Forum Replies Created
Participanthiya hun.
before you panic, get another test, wait a few days and test again,although on the other hand if you are
im glad to hear if you are pregnant you will keep the babyand there is a very good chance you are pregnant you
have had unprotected sex a few timeskeep me posted
Participantoh i kno how you feel! i want another babyb to
if i had the money i would be having another 1 right now,
but i know i have to wait untill things settle have to be happy with what you are doing,
you are already a mommy to a beautiful baby,
so y not finish college then you can get a gr8 job
be a roll model to your baby and have more babiescheried
Participantjust be positive babe! everything will be fine.
your baby will be fine to.
dont you think its just so amazing to have that bby inside?good luck. keep us posted
Participanthiya hunny,
please reconsider what you are thinkin about are carrying a precious life!
please give that baby a chance. there are so many
girls who have bee in your shoes and they are great
mommies now. you can do it to,tell someone you trust! your parents might be cross but
they will come around trust me i know.your boyfriend, well he should be man enough to
stand up for his actions.
my boyfriend gave me alot of probs in the begining
of my pregnancy, once he held ashley, tears just filled
up his eyes. and now he is the most amazing daddy to ashit seems like now abortion is the only way out,
i promise you its not, choose life for your baby
we are all here to give you support!cheried
Participanthiya hunny!
please do not have a abortion
you are carrying a life.
yes you are young and it will be hard but you
will get through it
your boyfriend cannot force you into anything you dont
want to do! plus
everyone on this site will give you lots of support.
im here if you need to talk about anything!B)cheried
Participanthiya hunny
well first of all, when was your last period?
those are symptoms yes. symptoms usually only start
around 4-5 weeks pregnant though (differs with every woman)the most common sign of prenancy is the missed period
let me know?
Participantwell a pregnancy test will only be accurate after you
have a missed period.
i would wait untill ur next period, if you miss it then test
again.sometimes when woman think they pregnant they put all these
feelings in their heads.i would just wait b4 jumping to conclusions
Participanthi sugar!
so you pregnant after all.
you know the joy a baby can bring you, and you
know the financial difficulties and stress that it brings
to. at the end of the day, its a life! a life is so so
precious. it can be taken away within seconds!you know that as a mom you will do ANYTHING to provide for your babies
now i know you only 17 and have a baby right now that
you caring for, and it wont be easy to have a secondBUT
with saying all this i really think you should take
a test and see if you really are pregnant again
before jumping the gun you know?if you are pregnant talk to you partner – if you
really think you cant handle it maybe adoption is best
but still one da that baby will grow up and want to know
why mommy and daddy did not want him/her
you really have to think about it carefullylet me know how it goes
Participantso hold on is she pregnant at all???
i dunno how sum could lie about something like that
id have a serious conversation with her
and ask her to explain y she lied. especially if you guys
are so close.!
i would be lividcheried
Participantim sure those things are not really true hehe, only
a ultrasound can determin the sex, but hey who knows…
good luckcheried
Participantcaffene is not good for your baby, thats y you
will see on alot of websites they say limit your coffee intake
to about 1-2 cups a day, now red bull has way more caffene
in it.
i dunno i would rather stay away from the red bulls altogether
caffene can cause low birth weight and a bunch of other
Participanti think at times like this we all feel like we cant make it
and we look for the quick way out.. so before we think about it
we act.i think deep down inside your bf really wants this baby,
y not give him a chance?
well does he want to be with you?
you know that you say he is addicted to pain killers,
maybe having this baby could make him see he has to be a role model
or not, you could help him sort his life out,honey abortion is never the answer, you know if you abort
you will spend your whole life wondering about that baby.
a mommy will always make a plan for her babies, even if its hard
you will get through it.i hope you make th right choice good luck and im always here
if you need to chatcheried
Participantits most likely that you are not having pregnancy symptoms because it takes about 4 weeks for it to kick in, but you never kno every1 is different. if you think you are pregnant wait untill you miss a period then take a test if you do. i think the pain you feeling could maybe just b period signs… although you never know good luck
ParticipantHey there. You are not alone! My daughter is 12weeks on wednesday and ever since the moment i gave birth i gave this urge to have another baby. Now just like you i love her so much. I dunno Why i would feel this way. Its not that i dont love my daughter im just longing for another 1. I spoke to my doc at my 6week app he offered me anti depressants but i refused. He said alot of woman feel this way. He put me on the pill. But i struggle every morning to take it Lol. My doc said it will pass and the feeling will go. But it has not. I try keep myself busy. Training and getting myself into shape but somehow i always find myself talking to my bf about another 1. Your not alone. Its strange. I dunno Why i feel this way either i kno i cant have another baby right now even tho i want one:(
Participanthmm- hun to me it does not sound like pregnancy symptoms at all- but then again everyone is different,
im not to sure wat the heavy bleeding is caused from-
as it takes 8 days just for the egg to implant itself
and attach to the uterus,i would suggest waiting till your next period – if it does
not show take a test – and take it from there.
