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Participantoh sweetie, I am so sorry to hear all this. It is so hard to know who you can trust today. I have never actually had a child, but I can tell you that adoption is a decision that can only be made by the one who is pregnant. It is good for some girls who have decided that it is best, but you cant let your parents force you to do that. You are a mom now and you have the responsibility to take care of your child. If you decide her or she will be better off in someone elses care, then that is fine. But you will regret it every day for the rest of your life if you let your child get taken away. Maybe you should try to talk to your mom. It may help to ask her would she have given you away if she had been 14 when you were born. I know it is a very hard position you are in but you can’t let someone take your child if you don’t want them to. just tell your mom no. I wish i knew of somewhere personally you could go to get help. maybe you can call the help line to find out. Well good luck and please dont let your parents fool you into thinking you have no choice.
Participantwell you could definately be pregnant and just taking the tests at the wrong time. if you have had alot to drink or something it could be a false neg because your urine is diluted. I suggest you take another test the first pee of the morning.
however i have heard that if there is any trace of blood or protein in the urine it can cause a false positive, but i have never heard of anyone having a positive and it turn out they were not pregnant.
ParticipantWell you could be pregnant, but I know from personal experience that wanting to be pregnant can trick your mind into feeling symptoms. Or maybe you just become more aware of things that were always like that but you just never realized. I have always had random stomach pains for years from no cause but when i started thinking about pregnancy I started noticing more and psyched myself out. Also I pee alot.. like 10 times a day and usually once or twice in the middle of the night.. but i have always been like that. ofcourse i just psyched myself out cuz i started noticing it.
on another note, it doesnt sound like you should be trying to get pregnant seeing as you and your boyfriend have only been together 2 months. maybe it feels like a long time but it is nothing and the chances are low of that kind of relationship lasting with a baby in the picture. I just think you should not kid yourself like so many girls do. anyways, good luck either way.
Participantwell your probably better off waiting until you graduate so you can be better prepared and not have to drop out of school. you might want to get married also. im sure you have no thoughts that ur man would leave if u had a child unmarried but it happens all the time and to girls who never could imagine it. I used to want so bad to have a baby. which is why i got pregnant the first time. i didnt try to prevent it. i was very irresponsible and immature and just thought i would be so happy. but as soon as it happened i panicked and aborted. well since then i have still had those maternal erges like crazy sometimes and i am engaged and have been for 2 years but i finally made the personal decision that i just have to wait. i just have to graduate so i can be sure i can give my child everything it deserves. i am doing very good now i am on birth control and make sure to take it every single night. i dont want to mess up like i did before. i also think about my fiance who wants to go to college and law school (hes in the marines right now) and how hard it would be for him to reach his goals if we had a child young. even if he says hed be happy, id probably feel guilt for the rest of my life if he never got to do those things. you just have to use your head and make a personal decision.
Participantno just another mental repercussion of my mistakes that will forever drive me crazy. but thanks for asking..
i think you are wrong for telling this woman that it is something she is doing to make him hit her. atleas that is what it sounds like. and yes you should do everything you can to make a marriage work, but when it gets to physical abuse the only thing you can do is leave. smiling more wont change anything. and if she has to put her husband in jail then it is def to the point she should leave, not wait for him to get out if hes in there for hurting her.
Participantwow. i would say that you definately should not be married to him if he physically abuses u. noone should. it isnt your fault b/c u can never know who someone really is. so my best advise would be to get an annullment asap. if u cant get one then leave him, file for divorce, asap. not only could he hurt you, but he could hurt or kill your baby. better to be single mother than have an abusive husband/father of ur child. his behavior will only get worse. even if he apologizes doesnt mean he will stop. men like that never stop b/c they just cant control themselves. protect urself and ur baby and get away!
Participantyou should probably do what everyone else says… but i wouldnt have the guts. the only way my parents knew was my mom asked if i might be prego even before i knew and i said its possible so she made me take a test. then she told my dad. all i did was cry and feel embarressed. i know.. very mature. not. i think if my mom hadnt found out then i would have just kept it a secret as long as possible until she asked. but do not do that, especially if the only way u can see a doctor is to tell your parents.
