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  • in reply to: pregnant but no insurance #17985

    MEDICAID MEDICAID MEDICAID!! Go to your local gov’t center and they will tell you where to go. Or the health center can tell you where to go as well. You might even be able to do it online! I’m not sure if you’re in the usa or not but most places have a program that pays insurance to pregnant mothers and children. Even Canada has a good program from what I hear. State assistance is your last hope if you can’t get into work’s insurance, although I would call the ins. company and ask them about these special circumstances. Whats the harm in asking?!

    GOOD LUCK!!!

    in reply to: I can’t lose my baby girl!! #17983

    I’ve actually had something that sounds eerily similar to your story. In may the doctor called me and said that it looked like I had a slight UTI. At the time I really wasn’t feeling it so I told her no and she said to call if I DID feel symptoms later. Low and behold, I did. SO when I went in for the next appt. they made me pee again and told me that the last one was contaminated or something (I didn’t pee in it the right was?!). So they gave me the meds and for a while I felt better. But then I had to stop a little earlier on the meds cuz of the side effects. Then I resumed like 2 days later. I FELT WORSE! Now that infection feeling comes and goes so I drink ALOT of water or a cup of cranberry juice. That seems to quell it. And all the while the doctors office doesn’t seem alarmed or they don’t find enough in my urine to raise the red flag. It kinda worries me tho. But i don’t feel sick otherwise and baby is kicking like crazy. Just TRY not to worry to much. Tell the concerns you have to the doctor. *and drink lots of water and juice* :side:

    in reply to: Could i be pregnant? #17982

    It could very well have been the weird times you took the pills that made you bleed and then NOT bleed. I agree that you should take a home test to ease your mind. IF Anything else pops up then head to your doc!

    in reply to: yeaaaa. #17596

    one of my best friends was a new years eve baby. when he/ she gets older it makes for a great party! lol congrats. Oh BTW i’m October 28th! lol sorta werid? :side:

    in reply to: Am I Pregnant ? #17595

    I don’t meen to sound mean but did you read the directions on the test? Ur supposed to take the test when you think you missed your period, some tests let you take it about 5 days before you miss your period. Thats why it probly came up negative… I got pregnant in Feb. I am now 18 going on 19 weeks and you can tell I’m pregnant. Even if you did get pregnant in Feb. you’d be at least like 3 months. You shouldn’t be afraid to take that test! It oculd take a load off, although I must admit it DOES sound like you are pregnant. What ever you do you NEED to find out soon so you can start making plans.

    in reply to: Young and Confused #17592

    Have you looked into open adoptions? Or adoptions in general? Is anybody in your family willing to take it? [ ] If you don’t know what an open adoption is, basically, i guess, a couple YOU choose takes custody of the baby but you get visitation and communication with the baby/child. I really don’t know alot about it, myself. But it sounds like a deffinate possibility for you to consider. This way you don’t lose touch and still be a part of some of those fun and games. I hope I helped a little. Good Luck!!!!;)

    in reply to: HOW do i tell them?? #17589

    Well by now I feel you are WAAAAAY to far to even consider an abortion at this point. If they are like most parents they will of course be disappointed and all that. How did they feel about your boyfirend or whatever he is. I know they will deffinatly be concerned about that. Thats not the kind of person you want to be around much less that baby. If he wants to be a part of your guys’ life he NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEDS to go to rehab!! None of that Lindsay Lohan or Brittney stuff. At this point he sounds like he could also use psych help. I think if he does get help that will take a BIG chunk of worry off your parents minds. And thats a speech you wont have hear. You also need to finish school! That will be another worry they will probly confront you with. Make sure you do that because you can provide such a better life for that baby in the future. I guess you just need to get your ducks in a row as much as you can as soon as you can. I know you can’t control alot at 15 y/o but change what you can. Talk to your man, if he doesn’t get better for you, tell him to do it for this little one. OH if you haven’t gotten to the doctor yet GO!!!

    in reply to: I feel introductions are in order #17391

    Wow that crazy! (not bad) Its almost romantic. You guys went from, like, total hate to total LOVE! I guess sometimes you just never know what the future can hold. Thats deffinatly a good idea to wait for the next baby. Your poor body needs to heal and get back to normal after your two little angels. It’s beneficial to both you and that next baby to MAKE SURE you wait.

    Funny thing is you’re my age, probly only a months difference. You have gone through so much and already had two kids! Don’t let anyone bring you down with what they think. If you want it to things will work out the way they’re supposed to. Just have faith. Its nice to meet you and I hope to hear updates on you and your new family.

