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  • in reply to: MY ST0RY. #20502

    Hi Kristal, I wish I could just give you a tight hug. I wish I could just hold you and comfort you. What you did was wrong, but you should not be the one to carry all the blame and consequenses. I think that your bf was hurt deeply and that he is so "deep in his hurt" that he doesnt realise that you hurt million times more. I also had an abortion….and I was only 5 weeks pregnant. I only had to take a tablet to make "it dissapear" but untill today I think about my baby every night. I have a daughter who turns 4 on February 28th and I have a son who turns 1 on May 10th this year. THis abortion happened between my two kids. My son/daughter would have been 2 years old on 1st April 2008. I can only tell you that we need to pray. We need to believe that one day we will reunite with our kids and we can hold and love them all we want. And best of all….we can appologise for taking their lifes without consulting them whether they want to live or die.
    Please feel free to mail me whenever you want, I will always be here for you…

    Love Yolandi Brindeau
    South Africa

    in reply to: Am i or aren’t i?.. Very confused? #20486

    I am sorry to hear about the miscarriage…I hope you are okay?
    Linda Lee, I am so proud of you to hear that you are going through with your pregnancy even though you might be alone. But just remember, you will never really be alone….you will always have us!
    Love, Yolandi (South Africa)

    in reply to: Im new, this is my story!! #20122

    CONGRATS GIRL!!!!!!!!! THIS IS WHERE YOUR LIFE ACTUALLY BEGINS!!!! Things will be ay okay! You will always look back and realise that the day you chose to keep your baby , you made the best decision in your entire life!!!!
    Keep us updated!
    Love, Yolly

    in reply to: Sick all day… for the whole pregnancy?? #20121

    Good luck – at least you know that you have lots of pregnancy hormones and that your baby is growing well!!!
    Keep ginger biscuits by your bedside table and before you even lift your head off the pillow in the morning, eat one. That helped a lt. You can also drink a juice with ginger in it – ginger helps a lt for feeling sick.But all in all, just appreciate the feeling – its a sign of a healthy growing baby. Justy think of your little one inside of you and get yourself to eat something…that baby really need you t do it!
    Love , Yolly

    in reply to: My Daughter is dying… #20120

    Hi Youngman,
    My name is Yolandi Brindeau. I live in South Africa. I am a mother of a baby girl Michaella ( she will be four years old Feb 2008) and I have a baby boy, Rowan ( He will be 8 months old the 10th of Jan 2008).As I sit here, tears are just streaming down my face, because I have developed a psycological thing over the fear of losing any one of my kids.May I ask you what is the reason why you say your daughter is dying? Was she diagnosed with some kind of illness?I can not even try to imagine what you and your wife are going through…just the though of it hurts too much. All I can say is that God does have a plan with your little Angel. She is too precious to be in this ugly world and God needs her for more important things Up There. Just know that if you live your life for God from now on, You WILL be reunited with your little Angel one day….and she will call you DADDY…. and she will tell you that all the time you were on Earth mourning over her, she was at a better place ans she was sitting on God’s lap, laughing and having a great time. Its human to mourn….and I would most certainly tooo, but I just think if you go to a place where you can make it ÿour plae, where you can sit and talk to your little girl when she is gone, and where you can cry and just let go of your emotins…you will learn to find peace in your heart, and that will give you time to focus on "One Day" when you will se her again.
    Please reply to me….I will be thinking of you and your family and I will pray for God to give you another chance with your daughter.
    Love, Yolandi

    in reply to: Had Abortion but Due Date is January 16 #20119

    Hi Sweetie,
    First of all I just want to give you a big hug. I think if you can, tell us all about it. WHy you decided to have an abortion, how old re you, who else knows about it etc. But please dont feel pressured in any way – I just think that if you get to talk about your feelings and just get the whole thing in the open again, then we have more info on your situation and we can advice you better. If you feel you cant talk about it, its okay. I am thinking of you Honey…Love, Nunu

    in reply to: unbearable pain and confusion, help! #16581

    His leaving was indeed the best thing ever! He has a chemical inbalance in his brain and its also scycological. He would eventually started beating up your kids too – and damage them for life! The dark evil sircle that was gonna develop, luckily ended when he left. Otherwise your kids would have copied his behaviour , lost respect for you and do the same wiht their respective families. Now you have the chance of teaching them love and respect towards other people, especially family or a partner. Girl, when you feel like you want him back or if he wants to come back, please just look in your kids’ eyes and think of them first. THEY are BETTER off without him…
    Good Luck and God bless!!!


