Forum Replies Created
ParticipantFor girls:
Lexi (Alexandria)
LeahFor boys:
ParticipantJust because you can afford a baby, doesn’t mean you are mentally ready to be a mother. A baby doesn’t just need money. It will depend on YOU for everything. NOT your parents. It isn’t very fair to get pregnant on purpose just to have a baby because it’s cute, and it’s a part of you and your boyfriend. If you and your boyfriend both work, who will watch the baby? and if you hire a nany, your baby is going to be raised by someone else and NOT you. And if you work AND go to school, when are you going to make time for your baby? Also, how will you get into college if you have a baby to care for? You can’t make a good living by the income of two teen age jobs. Also, what if you get laid off? What will you fall back on? That’s the whole point of getting a CAREER. JOB and CAREER are two totally different things. With a CAREER, you can fall back on something, apply for unemployment, still have benefits…etc. Oh, and what if you and your boyfriend break up. I know you may thing you’ll be together forever, and perhaps you will, but there IS a chance you wont. What then? What if your baby gets sick and needs expensive operations or medications? What if something happens to your parents? Because you can’t rely on your parents to raise your baby. That defeats the whole purpose of being a mother. Babies aren’t pets that you can ask other people to come take care of for a while while you’re out. You will have NO “I’m going out to a party” because you put your baby FIRST. When you’re 15, you’re supposed to go out to parties, out to the mall or movies with your friends, have sleep overs, and experience college, and life as an adult WITHOUT a kid. BE 15…experience all that first. By not thinking of all these things, that only proves more that you’re not ready to be a mother. Be fair to your parents and be fair to yourself. And be fair to a baby.
ParticipantIf you didn’t use protection, there is definitely a chance that you are pregnant :unsure:
Bleeding during pregnancy is common, for a lot of women experience bleeding that is around the time of their expected period and last about the same amount of time.
To be sure, I would take a pregnancy test AFTER your missed period, that way your results are more accurate. Make sure to take two, because sometimes you can get a false negative. And maybe take another one or two in a couple of weeks just to be sure.
Pregnancy tests aren’t as accurate as they say they are…just be sure to do it right and time it correctly. Goodluck to you girly.
ParticipantI think that’s what is was.
Lol the day after I posted this, I started my period! 🙂Amber
ParticipantAnyone have any ideas on what this may be? 🙁
ParticipantHmm…why would he file harassment? If anyone should file harassment, it should be you it sounds like. And did you buy the house together? Did you buy any of the items in your home together, because if so, he should be taking part responsibility for paying those bills. He has a responsibility to you and to those bills. I’m not sure about this stuff, I’m a teenager, but I would think that he would HAVE to pay the bills. Talk to his dad in private and tell him everything (if he’s a reasonable man of course) just so he knows that his son is lying. Don’t file for divorce yet…that way he HAS to pay those bills with you. And if he isn’t paying the bills and leaving them all to you, take him to court or something. Find a lawyer, explain your situation and see if they can possibly do some probono. And once you come to some sort of agreement in court, then file for divorce. Most likely, the judge will have him help you pay off the bills. And once you get a divorce, he will have to pay child support. If I had any money, I would send you some. I really would. I go to an expensive school, and my church is helping me pay with incoming donations and I wish I could do that for you. But I will do what I CAN do…and that is pray for you and your two sons. You deserve better and you WILL recieve better. I’m praying for you.
ParticipantI’m so sorry 🙁 Stories like these make me melt and wanna cry because I can’t stand that thought of someone having to lose their child. I can only imagine how it must feel. But you’re a strong woman and I look up to you for that for not blaming God and trying to be strong. I have never lost a child, let alone been pregnant, but I have seen how greatly a mother-to-be mourns the loss of her child and it’s unbearable to even watch. I apologize again for your loss, I’m praying for you and I do hope things work out for you. Be strong…even though it may seem like it’s impossible, just try because God never puts us through something we cannot handle. God bless…
ParticipantGirl, you’re a total inspiration! 🙂 You made it against all odds, and God wouldn’t have brought you this far, to let you fall. You’ve got no where to go but up 🙂 Hey, I’d like to be friends and chat with you. Just remember that God never let’s you go through something you can’t handle 🙂 I’ll help you and talk to you if you ever need someone. I’d really like to get to know you…congrats…you really are an inspiration! 🙂
ParticipantI’m only 15, but even I know that you don’t deserve to be treated like that 🙁 You are a woman and no woman deserves to have a jerk like that. Leave him and wait for someone who loves you and will take care of you…wait for that person who is worthy to father your child and be with you. Because you are wayyyyy too good for a jerk like that. No one should have to go through that.
ParticipantWait hun 🙂 I’m fifteen as well and my boyfriend and I are so in love…I know adults don’t think teens can know what love is, but I know that we do…maybe not the full extent of it, but we do know love. TRUST ME, I KNOW EXACTLY HOW TEMPTING IT IS….but waiting would be the best thing to do. Just think about it, making love for the first time on your wedding night…It’d be perfect. That’s what my boyfriend and I plan on doing and it was actually his idea. I was willing to make love with him once I turned 18, but…he told me that he knew it meant a lot to me and it meant a lot to him that we wait. It’ll be so worth it. If he really loves, you he’ll wait. Trust me, I want to have sex with him all the time, and he wants to as well…but we both know it’s our hormones and that waiting is much better. Just because you want to, doesn’t mean there is anything wrong. I want to, but I want to wait more….You’re not ready, that is obvious, so definitely wait 🙂 It’ll make it a million times more special, you’ll be ready, and it’ll make you want each other even more once it finally happens. Being a teen means that you probably wouldn’t appreciate the full beauty of sex….and sex is a beautiful thing. You are worth waiting for 🙂 And if he loves you, he’ll respect that and wait for you. Goodluck! 🙂
ParticipantIt is NOT wrong for you to want this baby. It’s a beautiful being that you and the man that you love created together. Do what’s right for YOU. It’s your body. If you want to keep this baby, do not even hesitate to. If he loves you like he says he does, he’ll stick beside you anyways 🙂 Goodluck!
