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Participanthey, its better that u find out 4sur rather then living in a world of uncertainty… u cud get anada hpt in a week or so time or go 4 a scan at d doc, u seem to have the symptoms but sum of them cud also be due to the late period, but u wont know what it is till u find out 4sur if ur preg or not… it will all be ok
keep us updated when u find out, good luck
Participantcud be implantation bleedin, could be a form of spottin for the upcumin period… guess ul hav 2 jus wait n c…
Participantfirstly…. congratulations!
why dont u go 2 the doc n get a scan that way u will kno 4 sure how far along u are and if ur carriyin twins! that way if u are atleast u can be beta prepared
Participantits kinda early to tell dont u think… um wait 4 ur period due date 2 pass giv it a week or 2 xtra n then if nothin cums then take a test n move from there… gud luck keep us informed as to wat the outcum is…
Participantaww its adorable 2 c u sooo excited, and u shud b… congrats hun
Participanthey, yip, ur preg… that substance cummin outa ur breasts is called COLOSTRUM… hey u shud b in ur second trimestr if ur already gettin colostrum…. beta go get a scan!! good luck keep us posted
Participanti kno u dowanna get ur lil bro in trouble but by knowing n not tellin isnt goin to help bcoz hs addiction is jus gonna get worse n worse n wen the baby cums its not gonna be gud 4 him, so i think u shud get it out in the open n let all the bad things that will hapen wen the news is broken pass b4 ur baby arrives but for the moment u shud try n ‘escape’ 4m that typ of atmosphere as much as u can, thingswill get beta, they must…. but it wont happen overnyt n it wont happen if things stay this way… stay strong hun dont giv up
Participanti hope u get ur wish! good luck, let us know if u do
Participantis it only me seein a blank here??
Participantyou cud be gettin some implantation bleedin, if the discharge has a bad odour and the cramps worsen n u continue to bleed, seek medical advise, oh n keepin ur feet higher then ur head (like lyin flat on the bed wit ur feet up against the wall or headboard might help)
Participantif it continues perhaps u shud seek sum medical advice
Participantyeah u cud but then again these cud b the side effects of ur period jus bein late… wait anada week n take a test, try n relax k
lotsa luv
Participantyip it a sign… look out for more
Participantyip u cud still get preggo like that, some sperm is always already ejected into u b4 he pulls out
Participantoooh, toughie!
firstly congrats on the baby, glad ur man is behind u. he will be ur greatest support in the rough patch ahead… idk about how to break it to em gently but wen u do,i advise that ur bf be with u, u gonna need him, u tell maybe ur mom 1st if ur dad is like bad temperd or is sure 2 handle it very badly, and u reassure them that u will finish studyin…. but above all remember, it will all be fine wen ur bundle of joy is here, babies will always melt the hardest heart
everythin will be fine, trust urself n jus take it 1 baby step at a tym… good luck hun, let me know how it all goes
Participantthanx but she does eat cereal b4 she sleeps, she eats with us on the table whatever we are eating (provided she can) n there after has her cereal… im really gettin aggrevated and she can sense it
Participantwierd…umm i dont know whats goin on but wen u find out plz let us know
Participanthey well u could jus take a blood test wen u notice u miss ur n it will giv u accurate info where as a preg test COULD onlt show possitiv after 3-4 weeks, good luck!! o n awso watch out 4 the pregnancy signs, dizzines, sore boobz, nausea etc etc
Participantaww shame poor guy, he shud b feelin beta now that its out
Participanthey hun it cud b ANYTHING at this stage… its soo cute to see u anxious… give it time let ur period due d8 past…. lemme kno wat happens
Participanthmm y dont u jus check it out 2 b on the safe syd….
Participanthey swty… agh i hate man who think women are their property its jus plain disgustin… umm i dunno how u gonna break up wit him but maybe u should get a restraining order against him… are u preg?
Participantplz dont abort, u will regret it 4eva… if u feel u cannot handle a baby giv him/her up 4 adoption, they deserve life! but im sure u will manage bein a mom its the most rewardin xperience
Participantawww n ul b amazed at how fast 40days fly, wish u all the best MOMMA lol
Participantthis sounds like paranoi if u ask me, ur not preg but it seems that ur soo worried about fallin preg that ur imagining urself 2 b fatter, but u should go 2 the doc 2 find out wats wrong n y u gettin soo much pain,maybe u stressin urself out 2 much n u kno its a killer, relax hun, u gonna b ok… let me kno wat the results are…
take care of urself