    in reply to: Some good news: #16579

    I am so glad to hear you are doing so well!!! You sound like a wonderful mom and you are the perfect example to any woman – doesnt matter what age or status. Please keep in touch…we need people like you in the forum to keep the spirit up and give advise. God Bless….YollyB)

    in reply to: im 17 pregnant and scared #16578

    This is not soooo tuff since you already decided to go through with the pregnancy. By the way, you are very very brave and you are a wonderful person. Do you know what???? You dont have to worry about anything since you already passed the most difficult part of it all!!! THat was making the decision of keeping the babies.
    I dont know you, but I am proud of you. You will see that those three little human beings will shower so much love on you that you will just forget abt anything bad that happened to you.
    Just relax, take it easy and be positive. Being a mother is not something anybody can tell you how to do it. It will just come naturally and you will be a GREAT mom!!!!

    Good luck with your pregnancy and PLEASE PLEASE keep us updated with the development of the three little sweethearts!!!

    Love Yolly

    in reply to: me, myself and one small little miricle #16577

    🙂 WOMEN LIKE YOU MAKE ME SO SO PROUD BEING A WOMAN!!! You GO girl!! You are a wonderful wonderful mom and you will reap the fruits soon enough!!

    in reply to: My Story #16576

    Ohhhh no!!! I wish I could just give you a hug!!! I am so sorry to hear about your twins. It must be that hardest thing ever to really accept. I just pray that I never got to end up in a situation like that.
    Congratulations with your current pregnancy…and please let GO of the stress!!!!!!!!!! DONT let ANYBODY upsets you – > not even your mom and especially not your boyfriend and negative friends. This is YOUR chance of having a healthy little baby. Dont let someone else ruin it for you by being negative about it.
    Good luck and keep us updated please. AND like you said, you are never alone!

    in reply to: scared #16575


    Please go to the docter. Cats use their nails to scratch in litter and the pooh contains a very dangerous bacteria! This is not good if it gets in your blood and your baby picks it up. Dont stress yourself toooooo much, rather just be save and go to doc for antibiotic or just for ‘n proper clean-up and instructions on how to take care of the scratch and infection.

    in reply to: 18, pregnant, and lonely #16574

    :side: Hey chill girl!!!! You made a mistake by relaxing a bit TOO much, but that ia history now. its over and done with. Now…you have a little miracle growing under your heart. You said you already love him/her….well…he/she already loves you too!! You are already the most important thing in the world to that litte person. You are a very very wise girl by not running away from consequenses of what you did in a moment of wanting to let down your gaurds. That is not a shame….
    I already have so much respect for you…and I have no doubt that your parents will love and spoil this child rotten!!! He/she will bring more joy in so many peoples lives than you can ever imagine! I HAVE BEEN THERE< BELIEVE ME!!!! Good luck you lucky girl!!! AND…You are NOT alone…you have your little baby in your tummy who will just ADORES it if you chat to him/her and then you have us….
    Love, Yolly

    in reply to: hey im new #16573

    😛 CONGRATS with your pregnancy!!! This is always wonderful….and I always say that once you have decided that you want to keep your little person, anyone who comes with a negative attitude, must be excluded from this wonderful miracle. What you need now is lots and lots of love, happiness and positivity…bcos that have a direct effect on your child. This should be the most wonderful experience in your life. Tell your bf and if he wants you to have another abortion….let him go. He will realise that he is wrong and come back on his own time.This is now YOUR time …. sit back, relax and enjoy your pregnancy. Make notes of your emotions and write letters to your little one. Sing to him/her and read aloud to him/her. That is very very soothing hearing Mommy’s voice. Just remember, YOU will become your baby’s favourite person, Hero and you will be the only person who is PERFECT in that little baby’s eyes…you will be No. 1 Doesnt matter whether you have money or not, whether you drive a nice car or not, wheter you are overweight or thin….he/she will love you no matter what!
    God bless and good Luck,,,,Yolly:)

    in reply to: Abortion or not!!!! #16572

    🙁 NOT NOT NOT!!

