My Story

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      Hey , Im Coley I Would B 5 Months Pregnant..

      Well It All Started In ,,,

      In October He Went To A Party And Kissed Another Girl Then Got In Bed With Her.. He Told Me It Was The Drink And It Didn’t Mean Anything So I Let It Pass .. Then My friend Recently Borrowed His Laptop And Came Across Some Old Chat logs.. (Starting From The Night After The Kiss Up Until December).. Saying He Loved Her And How He Was Going To Leave Me For Her And Things .. I Think What Hurst The Most Is The Fact He Told Her He Was Single .. I Always Say Him As Some Who Would Never Hurt Me .. How Wrong Was I ?

      A Few Weeks Later .. alarm Bells Started Ringing I Was Feeling Sick Every Morning .. He Noticed And Asked If There Was A Chance I Could Be Pregnant .. I Burst Into Tears And Nodded Yes..

      Well On The Way Home From School He Bought A Pregnancy Test Home , I Was Praying It Would Say No , But Knowing What It Would Say .. And I Was Right Positive .. He Freaked Out And Left .. Didn’t Speak To Me For A Week .. Until I Cornered Him And We Discussed It .

      We Decided We Was Going To Keep It , We Weren’t Going To Tell My Parents Until 3 Months , 1 Month Went By , Then 2 , Then 3 .. And I Didn’t Have The Courage To Tell My Mom , Month 4 Slowly Passed , This Month More Difficult Than The Rest .

      Well Later In The Week I Was Sitting Watching Television With My Nephew .. I Felt This Unbearable Pain In My Stomach I Called My Boyfriend And He Came Over The Pain Went Away..About An Hour Later I Went Into The Kitchen To Get A Drink..I Turned Round And My Boyfriend Was Shouting .. I Looked Down And All I Was Was A Pool Of Blood On The Floor..

      We Went To The Hospital .. And My Worst nightmare Came Alive .. I Had Lost Not Only One Baby But 2 .. Twins.

      Days Went By And All I Could Think About Was My Babies .. The Grief Got So Bad It Actually Felt Like Physical Pain.. My Heart Hurt I Felt So Alone.

      Me And My Boyfriend Went Down Hill From Then ..

      But Looking Back All I Can Think Of Is Treasure What You Have..

      While You Have It .. Loss Is Something every one Has To Go Through But No One Really Talks About.

      You Are Not Alone. Never Alone.

      Were Now In March And Im 5 Weeks And 2 Days Pregnant .. But Ill Never Forget The Twins.

      Me And My Boyfriend ?.. Well Only Time Can Tell

      Love To You All .. And Remember Your Never Alone..x


        I hope that your story will encourage other girls to go to their moms and to see a doctor immediately…prenatal care is very important and no one should let fear rule in their lives….Is your new baby by the same dad??? I am praying for you..does your mom know this time??? You are right about never being alone because Jesus is always there for us and I hope that you will let Him carry you through this time and season and that you will follow His lead…let us all know how your pregnancy goes and thank you for sharing your heart…Meg


          Thanks for telling your story, I’m so sorry that you lost your two babies! You know they are waiting for you in heaven though… But congradulations on your pregnancy, I hope this one works out better! And I hope you told your mom this time, don’t let the time go by like that. I wish you all the luck in the world!


            Ohhhh no!!! I wish I could just give you a hug!!! I am so sorry to hear about your twins. It must be that hardest thing ever to really accept. I just pray that I never got to end up in a situation like that.
            Congratulations with your current pregnancy…and please let GO of the stress!!!!!!!!!! DONT let ANYBODY upsets you – > not even your mom and especially not your boyfriend and negative friends. This is YOUR chance of having a healthy little baby. Dont let someone else ruin it for you by being negative about it.
            Good luck and keep us updated please. AND like you said, you are never alone!


              Well The Latest On That Story Is ,, I Became Ill And Had To Take Toxin Relief Pills Wich Caused Me To Misscarry.. But I am Now 6 Weeks With New 1x

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