    DD 10/28/07

    in reply to: I feel introductions are in order #17390

    Wow that crazy! (not bad) Its almost romantic. You guys went from, like, total hate to total LOVE! I guess sometimes you just never know what the future can hold. Thats deffinatly a good idea to wait for the next baby. Your poor body needs to heal and get back to normal after your two little angels. It’s beneficial to both you and that next baby to MAKE SURE you wait.

    Funny thing is you’re my age, probly only a months difference. You have gone through so much and already had two kids! Don’t let anyone bring you down with what they think. If you want it to things will work out the way they’re supposed to. Just have faith. Its nice to meet you and I hope to hear updates on you and your new family.

    DD 10/28/07

    in reply to: *A paternity test*-is he crazy? #17313

    I’m sure it got all that much more fun after Mom got involved. They never seem to make anything better in these situations.If you ask me Ethan was just begging for a reason to deny this child, and you mistakenly gave him a BIG chance to do this. I meen how stupid could these people be that they can’t do the math, right? (reffering to how far along you were when you and mike did it and/or when you actally conceived ) I’m just saying that they saw this as an opportunity to deny more than anything. I would deffinatly go get the pat. test as soon as you can because it will put all this poop to rest. They can’t accuse you of anything anymore and they will have to step up in one way or another. If I were you I’d make sure you do everything straightup and as legal as possible. Cuz heaven forbid they tell you to ‘flip off’ even after the test and what not. Know yours and the baby’s rights.

    in reply to: I would like to know what to do! #17270

    I was actually on an antipsychotic that made me lactate!!!! And it was ALOT. If you’re on any meds I would go to walgreens or something and look up the RARE side effects. If you think you might be pregnant get a test while your at the drug store. Or either way you could make a doctors appointment.

    in reply to: just wondering #17269

    yes. both me and my friend annie had a short light period the month before we concieved. She has since given birth and gotten back to a regular schedual and her periods are still on the lighter side and are only three days long.

    in reply to: HELP. PLEASE. #17099

    First, take a test to see if you are for sure preggo. Or do you know for sure? I’m confused… Second, find out what the age laws are in you province or in Canada in general. In USA you have to be 18 to do pretty much anything, but you can get emancipated. Thats a hard process though. I know there are places around the US that help in this situation, there might be some there but you’d have to look. You need to get care asap if you want to have a healthy baby. If he and you are both ok with having this baby then tell your parent. But also show them that you both are ready that he has a job and a place for both of you to live. They cannot force you to get an abortion. In US they can’t make that decision after the age of 12. If you show them you two have a plan, then they might not yell and call. They will still care though, don’t get me wrong.
    Hope i sorta helped.

    in reply to: You’re not gonna want tohear this ! #17098

    No, this IS something everyone should see. Education is everything. Hopefully prevention. But I think that the women that are in this situation either can’t read this or are "too in love" to leave. Or the biggest of all, in denial.

    in reply to: PLZ Help no one else to ask!!!!! #17000

    Well you might have been ovulating, that timing sounds right. But since your not really getting any other symptoms yet, it’s too early to tell. Even though he pulled out it is possible that some leaked out and he didn’t even know it. but bloated and sick just sound like maybe you ate something the night before. Have you felt like that more than one day? Do you get PMS usually? If you get more or different symtoms in the next two weeks then get an early pregnancy test. You can test 5 days before your period is due. Get the one with atleast two tests! That way you can retest if that first one was negative and you feel it to be wrong.
    Hope I helped a little.

    in reply to: I still haven’t started….. #16999

    Thats CRAZY that your doctor can’t get you in for another month!!! Is this how they’d treat you if you were (for sure) preg!? Personally I’d find another Doc. But in the mean time I agree that you should find a place like a resource center or something. You might even be able to go to the county health department. You might even be able to go to a general practionor (spl?) and atleast get a blood test, or atleast get some information. To me it sounds like you might deff. be expecting, DEFFINATLY a good idea on those vitamins! 🙂

    in reply to: holly-er than now #16998

    Thank you for saying something. I, too, have seen people pressing their belief’s on the ones they’re trying to help. It’s nice to finally hear a religous person say that a person will come to Christ or whoever on their own terms. It’s not right to force your beliefs on someone, thinking your trying to "save them".

