you are that late, go to the doctor, so you know whats wrong. At 5 weeks late, a positive pregnancy test would have shown up. So get checked
Participanti was on rispodol or something that sounded like that for a while and that was one of the side effects, some medication have that problem, and men leak if they take them too, but water. I agree with meg, You should get a blood test to check ur thyroid and hormones. Remember that it is very common for a couple to try to concieve for 12 months and not get any results. Good luck
Participantif you were pregnant, it WOULD have shown at the doctors, especially by a bloodtest. chances of them being wrong arent very strong. If you had had a miscarriage recently, because the hgc levels would still be high, you will show a positive. Do you have an irregular cycle? It could be stress, lack of iron, or just a totally different thing. go to ur appt and see
Participantim so sorry for your loss hun, i know how hard it is to lose a part of you, I had an abortion 2 octobers ago and my baby died this past feb, I wish there was something I could say to help feel you better, but Im speechless when it comes to this. All i can say is that, you will find peace, it will take some time, but youll find peace and youll be ok, love and time will heal all things. email me anytime, if you need to talk.
ParticipantGive him sometime. I know they can be stressful at times, and trust me, Ive had my share of running out of the house in the middle of the night, but he will have your back. AFter 5 years, its hard not to. Good luck hun, and dont worry, itll be ok
ParticipantI had a c-section in feb, and I got my period is march, I was on the patch and I didnt get my period in April and I was so worried, But I got my period this week, so Im not worried, after giving birth, your hormones need to adjust, so I wouldnt worry if I were you, especially since you are on birth control ( if you breast feed thats a bonus). Good luck
ParticipantYou need to forgive yourself for anything and everything. When I was 17 I got pregnant, I was terrified. I found out I was pregnant when I was at school. I had done a bloodtest and called the doctor on my break to get the results, and when I was told, i nearly fell off my chair. I called my bf right away and his exact words were "why are you calling me, call your mom" and then he hung up. I was so hurt and upset. When I got home, I called him again and he asked for me to come over. I went, he hugged me and kissed me and told me that he wants me to carry his first child and all the rest. He had never told me he loved me, and he didnt start then.
That was not acceptable to me, to not hear that he loves me but wants us to have children. about a week later, his mom found out I was pregnant. God bless her, she always knew if someone around her was pregnant. So we told her about my parents and how they wouldnt EVER cope with something like this, I was only 17 after all. I told my mom the same day, and she talked me into an abortion. My bf didnt want to hear of it, but he supported my decision all the same. I had an abortion 3 days before my 18th b-day. I was 7 weeks along. I cried and cried and didnt think I could make it. The day after my abortion, I told my bf I wanted to start trying for a baby in a month. He didnt say anything. We werent trying, because he didnt want another abortion and neither did i. I came to my senses. But i never forgave my mom, for not letting me choose. Exactly a year after I found out I was pregnant, I found that Im pregnant yet again. This time, I told my bf and his family, and not my family. I moved in with him and his parents, We told my parents, when I was 4 month and by the time, it had hit them, there was no going back option. We saw them on the weekends and all were "fine".
On feb 4th, the police knocked on the door to announce that his mom had died in a car crash and his dad was brain dead. He died on Feb 7th, less than 12 hours later, Early on feb 8th, I gave birth to a beautiful babygirl. I was 26 weeks along, and 5 days later she died. She didnt make it because she was critically ill. or so they said. we burried his parents on feb 17th and my daughter next to them, on feb 21st.
Its always easier to be mad at the world, and I was, for taking away his parents, but it cost me my daughters life. I was so stressed I went into labor, (10 cm dilated by the time we reached the hospital).All im saying is, I know its hard, i know you have a tough road ahead, but many girls have stepped in that route and came out with successful stories. trust me, you can forgive yourself, you are doing the best you can for that child, but dont stress PLEASE. as for your ex, we are not required to forgive the ones that dont want to be forgiven, if we do, its because we are bigger people. I told you my story not so that you can feel sorry for me, but so you can feel happy for yourself atleast a lil bit. You have LIFE inside of you, and No ONe, is more precious than that life, try to cherish it, and enjoy it. Life may throw things at you that you are not prepared for, and then, you will be begging to be where you are now. So be grateful and go with god
ParticipantIm so sorry hun, I cant tell you how much it kills me to see people go through this kind of pain. My heart is bleeding for you and your boyrfiend. Your baby will get energy from you, sing to her and be with her, because if you don’t you will always hate yourself for it. The routine ( as far as I witnesed it) is that at a certain point they will ask you if you want to pull her off the machines, and I know it might sound harsh, and you will want to kill them for saying this, but if it does get to that point ( I PRAY THAT IT DOESNT), you really have to sit down and discuss your options.
With her illness, what would the long term effects be? can she live a normal life?
