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  • in reply to: . #14616

    It seems like you could have done this with your man. I think it wasn’t right for your mum to make a life changing choice for YOU! She really should have supported you with whatever you chose.

    in reply to: Ultrasound in 21 hrs! Will this help me decide? #14615

    As i said before i hope you do make th right choice. You will regret it for the rest of your life if u were to terminate and i dont think you would want that. It would be good for your bf to be there to see the baby, ad it might even change his mind too. I tell everyone that you dont need alot of money to keep a baby, people think that baby’s cost heaps to look after, they dont. They need your love and thats the most.

    in reply to: im 17 and me plz! #14614

    it sounds like you don’t want this procedure so why get it done. There is a little baby inside you not a baked bean. You guys sound like you could be a great family together. If you know that any way possible that u couldn’t look after baby then why not give him/her up for adoption to a family that would love a child?
    Maybe go and speak to a councillor about your descion

    in reply to: Excited/Scared #14613

    its probably nerves playing up too.I had the feelings of ‘am i gong to be good mum d will i cope’. Its all a normal feeling.

    in reply to: stressed…cOnfused need advice #14612

    to go with her heart and who treats her right.she has to think about who will be a suitable father too.

    in reply to: silly question maybe #14458

    Yep i’ve heard of it happening. Its quite a common question that people ask and dont think it can happen but funnily enough it does.

    in reply to: Can Pre cum get you pregnant? #14456

    Yep you sure can

    in reply to: Eating….plz help #14455

    Peanuts aren’t good for pregnant girls.
    Soft serve ice cream
    Cold ham-has to be cooked up
    raw seafood and stuff like that

    Do a search on yahoo or whatever you use ad type in ‘foods to avoid during pregnancy’ and there should be a list somewhere of everything.

    in reply to: I changed my mind #14454

    I’m glad to see you had the strength to say you wouldn’t go through with it!

    in reply to: smoking? miscarriage? #14453

    Dont stress. I dont agree with smoking weed and pregnant but i have seen ppl that have done it and harder drugs and the baby turns out fine but its good that you have now stopped.
    Good luck to a happy and healthy pregnancy.enjoy it!

    in reply to: More Questions #14367

    Breastfeeding is best but you do what will suit you and dont let anyone make you feel bad if you do choose to bottle-feed. The other option so daddy can feed as well is expressing the milk into a bottle.
    The formula out now is very much like breastmilk anyway

    in reply to: Anything and Everything #14366

    The same thing happened when i got pregnant.My friends were all out partying which i never was into.
    When my baby was born i knew exactly who to choose. It goes to show who your real friends are

    in reply to: Hi im new #14365

    I always tell girls to wait another week before retesting.It gives you more time for the results to be clearer too!

    in reply to: bad stomach pains:( #14364

    Could be either or both. Get a test and get some results

    in reply to: Back Again….Eeesh! #14363

    Thats weird. I hope everything gets sported for you and you make the right decision this time round.
    Good luck

    in reply to: dont give up! its not that hard! #14362

    Awww how sweet. I was told i was an idiot when i found out i was first pregnant and hubby’s sister says ow are u going to afford a kid….
    We did it fine.She is perfect, she will be 2 in Feb, she gives me a hard time sometimes but doesn’t everyone? She is only a kid and has to learn all the boundaries.

    in reply to: What should I do..?? #14361

    Wow that was amazing to read that and to see that you are only 13 years old….i thought it was a post from about a 20+ yo…. Try not to stress yourself yet about the prospect of becoming pregnant until you know the real results. Does your boyfriend not want a baby?
    I hope that things look up for you and it seems that if you are pregnant you will be mature and strong enough to take care of a bub

    in reply to: Do you think I should go back to him??? #14359

    I reckon he is crawling back. I wouldn’t fall for it and he knows there is a good chance you will drop everything coz you obviously still like/love him and he is the father of little Connor. I would remain friends with Glenn and stay with your currant boyfriend. ‘

    in reply to: IM PREGO!! #14358

    Just look after yourself.No drinking alcohol and stay away from smoking. Eat enough food for the both of you.Dont do too much to strain yourself.Keep it easy!

    Good luck and congrats

    in reply to: NEED ADVICE =( #14357

    Would your parents have you back home if they found out you ran away with no explaination?

    in reply to: this means…?? #14261

    Still seems a little too early to tell but gab a test and see how u go from there.

    in reply to: does these symptoms mean I’m pregnant #14260

    First of all if you are pregnant i gather you would be around the 12wk mark as you say so doing a pregnancy test should give a you a clear result. I would do that and go from there. I’m glad you have already decided that you will keep the baby if you are preggo 🙂

    in reply to: 15 turning 16 in jan #14259

    I sort of agree with Moderator QueenB.
    If sex is causing you to worry about getting pregnant then take extra precautions not to get pregnant.

    in reply to: What’s Happening? #14257

    I couldn’t say yep your pregnant straight away but wait another wk and then do another test or go to the doctors if your still feeling ‘weird’.

    in reply to: I don’t know if I can handle… #14256

    Hmmmm… If you think you guys can cope then go for it. If you choose to terminate the pregnancy then you could regret it for the rest of your life and then get into a deeper depression. Good Luck with whatever choice you make

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