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  • in reply to: When it happens! #15680

    well w my daughter the dr had to break my water w my son it broke on its own at 2am…when i woke up i felt like i was laying in a swimming pool. and every mins there would small gushes of water. on the to the hospital about 1/2 after i woke up (2:30am) my fiancee had to stop a few times so i could get contractions didnt start until about 2 hrs after my water broke..and like everyone else said they start out as uncomfortable cramps and gradually get worse but the pain all goes away when u hold your precious baby for the first time..good luck and its really not that bad i promise it may seem like it at the time but after you push your baby out it all goes away.

    in reply to: LADIESS HELP ME OUT #15679

    well hun first off if your breastfeeding i wouldnt freak out about preg again just yet b/c breastfeeding can mess up your period big time..i breastfed my daughter for 3 mos and i dont think i had a period at all until i stoppped nursing her. but i’m in the same situation as you as far as possibly being preg son is 3 mos old and i think i’m preg again but if i am my cousin is going to adopt the baby…i’ve been w the father of my children for 3 yrs now and he agrees it would be better for the baby to let my cousin adopt it. well i guess we can kinda help eachother so feel free to email me anytime…..well hope to hear from you soon.

    in reply to: Advice please #15678

    well first of all hun not every pregnancy is the pregnancy w my daughter and my son were total oposites. and now i think i may be preg again and my son is only 3 mos old and everything is the same as it was w my son so who knows. well good luck and i would also suggest testing asap..if your two wks late then i bet you are preg. good luck!

    in reply to: Work…no work…HELP #15623

    i understand how u feel..i’m a stay at home mom of a little girl that will be 2 may 25th and a 3 mos old son and my fiancee works the only way i can go anywhere or do anything is if he takes me.but i’m hoping that will change soon. he bought another car so i will be able to get out of the house why hes at work. i would say if you feel like everything would be better by getting a job then go for it. its your right to be able to feel independant. good luck w everything.

    in reply to: MORNING SICKNESS #15544

    no just be happy u dont have morning sickness…i only had it for a few days w my daughter and i thanked god everyday that i didnt have it…but w my son i was in pure misery. i was sick all the time!you should feel lucky

    in reply to: My Now Ex Tried to Kill Our Unborn Child #15475

    omg i couldnt have survived all that…you have alot of strength to be able to survive. i think since u have been through so much you deserve your child. i hope you can stay strong for the beautiful child growing inside you. it made be the seed of an evil man but that doesnt mean you wont love it any less…having a child is the most wanderful thing in the world and i wouldnt trade my two for anything..I’m 21 and have a little girl that will be 2 may 25th and a handsome son that is 3 mos. its the most rewarding gift there is and i hope u can see past the anger and the hurt and keep that wanderful life growing in your womb. your are very brave and just from what i read i think you could raise a proper young man or women and teach them that hitting the one u claim to love or anybody is wrong. plz dont get to stressed and dont let your sister talk you into best reguards and i hope everything turns out ok for you. plz plz plz keep me updated on how your doing! and feel free to email me at anytime.
    Good luck and i hope your journey to being a wanderful mother is a very rewarding one!

    in reply to: not to sure!!! #15468

    Well hun if u havent had a period in two mos i would suggest testing..I have a baby girl that will be 2 may 25th and a 3 mos old son and your having all the syptoms i had but i didnt really have any of them till after i had + pg tests. good luck and keep me updated!

    in reply to: is this normal #15467

    absolutly…I’ve never had an abortion but it is normal b/c they made u kill the life growing inside of you you have every right to feel that way!I hope everything turns out ok in the end!! Good luck!

    in reply to: Sleeping on your back?? #15443

    the only thing sleeping on your back does its puts more pressure on your spine from the baby …the most dangerous thing to do is sleeping on your stomach dont do it that can hurt the baby.the back really isnt that bad may cause more back pain then ud like but thats about it.

