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  • in reply to: Too young? #20007

    i got prg when i was 17 my senior yr of HS (2006) i turned 18 in april (2007) had my baby june 2nd 2007…i never felt too young to be a mom, i got treated like it by alot of ppl though…but wut ever…i’m happy, my baby is happy (almost 7months old) and im married to my HS sweetheart (the baby’s daddy)….

    in reply to: What do u guys think of Jaime Lynne’s pregnancy #20006

    i wish her luck and i hope the press leaves her alone!

    in reply to: ADViCE FOR A FRiEND.. #20005

    personally i’d call them in for kidnapping if they dont let her take her own son!…that’s not right…

    in reply to: IUC but could i be preg/ovulating? #19942

    than u for ur replies, but i did 2 HPT’s and both negative, so yay no more worry about a potential threat to a baby…and im even spotting now so i guess i was just freaking out…but im getting it taken out next month cuz my doc warned me about it could make my depression worse and it has so im getting it out to help make my depression better, so im going back on the pill after…so yeah…lol..just thought i’d let yall know…

    in reply to: Pain Relief #19882

    i got an epi..i prolly could have gone all the way through my labor w/out it but my contractions were so close and strong that they were NOT helping me dialate so the epi helped slow and lessen my contractions so i could progress like i should….and i needed sleep…lol…

    in reply to: Premature Girls Wanting Babies #19856

    i agree, i am 18 and have a 6month old boy, i got pregnant at 17 and had him shortly after i turned 18….i think that it is primal thing in our girl genes that makes us long for a baby and it also blocks out the rational part of our brain that thinks of the consiquences of doing such a thing…i wanted a baby and after trying and not succeding i stopped trying and ended up pregnant…im very happy with my life, im a young mother, married, and have a wonderful life, and wouldnt change it…but i still agree that i dont know wut makes us want it…

    in reply to: circumcision?? #19854

    i actually got my son done cuz of cleanliness…so i am for it..i really dont care if ne one else is or isnt but that’s me…

    in reply to: childbirth #19853

    i had to get an epi (i was in labor a total of 30 hrs b4 i had my son) half way through i was so tired i needed sleep but couldnt cuz my contractions were so strong and close, the epi helped them slow down and not be so hard cuz they were actually NOT helping me progress…so the epi helped me pregress and sleep….

    in reply to: Fun thread… Were You Convinced?? #19852

    i wanted a girl at first then i had this feeling i was having a boy and behold the ultrasound showed a boy..and i now have a beautiful 6month old boy…

    in reply to: #19850

    hun im bipolar, have depression and im only 18 with a 6month old boy and im doing fine with having my baby and im also married…but i also know they other side to adoption because i along with my 3 sibling were adopted (alhtough we were only kept in pairs not as 4siblings)…it may seem hard to keep this baby after making a promise but it’s ur baby and u can do as u want..i know that u dont want to take ur word back but if u feel so strongly about this keep ur baby…and if u have any questions u can ask me and i will answer u truthfully…

    in reply to: how can i convince her?! #19848

    u cant do anything to change her mind if she’s set on it all u can do is try and tell her she has options…and comfort her after she does it, and hope she realizes b4 she does that she’ll b making a mistake…

    in reply to: no support and no answers, please help! #19756

    if u are truely scared for u and ur babies life u can try going to ur local athorities and have a police officer or social worker go with u to tell ur parents…
    so i thought i’d also tell u a little about myself since we r close in 18, have baby boy who is turning 6months this sunday, and im married..i got preg when i was still 17 and a senior in highschool..but i still graduated early as i planned, i got married to my hubby on the 2nd of feb, moved to new mexico with my hubby, turned 18 in april, and had my baby june 2nd the day all my friends were walking the stage for graduation…i know how it is to have to tell family ur pregnant at a young age but it’s not as bad as u think…BUT i want you to REALLY think about this before you decide to move out before you have this baby because u need to be able to pay rent, bills, buy food and clothing, and all these other things that come with being on ur own, and u have to finish school if u havent yet… staying at home till you are out of school will make things easier…if u need to talk u can email me…

    in reply to: hard to breath #19545

    its normal to have shortness of breath since the baby is taking up ur insides and makes it harder to breath but i’d see ur doc ne ways..

    in reply to: How long before you had your baby … #19544

    i waited till 6wks or 7wks cuz i had stitches inside and out…and i didnt want it to hurt..when we finally had sex it hurt a little when h furst went in but it was fine after that…

    in reply to: RANDOM =) #19543

    i was 17 when i got preg
    im 18 now
    i was in labor for 30hrs
    i had an epi, and they had to use the suction thing to pull him out while i pushed
    i graduated HS early (this past jan.)
    i would NOT change things
    im married to the father
    we live alone in our own place

    YAY FOR ME!…lol…and i plan to have another baby when my boy turns about 1 1/2yrs old…

    in reply to: PETITE #19542

    well im only 5’1", and that’s after i stand as straight as possible…i dont think it affected my delivery at all…and as for shoes size being how far u dialate, im between a 7.5 and 8.5 and i was a full ten…so that’s just an old wifes tale…

    in reply to: The Difference In Development in Children #19541

    david-5months 10days
    slept through the night-3 or 4months
    held bottle- 4 months
    rolled over- 4months(both ways)
    sat up alone- 4 1/2 5months, but he gets excited and topples over
    trying to crawl now at 5months, but cant get it just yet
    not walking yet, or talking
    laugh- 4months
    standing with help since 2 or 3months

    in reply to: pregannt and work #19540

    u cant get fired bcuz ur preg..but i do agree to wait, just bcuz (not to sound morbid) if u have a miscarriage b4 u get to 12wks or so then u dont want to have to tell them that…and as for telling ur boss when u hit the 12 wks mark, just go ask for a minute in private, and tell him/her straight up that ur 12 wks preg so u will need to have personal the time off/maternity leave once u have ur baby…

    in reply to: I feel so weird leaving my teens? #19539

    i know how u feel and i not even near only 18 and turning 19 in april..but my hubby just turned 20 in sept and he felt so weird leaving behind his teens…..i know i feel weird sometimes when my friends who are my age and dont have a baby are in college, going to parties, and having their parents still pay for everything….

    in reply to: Boy or girl #19538

    oh..exciting ur having ur baby dreams, i know that most of my friends who dreamed their babies sex (and my self) had that sex of a baby, i dreamed i was having a boy and i have a boy…

    in reply to: undercooked meat #19537

    the dangers of undercooked meat are the same anytime for anyone, u can get sick, but the best thing for her to do now is to not eat any meat that has any pink color to it…it’s just safer to her and the baby, but if she’s not sick then the baby should be fine…if she’s really worried she needs to ask a doc…

    in reply to: when did you find out if your baby was a boy or gi #19536

    i think it’s between 15 and 20 wks when the earliest time u can tell, and it all depends on if the baby will let u baby was all for letting us see once and then he wouldnt open his legs again…but he was clearly a boy!…

    in reply to: There she is! #19349

    aww…cuteness…love the name, she’s a JAE…

    in reply to: oh no #19348

    that’s good…just remember we are all here for similar reasons, unexpected pregnancies, abortions and support…so if u need to talk im here…im 18, graduated early in jan of this yr (2007), have a 5month old baby boy, married, and a stay at home mom…

    in reply to: oh no #19340

    im not gonna tell u that u shouldve known better cuz u obviously know that, im just gonna say that if u are preggers dont get an abortion because if ur old enough to open ur legs ur old enough to take care of a baby…k…

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