if its negative- i think you should see a doctor,
with all those symptoms you havinggood luck- keep me updated:)
Participanthi im cherie im 28 weeks preg wit a baby girl
your baby is gorgeous!
welcome to da sitecheried
Participantyes you are quite right those are early preg signs.
i thought my period was coming- and it never showed up!however there could be a chance you pregnant – or it could be that
you just having a late period-
sometimes our bodys play trickd on us…
if you dont get a period within the next week pls try make a plan to
get a test,
they not expensive and some clinics offer them free.its better to know than to sit and stress about it-
the pull out method is not always 100% effective-
sperm can be ejaculated- or precum with always happens contains
sperm to – which can result in pregnancy.all you can do is wait to see if it comes or get a test sorry hunny
good luck and let us know what happened
Participanthi honey- congrats on the pregnancy!!
i know how you feeling with your boyfriend i had a
similar experience.i think maybe you should try talking to him- exactly what you told us here
in your post – tell him. you two are having a baby
and you have to communicate with each other
and about your feelings otherwise alot more pressure will fall on you.maybe he is just scared about how they will react?
but i do agree with you- his parents SHOULD know-
it is there grandchild and if they are mad… so what
they will get over it trust me. tell him you want to meet
his parents and tell them. do your parents know that
his parents dont knw? maybe you could talk to your bf and get
your parents to talk things out. the thing is at the end of the day
your baby is all that matters- dont cause yourself stresgood luck- with you all the best
p.s. im 28 weeks so our babies are like 4 weeks apart
ParticipantHey sweetie…
i really dont think you have anything to worry about.
only start worryin once you missed your period that way you
dont put your body under stress that it does not need.there is a small chance that you are pregnant,
he would have to ejaculate inside you!
so im pretty sure your safe hunif you need to chat im always here
Participanthey hunni my favourite out of those names are clara and
philip…congrats on your babies luv
Participanthey there hun, well im 21 weeks pregnant and been
exercising since day 1. although before i got preg
i exercised everyday to.
i ran 5km just about every day up untill 12 weeks.
then i changed to low impact exercise, which was swimming
and indoor spinning. then i experienced a tear in the
placenta so the doc told me to rest for 2 weeks and
then continue exercise
and now i do pregnancy yoga and sometimes spin when im up to it.
check with your doctor. and always listen to your bodythere are many types of exercise you can do while preg.
i think as long as it is not a contact sport like hockey which can
cause damage to the tummy if hit there.hope this helps
Participantyep and that would be right- before jumping
to any conclusions get yourself a test. see what the results
good luckcheried
Participantyes i think there could be- its hard for you as you in
a position where your period will be irregular!
i would suggest waiting 3/4 weeks and take a test!cheried
Participantits very normal!
i think to be a mother is something very special.
i miscarried in april- all i wanted was a child. i eventualy
told myself il let it happen wen it happens.
now im 16 weeks pregnant everythng is going great.
non of us really no the joy a child can bring once we find
ourselves pregnant/ or have a pregnancy scare. (and get over the shock)
my advice would be- if you cant have one now- prepare yourself
for that child you going to have one day,
get your body fit healthy, take a vitmain etc.
this could help put your mind to ease, and reassure yourself one day
you will have that baby. good luck with everything!cheried
Participanti think that it is common in alot of women after
pregnancy.i would not worry about it right now- try focusing on
keeping yourself happy, i know from what i been told that
what ever you feel your baby feels inside you-
i know for one i been feeling really depressed and sad
lately- morning sickness wont disappear which
is making it hard to keep going(and im already 15 weeks and
5 days)
try keep yourself happy and relaxed- if you think you
going into ppd, im sure you will have a lot of ppl to help you-
good luck though hunnny!! -