IUC but could i be preg/ovulating?

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      ok so i got the IUC (mirena) oct 29th, i spotted and cramped only the day i got i put in…i had my period nov 13th, i spotted and bled for almost 2wks then..so im due for a period in a day or so (maybe)…BUT i think im either ovulating or might be preg, i just have this thought in the back of my mind that im preg..my problem is that my first pregnancy i only knew i was preg when i missed my period and thought i was preg the wk b4 i missed it and had a positive HPT cuz i didnt have ne pregnancy symptoms like most do..so could i be preg even with the IUC? :huh:


        yep you sure could b/c no birthcontrol is 100%. But if you are you need to go the dr ASAP b/c chances of miscarriage are higher with those things and you will have to have it removed soon! Let us know, good luck!


          maybe you were reg when they put it in???? Do they check for a pregnancy b4 they they them in?


            You could be pregnant, but it’s highly unlikely w/ the mirena. I got it put in back in September, and my period has been rediculous since then, all over the place. It’s finally getting back on track (hopefully will go away completely, one of the wonderful side effects of mirena! haha) but I had spotting like you described for about 2 1/2 months after insertion. Keep in mind that your period can be doing very strange things until your body is completely used to the mirena.


              than u for ur replies, but i did 2 HPT’s and both negative, so yay no more worry about a potential threat to a baby…and im even spotting now so i guess i was just freaking out…but im getting it taken out next month cuz my doc warned me about it could make my depression worse and it has so im getting it out to help make my depression better, so im going back on the pill after…so yeah…lol..just thought i’d let yall know…

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