    I agree with Meg. This is no reason for you to abort your own little baby. I have heard so many stories about diabetes and cysts and stuff that got cured by pregnancy. So I think personally that you should have the baby first and THEN the surgery for the cyst. Good Luck and God Bless…Yolly

    in reply to: pregnant and still having periods #16571

    WOW ! How far are you pregnant? How did you find our? What does your docter say? Is everything okay with the baby? DO you know the reason why you are still having your periods???? SOrry for all the questions, but I have never ever heard of this before!!


    in reply to: ahhh so scared #16570

    :ohmy: :woohoo: CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!! You mean to say you are expecting TRIPLETS???? Wow!! That is amazing….i think I would also be scared to death! But at least u only go through pregnancy once.

    in reply to: He’s here!!! #16569

    :woohoo: Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We want to see pictures!!! Come please send the photos!!!!

    in reply to: love, advice, help… #16567

    So, you are 17 and pregnant again…It is a difficult thing to tell your mom at this stage especially bcos u were pregnant last term as well. I would suggest you try to do things "right" this time to "make up" for last term’s pregnancy.
    There are a number of things on your side : Firstly after your first pregnancy, your mom now knows you are sexually active. At least that wont be another thing for her to deal with.
    Secondly, your boyfriend participated in making this little baby, so he KNEW what happened last time and yet he STILL continued having sex with you. That means both of ya knew the consequenses and yet still continued the act. If you want to keep your baby – which I pray you will do – he must really accept it. If he tries to convince you to have an abortion, tell him that this baby is INOCENT and does not deserve that. If he can not be a positive contributor towards the situation, he must rather then not be part of this at all. This is a miracle….a tiny litle person growing under your heart… A person who deserves a chance in life. he/she did not ask to be there…now you are his/her mommy and you need to fight your hands off for the safety and happiness for your little baby.
    Please stay in touch…you are NOT alone!!!!

    in reply to: Sleep #16539

    I am 8 months pregnant and also had plenty sleepless nights since 7 months! I will suggest you drink a glass of milk and eat a banana before you go to bed. But remember to empty your bladder too. Sleep preferably on your lefthand side since there is a very important vein running down your right hand side and you and the baby are "obstructing" it if you sleep onyour right hand side. So, best position – left hand side.:woohoo:
    Put 1 flat pillow under your belly and lay with the bottom leg (left leg) straight. Bend the right leg nice and high and put a high puffed pillow under your right leg so it does not rest partially on your belly, but only on the pillow. Then put a nice soft pillow for your head – not too flat. before you go to bed, let your hubby or mom rub your calf muscles, as well as your hip-muscles. Turn your ancles in sircular motions – different directions for a few minutes before you go to sleep.:silly:
    THen you must take nice deep breaths and try to relax every muscle in your body.:side:
    This is all us pregnant fairies can really do….further on…GOOD LUCK girl, just a tiny bit longer to go!!!! Its a million times worth it!!! The joys of being a mom!!!:P

    Love Yolly

    in reply to: miserable… #16538

    Hey you lucky thing!!!!! Do you have ANY idea how lucky you are IF you are indeed expecting a little miracle???? This little person is then in your tummy now…nice and comfy! Already he/she loves you with his/her whole being – and this love will grow and grow and never stops.
    DONT expose yourself to unnecessary stress like dealing with a unwilling boyfriend right now. If he does not want to be part of it, or if he wants you to abort…tell him to go to h e l l. Then he does not deserve to be part of this miracle that is about to happen. There are many years to deal with him.
    Your parents might be dissapointed and she might express that via anger. Just stand up straight, keep your chin up and tell her (once u are sure) how it is. Just remember ONE thing ALWAYS – having a little baby growing UNDER YOUR HEART is not a shame…it is called a MIRACLE! Who ever does not want to be a possitive part of your little one, must be excluded to avoid negativity. You can raise a baby and STILL make a sucess of your life!!! Once that little girl/boy is born….everybody will dote on him/her and that little one will be spoiled rotten. He/she will have a wonderful life – with or without the father! :woohoo:

    in reply to: I am new here #16537

    😛 Good LUCK!!! MY baby is also due on 20 MAY 2007, but is too big and will be born on 10 May 2007! You are one brave star to have decided to keep your baby!!

    in reply to: Scared && Confussed #16536

    :dry: I dont think you should worry …but rather make sure by buying a hpt and make double sure!!!

    in reply to: not sure #16535

    The headache COULD be a sign and also your breasts that are sore, but I am possitive that the heartburn will only really kick in once little one is getting real big. But then again, not everybody experiences exactly the same symptomes…Best bet is to get a hpt asap!! Good luck!!

    in reply to: plzzzz ans my ques…. #16534

    Hi Koolkat,

    According to my knowledge, the semen would not have survived being exposed outside the body. There is a reason why a man’s scrotum is outside his body – for temperature purposes. It cant survive outside the body and would have "died" the moment it ended up on his finger – outside his body.

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