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ParticipantGET AWAY FROM HIM!! if he hits u do u really want to bring a child into that? do u really want the chance that he’ll hit ur baby?!? don’t even let it be a possibility get away from him now!!!
Participanthey i’m sorry for u getting pressured into that but i agree with niam u need to seek help if ur having thoughts like that…it’s not something to hide till it’s too late..i’m bipolar/depressed and i have to take medication for it, i’m not embarassed about it cuz it’s genetic for me and i can’t change that, but being a mom is hard enough w/out bad thoughts and depression and where ur not yet a mom and u have these thoughts it would be very bad if u did have a baby…so please b4 u hurt ur self get help!!!!
Participantwhen i took my test i was only like 1day late 4 my period and i took the cheapest test the store had and took it after i got out of school in the store bathroom! the chances of getting a + if it’s already read – and ur late isn’t too high, but i’d try again, and if u didn’t do it in the AM when u first go pee then try it that way…good luck!
Participanti’m not sure where u are but here in the US we have WICC which helps with stuff like that..but i agree with euro_girl call the number(s) and see what they can do!
Participantgo see ur doc!…it is possible u just had a reaction, and if u aren’t on ne BC it can take a while for ur periods to re-regulate themselves so that could be whats happening…
Participantgirl don’t let ne one pressure u into an abortion, it’s ur body and ur baby! what u want!…what u need to do is find a trusted adult u can tell first and have them help u/go with u to tell the rest of u family (if u are really that scared to tell them)….and screw the dad, if can’t handle it then he shouldn’t have been having sex in the first place, because there’s always the chance of getting preg when u have sex!!!…good luck!
Participanti DO NOT agree with purekat and mommy6 bcuz i had NO symptoms for basically my whole pregnancy…the only way i knew i was preg was i had a strong feeling, then i missed my period and had a + test…i only ever got morning sickness like 3 times and car sick once for my whole 9months….so just go to ur doc and get a test..good luck! u can email me with questions or ne thing u need… 🙂
Participantgo see ur doc, cuz stuff online is limited to the number of answers it can give u…and pregnancy symptoms can start from conception, and usually HPT dont show a + until after ur missed period cuz of the pregnancy hormone levels aren’t high enough till then…besides the doc tests are usually better at detecting early pregnancy levels, they can also take blood tests…so good luck…
Participantgo see ur doc..don’t take up ne more time online asking what we think cuz something could be wrong or there could be nothing wrong…just go make sure!
Participanti kinda agree with reddox…he had said yes and now he’s saying no…well it’s too late to back down..if he doesn’t want to be with u than he can atleast pay child support…i hope things get better and turn out well…good luck
Participanttry eating crakers and drinking juice, one problem with morning sickness is that it happens when ur blood sugar levels get too low so u get sick, wich makes it hard to eat when ur sick so it just gets worse….so try eating little things alot..alos my friend who was kind like u swears by ‘preggie pops’…but dont forget to talk to u doc about it he/she may b able to help…..
Participantjust tell her u think u may be preg but haven’t taken the test and u want her to take u to get it and be there for u…she’s ur mom she will love u no matter what happens, she may get angry but anger passes….
Participanteveryone gains weight differently and babies develope differently also, BUT u drinking and smoking through some of ur babys most important developmental stages could be having an effect, have u talked to ur doc about this possibility?…just remember to stay calm and not stress because that’s not good for the baby…..good luck
Participanthey just let life run it’s own course…cuz if ur meant to be with him then it’ll happen..and besides u feel that way cuz it is something new, when u’ve been with someone for so many years something new feels right but it may not be…i can tell u from expirience, something kinda like that happened to me but it was someone new not someone old that came into my life, BUT i’m now married to the one i’ve been with for over 3yrs now NOT that other guy..he was just something that made me realize i couldn’t live w/out my hubby….so think b4 u do ne thing….good luck
Participanthun it’s called morning sickness….there are things u can do..first in the morning u can eat something like crakers B4 u get out of bed, and have something to eat with lots of protein B4 u GO to bed….and as for the rest of the day keep ur blood sugar levels up, so just keep like some candy (or preggi pops, my friend swears by them) with u so when u start to feel sick u can get a quick, but not long lasting, fix…usually the morning sickness will go away on it’s own, but theres not much u can do but try and prevent it untill it does go away…
Participantdear u r still young, u still have time to find love (again)….
Participanthun i’m not gonna tell u to be patient and wait till april beacuse i didn’t…i was 17 when i got married back in Feb and i didn’t turn 18 till april…i convinced my dad that it was the best thing for me to get married before i had my baby so he could just go staight on my husbands insurance and my dad agreed with my decicion…i know ur parents are just trying to wait and see what happens, because lots of teens marriages end in divorce because we are so young are usually jumo into things before we give ourselves time to sit and think about of choice….so just try talking to them and let them know that u love eachother and that he will take care of you and not to worry…..good luck….u can email me if u need ne thing or have ne questions….
Participanthey…don’t let them push u into naming YOUR baby something u don’t want to…he’s your baby not theirs…..good luck….
Participanti’m so sorry for ur loss….but God has reason for everything he does even if it seems like it’s the worst thing that has ever happened there’s a reason…
Participantsometimes getting off BC can throw ur periods for a loop and take them a while to get regular again…so don’t worry about them being so off….as for getting preg on ur period, it’s rare but it can happen…..
Participanti’d tell her to get a second opinion on how far she is…BUT they do those tests any ways, even if the doc is confussed about how far she is…thats just a standard test…i’m barely 18 and 38wks 5days preg with my first and when they did that test on me it came back that my baby had a slightly higher risk for downs…and we’ve done two very indepth/intesnse ultrasounds and the only thing that was off a little was the baby was retaining a little fluid in his kidneys…so just tell ur friend to keep calm and not to worry about the testing, it’s normal…..
Participantdon’t let the crap talk of others get u down..u are doing the best u can when u have problems with ur little boy, he seems to me to be at that stage in his life that is difficult without him maybe being ADHD and bipolar….so when people say bad things either ignore them or tell them he’s ur child and ur going to raise him the way u want to and they don’t know u so they can’t crap on how ur doing………
Participantu can’t force ur hubby to go…it won’t help either of u to deal with the loss of the baby…all u can do is talk to him and tell him how u feel and tell him u need him there even if he just sits in the car outside…and i know how u feel about loosing ur mom, my mom also died 4 yrs ago (when i was 14 i’m now 18)…..
Participantpre cum contains sperm so yes u can get preg from it…and as for the getting preg on ur period, it’s rare but can happen…