15 turning 16 in jan

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      hey thanks 4 readin …. i am onlli 15 as u read and i have no clue wats s0o0 ever if i am or not ….. i have been before but i lost it due to a fall that happened back in oct…… but now i think i am this tyme … me and my man have bee 2gether 4 1 yr on xmas and he’s been really ants about it all…2 be truthful because i am a grl and marternal instics come easy { u should no } i gonna want it .. even though i no i cant handle it yet … if u onlli new mw then u can see i that i can take of my self { but can alwayz ues guidence} and i no how to take care of a baby new born and all ! … but it diffrent .. cuz u se my BF he’s asian and i am black … so00o0 it makes it harder 4 us cuz … in there culture .. this happendz and ur parents dont tlk 2 u dont help u no nothing … and my man is all 4 his day … he cant live wit out him…..wen we tlk about this all he can say is i odnt no babe i wnat idzz but not rite now ….. he’s about 2 graud this year and haven a baby can mess everything up …. i keep tellin my self becuse i dont wanna be sad that thingz will be hard even harder then i can image but i dont care if ur family is there or mine i will make it by my self …. but now i am thinkin about it and now i just dont no some 1 any 1 plzz help me tlk 2 me i will tlk to u !


        Please listen to those maternal instincts! If you are pregnant, you are a mother, and you are designed to protect and nurture your child. If you choose to do otherwise, it will hurt you, too. Yes, if you are pregnant it will be a difficult road ahead, but there will be a lot of joy there, too. It will be hard, but you can do it!


          Girl, you are throwing the cart before the horse. You need to take a pregnancy test first. You might not even be pregnant and all this worryin’ is for nuthin.

          Here is a link to a website that can run a free and confidential pregnancy test for you. http://www.optionline.org/advantage.asp or you can call 1-800-395-HELP. At the website all you have to do is type in your zip code and a list of centers will appear. Just call the center and tell them that you need a free pregnancy test run. They will be happy to help you.

          Even if you are pregnant, you are not alone and there is all kinds of support available to you. The place that I referred you to able can help you out with all your baby’s needs if necessary. If you are pregnant, I know you can do it all by yourself. You’re a Stand Up Girl. Plus everyone here supports you.

          But you wanna know what I think? I think you need to stop havin’ sex with your boyfriend – seriously. It is giving you nothing but troubles. Is having a sexual relationship with you boyfriend
          working well for you? It seems that it is not a good time for you
          to be pregnant. Why have sex? Ya, it feels good for a minute, but
          the consequences will last a life time. Why not wait until you are
          married? Give some consideration to waiting. It pays off. That’s what I’m doing.


            I sort of agree with Moderator QueenB.
            If sex is causing you to worry about getting pregnant then take extra precautions not to get pregnant.

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