Me and my boyfriend burried his parents on feb 17th of this year and our daughter on feb 21st so I really understand where you are coming from.feel free to email me anytime. As strong as your love is for her, you guys WILL find the strength to deal with this. God never lets you handle something he knows you cant. You are in pain and you are hurt but you will get through this.
ParticipantI know how you feel. I watched my newborn daughter go through hell with doctors, in venilators, and all I could do as a mother was watch and pray for the best. Im so so so sorry, you are stronger than you think, and You and Your boyfriend will make it. How old is she? Email me if and when you have time. We lost our daughter right after my bf lost both his parents in a car accident. Ask lots of questions from the doctors, everything you can think of to ask, and try to find different ways to deal with this. I know the information is gonna fly through your brain, but it will help you in the long run. You will always search for answers.
ParticipantI agree with ashmo, the problem is only the fact that had someone reminded you what you are retelling everyone today, you probably would not have listened. Girls at 13, 14, 15 or however young or old who WANT to have a baby on purpose, believe in one thing. Themselves. Not that confiedence is wrong, but being overly confident to the point to think that at such an age one could actually handle a baby, a relationship with the father, and obviously a relationship with their own parents is way too much. They just don’t understand and nothing you or I say can make them change their mind. I have posted my story, my hurt and all my emotions many times, when I felt I was ready to explode, in the meantime hoping to teach young girls a lesson about how life can turn ugly in a split second and how things happen that are out of your control, and you will have no way out of being a parent, EVER. As for the fakes, I really don’t know, and don’t care to be honest. If someone is willing to put so much effort into making a lie like this to get attention, they must desperately need it.
Participantpossible, yes, but very rare. the possibility of you getting pregnant because of precum is higher I would think
Participantall i can tell you is i know how you feel. I lost my child and she was born, so I actually got to see her and bond with her before she died, so it was better in some ways but alot more emotional in others. You need to give it sometime. When my daughter died, I wanted to go in that grave with her. I couldn’t stop myself, and I was so ashamed of what had happened. The truth is, it was NOT your fault, and had the baby been born, there could have been serious problems. Chances are that you will not miscarry again, and this time the doctors are going to pay you much closer attention. I know its hard to not think so negative about the whole thing, and the worst thing about it being that people around you will move on alot more quickly than you will, but one day soon you’ll be strong enough to leave this experience in the past, and move on eventhough you will carry it in your mind always.
Participantim sorry for your loss and you have the right to be mad at the whole world, let alone this whole website. The fact remains tho that we cant help the ones that have past but try to make better of ourselves. I dont think i read your forums when u posted them, but i lost my 5 day old babygirl in feb too, so i know EXACTLY how that feels. I know how u want another baby, like this is what your body needs. Trust me, I argue with everyone over this, but you have to give yourself sometime.
Atleast find out what went wrong exactly, let your body rest for a half a year, if you get pregnant a year from now, your baby will be just as precious. I went on vacation recently and saw one of my family. She had lost her child at one point in time and thought that she could "replace" the pain with love if she was to bring another child into the world. (what i thought, also). She got pregnant and gave to a beautiful babygirl who happens to be slow because of the stress and depression she was dealing with during her pregnancy. This girl cant live a normal life because her mom was selfish and put her own feelings before hers. Please give someone a life to live, when you really can handle it. Its not fair to take the joys of living from someone whos alive.
ParticipantThey take ur weight, bloodprssure, umm i think too early to measure ur belly but they can now hear the heartbeat so they might check it, you will have a routine urine and bloodwork done every so often, and sometimes to see that the hgc hormones are going up at the right rate. Goodluck and dont be scared, youre gonna be a mom!:)
Participanttrust me, when i was pregnant i lost it a good couple of times. One time, over a wendy’s potato because my bf got it for me in 45 min and not that second, so i went hysteric and started driving around the city not knowing what to do and crying so much i couldnt see. I always cried for food, i had to tell ppl around me pretty quick because of the jerk i was being. I remmebr falling asleep on the couch one time and waking up and crying, running to the store for some airfreshner, because the couch "smelt". MANY weird cravings, my fav: garden salad+plain yogurt+ lemonjuice+ranch dressing+ coconut+pineapple & finally rasberries, and if i didnt have that, id kill somebody. You’ll get over it in a lil while tho so just take it easy and do what u feel and eat what u want.
Participanti dont understand how the pregnancy tests wouldnt work for you. Once maybe, but they are accurate as far as tracking down the HGC hormone. Ive tried the cheapest brand and it still worked and it was like 3 weeks pregnant then. All the symptoms could be unrelated to pregnancy. I usually get really naseous before and during my period, or it could just be the stress of fight for custody. Can you not go to a walkin-clinic or something, because if you are, you need to relax a lot more. Good luck
ParticipantBabies get attracted to alot of things in a person, but I had never heard that one. I heard that if you ARE pregnant and girls come to you all the time you are having a boy and if boys come to you all the time, youre having a girl. But a blood test could let u know:)