    in reply to: Baby Names #15440

    Well my daughters name is Alexis Kay and my next daughter will be Katarina Nikhole. i also like isabella annabelle Tabitha

    in reply to: :ower tummy and pelvic pain #15306

    yes i had it w my daughter i was in so much pain i thought i was dying..its just your muscle and tendons stretching i was in the hospital for 3 days just to find that all it was they call it basically baby growing pains! Good luck w everything!

    in reply to: My Baby! What to expect? #14876

    well its diff w everbody i didnt have morning sickness w my daughter but was sick all the time w my son..the appts r about the same song and dance urine tests weight bloodpressure etc.

    in reply to: im pregnant :) how do i see a doctor without insur #14653

    Look into a free clinic till your insurance kicks in.there should be a clinic in your area that does it for free…if not then call your obgyn and explain to them the situation and I’m sure they can help!

    in reply to: help i am soo confuse and scared #14652

    I was in the same situation..when i took the test it came back really faint so faint i could barely see it..and now i have a 1 1/2 mos old son and a 19 mos old i would say your preg..wait a few days and test again..i took like 5 tests w both my babies,;)

    in reply to: LABOR INDUCTION :( #14602

    I didnt have problems w either of daughter was 3 days late but came on her own and my son was almost 2 wks early and came on his own..but a friend of mine was 2 1/2 wks late and got induced and she got induced at 8am hard labor at 2pm and had her son at 2:30pm. so it was easy for her..hope u have as good luck as she did..keep us updated!:silly:

    in reply to: Opinions please!!!!! #14480

    I think he is coming he is just scared of such a big responsibilty..everything will work out for the best i promise..just keep your head up and think about that precious baby!

    in reply to: Eating….plz help #14470

    i dont know who told u coleslaw and potatoe salad isnt good but they have their info wrong! i ate potatoe salad all the time when i was preg w both my babies and the dr told me it was good b/c of the potatoe in it being a vegetable and also Iate tuna the whole time i was preg w both my babies and they are fine same w ice cream. just ask your dr about what to eat and not to eat..i also ate fast food…aka mcdonalds all the time.

    in reply to: I don’t know what to do #14409

    its absolutly not crzy thinking about it at 19. i had my daughter when i was 19 and my son when i was 21..I say go for it..i think you would make a very good mother b/c your thinking of the health of a baby if you wuold get preg now..I have a beautiful 19 mos old daughter and a handsome 1 mos old son and i wouldnt trade them for anything..Good luck and keep me updated!:cheer:

    in reply to: Someone plz….. #14379

    hey I’m here if u need somebody to talk to.I’ve never had an abortion but i have a 19 mos old daughter and a 1 mos old son..feel free to email anytime.

    in reply to: dont give up! its not that hard! #14377

    i didnt think being a mother was hard or took a whole lot of time till i had my i have a toddler (19 mos old daughter) and an infant (1 mos old son) and I’m home by myself with them why my fiancee works..its harder now that i have 2 and am by myslef w them during the day but like everybody else i wouldnt change it for anything in the world. they are my life and the most precious gift i could have ever been given!:silly:

    in reply to: Scared. #14372

    i would just take a test instead of waiting and then if it says – i would wait a few days and take another one or go to the dr..thats the only way your going to find out.

    in reply to: More Questions #14302

    Brestfeeding is better for the baby but sometimes it doesnt work out.. i was only able to nurse my daughter for 3 mos b/c i had problems w yeast build up and thats painful…and only a wk w my son bc i was sore and uncomfortable..if u decide to brestfeed i hope u have better luck w it then i did…GOOD LUCK

    in reply to: ….. #14301

    yes that is a syptom as well i had terrible back pain w my son

    in reply to: ….. #14293

    Sounds to me like your preg..wait a while and test agian

    in reply to: pOsSiBlY pReGgO??!!!??? #14292

    First off yes it is way to early to need wait and see if your next period comes and if it doesnt then i would wait about a wk after your suppsoed to have it and test again. I’m not sure if you could get preg why on the pill but I’ve heard of alot of people getting preg while on the good luck and keep me posted..and yes they do sound like preg syptoms to me.

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