Participantchammomile tea helps 🙂
ParticipantYou could be a waitress at a restaraunt or a bar probably, an assistant at a business office… perhaps sell Mary Kay if they have that business where you live. Or get hired at a retail sales place like Fossil or something….unless you have different shops where you live :blink:
ParticipantI didn’t say anything about Oral sex. But you are right. We are planning to get married, but you are right. We are going to start saving those acts for marraige.
ParticipantI’m not pregnant 🙂
It wasn’t sex…we just stuck it in for a second, but did NOT move onto sex. We took it out and didn’t go any further. Anyways, I figured out that I’m not pregnant. No babies or sex for me until I am married.Amber
ParticipantVery cute baby! 🙂
I plan to name my daughter(s):
Amaleah Jenavive (Uh-Maw-Lee-Uh)
Khloe MaeI plan to name my son(s):
Ayden, Jayden, or Liam
ParticipantThere is not one person here on this site that is here to judge. Everyone makes me mistakes. We’re here to help. Girls on this site are teen moms, adult moms, teens struggling with the same thing you want to do…abortion. I think every woman has the right to choose weather she aborts her baby or not. I do not like the thought of it, but I, and no one else will ever judge you for your decision. I support you. You have legitimate reasons to go through with it. No one here hates you, and we don’t judge you. Sometimes you need to thing about what is the right decision for you. And if this is it, then do it. You have gone through a lot and we’re here for you
ParticipantI agree, you should take him to court if he doesn’t wanna help. It’s just as much his responsibility for this child as it is yours. If he didn’t wanna go to jail, then he should have used some sort of contreaception. That’s not fair. He’s technically an adult, so there’s no reason why he should be such a coward and an idiot. He’s a grown up so he should act like one. Yes, because he is an adult, he would go to prison for statutory rape because you are a minor. My bf just turned 18 and I’m 15 so we can’t have sex…even if we could, we are waiting till mairrage..but just be careful when confronting him about ur child. If you want him to help, tell him that he needs to pay child support or be there or whatever you want him to do or else you will take him to court and he will go to prison tried as an adult raping a minor. You have the control here…take advantage of it 🙂 Use girl power honey. I’m sorry that he’s being such a jerk.
ParticipantI’m so sorry you are going through a stressed out time….I’m only fifteen and I’ve never had sex so I’ve never been pregnant, but I’d think it’d be better to tell your boyfriend so you have one less thing to stress about. And if he’s supportive, that could be a major plus and stress reliever as well. You shouldn’t go through this alone. Tell him, take a test, and see if you’re pregnant and then go from there. You’ll get through this…
ParticipantWell did your doctor have you take a regular pregnancy test like a store bought one, or did she take on the medical ones they make women take in the hospital? If it’s the one where you take it in the hospital, you probably are pregnant, even thought there’s a chance you still might not be. My mom and grandma never got morning sickness or any of the bad symptoms…they said they had the best pregnancies so maybe you are, you’re just one of the lucky ones who doesn’t get all the horrible symptoms…did you plan on becoming pregnant or no? 😮
ParticipantIf it were up to me I would say natural with an epidural. With an epidural you don’t feel anything…just uncomfortable pressure. And it really it really is beneficial and more safe for both you and your baby. Plus, if you get a C section, you’d have a scar…not that that’s a bad thing, but just saying
ParticipantYou guys should probably take a pregnancy test. Oooh vet medicine…that should be awesome. And if you are pregnant, don’t give up on your dreams of becoming a vet 🙂 And dentistry sounds cool too. they make really good money.
ParticipantI’m a freshman in High School. I want to graduate a year early so I’d be 17 when I graduate…but that’s still under thought…maybe I’ll just graduate with my right class. I live in CA so I’m wanting to go to University of Irvine and go to Medical School at Loma Linda University…but that’s IF I decide to still study medicine…cuz I’m kind of interested in Criminal Justice as well, but I’m pretty sure becoming a Pediatrician or a Neonatal Nurse is my calling… I love working with babies and little kids 🙂 My boyfriend and I plan to get married after we both start our careers and then start a family. He wants to be a Software Engineer and is going to Cal State Fullerton next year. So those are my plans for the future…although, I have othes like visiting beautiful beaches and cities in Spain and Mexico, going on a cruise with my future family, I want to study a little bit of fashion design, I want to get a horse (I can’t right now cuz my parents wont let me and it cost too much money and I don’t have the time), and rescue a puppy or two, those kinds of plans… hehe 🙂
ParticipantBe stromg Dayna…be strong for yourself and your lost baby. And be strong for your parents and little sis too. I know it’s gotta be the hardest thing to do right now after everything that you are going through, but trust me, it’ll be okay. I’m here, and so is everyone else here on this site. You’re not alone. I’m praying for you. And it probably would be a good thing to talk about it to someone. I lost my aunt and it was the hardest thing for me because she was the one who held our whole family together and what helped me was thinking about how I have to go on and be strong and make something out of myself to have a bright future…for her. To make her proud. And I thought about how she was okay…she was in God’s hands. There was nothing I could do to bring her back, but I could do something to make her and the Lord proud. Just be strong and do your best to go on for your baby. And it’s okay to feel lost, sad, helpless…just keep praying and don’t give up hope. I’m here whenever you need me girly, always will be. You’re always in my prayers
ParticipantI love everyone’s names… I like Khloe Mae for a girl and Aiden Jace for a boy….but I’m not having kids for a LONG time hahaha 🙂