    in reply to: hey im new #16588

    You need to tell the daddy! He deserves to join in the happy news! As for other people they can wait. I went throught the same thing. I was pregnant last year but terminated, it was VERY hard on the both of us. So when this time rolled around he said NO more getting rid of it, he saw what it did to me, to him, to US. I’m very glad to hear that you went to the doctor as soon as possible. Sounds like you on the right track. :cheer:


    in reply to: unbearable pain and confusion, help! #16585

    wow. Why did you stay with him so long? Someone choking me would have ended it there… Did you grow up in a broken house? Was your childhood abusive in anyway? I ask because I believe this has something to do with why you put up with that ‘poopy’ relationship. You NEEEED to seek professional help, turning to drugs and alcohol will help nothing, they make it worse. It hurts me to read that your depression is so bad that you hurt among other things. Rape can haunt you for a long time, I know. You are an AMERICAN WOMAN you should NOT have to live and dream in fear. There are many chances you passed to report his abuse, but I understand that he might have hurt you. Is there a battered womens shelter around you? You need to get hooked up with the cops, and deffinatly a psychologist. He or she will be able to prescribe you legal pills to help dig you out of that rut. You’ll probly benefit from therapy. Please don’t let those beautiful children down. Turn your life right side up so you don’t have to lose them. If you talk to someone about his abuse, I believe that will lessen the chances of him EVER getting full custody of the babes. You do need to try to talk to your parents and maybe his, depending on your situation. You are so right in that, it is the best thing in your life at the moment that that scum bag left. Now you can start the healing process. You said it yourself, you need help. Now reach out and get it.

    If you have recently been sexually assaulted, call 1.800.656.HOPE. This is the number for the Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network. They can help you begin your recovery process.

    1-800-799-SAFE (7233)

    These are just some starters. Call them and ask someone who can give you advice on how and where to start.

    You can do this.


    in reply to: WEIGHT #16300

    I disagree with momma, you CAN lose weight when you first get pregnant. Although it is more common to gain it. I do agree that whatever is causing your periods to mess up is linked with your weight. Take a test if you think you might me pregnant, and/or go see a doctor…

    in reply to: new symptoms #16297

    Sounds like what I’ve been going through, for the most part. LoL I think you are, definatly smart move on going to the doctor (always what I tell everybody). Hope everything works out for you. 🙂

    in reply to: SHARP PAINS #16296

    Chances are your uterus or the muscles around there are stretching. Something like that happened to me and they told me it was muscles preparing already. Or it could be a cyst. Something you should deffinatly get checked out. Have you called your (or any) doctor about this? I actually had a positive blood test and felt some symptoms when they did the ultrasound, there was nothing there… long story. The moral being, get to the doctor if your worried.

    in reply to: what could it be? #16295

    Ok so if I have this right, your getting married to this guy that your parents don’t want you to see and or have sex with. That really sucks that you miscarried, but maybe thats for the better, look at what kind of life it would have come into, would it have been the best? How can you not be sure that your 5 to six months?! Shouldn’t you be showing at that point? Unless you are overweight (no offense if you are). If all the tests are saying no then you couldn’t be that far along, you need enough hormones to support that baby in the womb. And those tests are VERY sensitive, they’d pick up the slightest hint. Have they done an ultrasound? If there is a baby in there they could see it, if your not, they could see what is giving you those weird sensations. You might be getting those signs because your body still thinks there’s someone there. You have done all you could to prove that your not, with the exception of the ultrasound. Get that done, if its negative, then you need to be talking to a trusted doctor about why you have these symptoms and what, if anything, you can do to fix them. ABout the weight, I don’t know. ASk the doc. ANd dont be afraid to get more than one opinion 2,3,4…! Let us know if and when you get this sorted out.

    in reply to: contractions #16259

    Could just be braxton-hicks. Your still ok even after your water breaks, it doesn’t always happen at the hospital.(Unless your induced) ;D You know when the contractions start getting regular you should consider going. But if your contractions aren’t close enough yet, they might send you back home until they are. Your case may be different tho. I am NO doctor, this is a TV educated guess, lol.

    in reply to: 17 pregnant and single #16258

    He sounds like a regular scum bag. Why do guys WANT to get you pregnant and purposly ignore you both afterward?! At first I agreed with the other girl that you should NOT tell him when you got to the hospital, but then I thought, bum or not, he IS the father and he does seem to care at those times. You DO need to establish paternity (there are places that will do it for free if you choose to iniciate). After you proove he’s the father he needs to pay child support, YOU need to pursue that, only after you ask will the government help you. If its possible you need to sit down with him sans your


    and ask him what he plans to do about that baby. It’s very real and this is a very real adult situation. He made an adult decision, and needs to face it as such. What it sounds like is HE wants tha baby but doesn’t want to grow up!!! I agree that you should let him have supervised visits with the baby, heaven forbid he want to steal it (worst case). I feel that if you wouldn’t let him see the baby he’d have no drive at all to help the two of you. This is such a sticky situation as someone quoted earlier. I also stress for you not to stress,lol. But serioiusly that will hurt that little baby, it can cause low birth weight among other things. If you need help there are people and organizations that can and will help you, you just have to look. Keep us updated and good luck. xXHuGsXx


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