Participanti would say u r pregnant and need to go to a doctor asap. i had the exact same symptoms. the bad stomach pain happened to me so bad i went to the hospital. i couldnt stand up when the pains happened. they were sudden and sometimes so bad they caused me to throw up. but it was normal the doc said. but i dont doubt u r pregnant. how many days late is ur period?
Participantday 2: still no period! wtf?
Participanti think you are fine, your not pregnant. those symptoma are probably caused by ur period or just in your head.
Participantwhen i was pregnant, about 3 or 4 days after my period was due i bleed for like an hour but then it stopped completely
Participantthat is really hard, and even though im sure your dad does his best, you may want to talk to a woman close to you.. like a mentor.. if you have a grandmother or an aunt or even a friends mom. there are tons of pregnancy hotlines you can call. i wish i could help more. but i think if you find a woman you are comfortable with and close with she would be willing to help you out. but also, being a mother is part of our nature. it is in our blood basically. our bodies help us to learn how to be a mother with intuition. im not speaking personally because i dont have a child. but its what ive heard from well.. everyone. lol goodluck girl
Participantwell it could mean you are pregnant because pregnancy hormones are what make your breasts do crazy things, but then again your hormones might just be acting crazy for no real reason. wait till ur period comes and if it doesnt take a test, but if ur too nervous and cant wait that long then take an early response 3 days before you expect your period to come.. also yes you can have symptoms 10 days after conception because it takes about 9 for the egg to implant.however it does seem rather soon for you to be having that particular symptom
Participantoh my gosh girl. you need to leave his ass! what a creep! sometimes you just dont know who people really are. obviously he doesnt love you THAT much if he secretly hopes you would die! thats the most horrible thing ive heard. tell him he can be free anyways and he cant see you anymore. dont let him turn things around on you. Some men just have that manipulative power over us but you have got to snap out of it for your baby. Would you really want your baby to be raised by a father who wished she would have died? thats dangerous! this guy is not who you think girl. please be smart.
Participantu should do it naturally but do a water birth. the water will make things much less painful and u can still walk around!
Participantaccording to doctors, in the past few years deaths from child birth have been going up instead of down, because so many c-sections are being done that are not necessary and women die from blood loss and such. So avoid it at all costs unless absolutely necessary.. even if your doctor wants to give you one.. make sure its really really needed
Participantsame thing happened with me this month! i really had a lot of symptoms that i never get on my period.. just like yours.. and i got my period but it was a lot different.. like darker blood.. and its been going for like 10 days really super light. weird huh. i took a test too but before i actually got my period so it said neg. oh well.. well if ur prego let me know! cuz i might need to take another lol
Participantwell your supposed to start taking the pill the first sunday of your period so if you took it after your period ended then it might not work for the first month.. but Im on yaz and i didnt get any pregnancy symptoms when i started it.. its actually sposed to suppress symptoms like that.
Participantobviously if you had unprotected sex you could be pregnant. if your period is usually on a normal cycle and its off, go take a test.
ParticipantAlthough it is always a possibility, the chances are really unlikely that you had a miscarriage. Usually birth control makes periods different, especially the first one. An embryo wouldn’t even get that big in that gestation period so it was probably just tissue. and my doctor told me that you just needed to be on bc for 7 days before you had unprotected sex, though it is always better to wait a month. Im sure your fine unless you started the pill later in your cycle then you were supposed to.
Participantgood 2 know thnx
Participantto update my last post… im starting to have sharp pains in my breasts in spots and weird feelings in my abdomen like tightening and a sharp poking feeling every once in a while. im not due for a period for another 6 days. im starting to think this is more than just in my head and im so convinced i could be prego im scared to try a test. i couldnt take it for another few days anyways. my breasts havent hurt from a period since i started YAZ and i have never felt these weird pains in my abdomen before. im also engaged and have been engaged to a wonderful man for over a year now.. but im still somehow scared to tell him im even concerned i may be pregnant. i just dont want to stress him out if it turns out im not, but i also dont wanna be alone and have to take a test. i want him with me. i have been trying to hint to him by saying my breasts hurt and my stomach hurts but he isnt catching on cuz he knows im on birth control. advice?
Participantfirst off all, you havent even actually been tested to be pregnant or missed a period so you don’t need to make any decisions like abortion before you even know if your for sure pregnant. if your not, then it will save you a lot of worry and id say dont stress about it too much until you actually know, then you can start deciding on things. anyways goodluck girl