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ParticipantI would bring a cozy blanket for you. Warm slippers. Something to read. Hospitals don’t generally get any good channels. I think I will also bring "Depends" (adult diapers – ha ha) or my own pads and old underwear. The hospital gives you pads without adhesive and disposable underwear which just don’t do the trick. Also pack soft drawstring pants to go home in ( no jeans or anything to constricting.. I would take make up and other things to make you feel pretty too. I think after I had the baby I wanted to look as pretty and happy as I felt π
ParticipantWell I think that if you honestly think you could be pregnant, you should stop taking it. I also don’t think you should be taking it in the first place if you are going to continue to put yourself in a situation where you could get pregnant. Basically, if you are going to continue to have sex and stay on Tetracycline you need to be sure that you are using contraceptive because the side effect of that drug on a baby are serious.
ParticipantI believe the term is "holier than thou" and I understand where you are coming from but I don’t feel like you posting this is any more beneficial to anyone. I am sure that almost everything said on this site comes from loving and compassionate hearts even if it isn’t always presented gently. Sometimes I think the older and more experienced women on this site care about all of you girls so much that when you ask for advice they are not afraid to be honest with you even if it is not what you would like to hear. Some of us have been there and done that and if we can help someone else avoid the hardships we have faced we will. If that means telling a 14 year old girl that is is not a good idea to try to conceive and try to give her a dose of reality then you can bet your buns I am going to say that even though it may offend her. It doesn’t mean I think I am better than her. In no way do I think I am better than anyone on this site (and i don’t think anyone that you are referring to thinks that either). All of us lay our stories out on the table too and most of our pasts are cluttered with poor choices and heartbreak. If we can relate to someone else and our stories can help them choose an easier path than why not? We are all on here to love and support each other and form a sisterhood not to bicker.
ParticipantIt sounds like you are not pregnant. Good job in standing up for yourself and enforcing the condom. Condoms were never comfortable for me either but trust me, squeezing a head through your vagina is ALOT more uncomfortable LOL.
ParticipantWell sometimes urine tests do not work for everyone. I didn’t get a positive urine test until I was three weeks past my expected period with my first child. I would definitely take her up on the blood test as those are a ton more accurate anyway. Good luck to you and be sure to keep us posted.
ParticipantWell you absolutely need to find another doctor if they still cannot see you. I thought you were supposed to get an appointment for this month? It is weird and not a good sign if they have to make your appointment almost 2 months after you first became concerned. Please go to a clinic (they usually take walk-ins) and explain your concern or find another doctor that takes your insurance. I think this is becoming a thing of major concern and if you are pregnant you need prenatal care.
ParticipantWell sperm can live in your vagina for a few days if the conditions are right, so I guess it is possible. If you are not trying to get pregnant, I would be careful.
ParticipantHey, I have my first appointment the 20th ( I will be 10 weeks with my second pregnancy). If I remember right they will have you pee in a cup first. Then they will ask you alot of detailed questions about your medical history. They will take alot of blood for tests and give you a pelvic exam. I think they said I am getting an ultrasound at mine. After that your monthly visits will be easier. Just pee in a cup, doctor will measure your tummy and ask you if you have any concerns or questions and they’ll check the baby’s heartbeat. I think I only had to get bloodwork twice during my whole pregnancy after that, once was for a test and once was becase they were concerned about something. Having a little blood drawn will be worth it because you’ll also get to hopefully hear or see the heartbeat and that makes it so much more real. With my first baby, they had trouble hearing the heartbeat until he got bigger so that sucked because I was only able to see it π
ParticipantOh I am so sorry that you are going through all of this. I just want to let you know that it will be ok. You can do it, there are so many girls on this site that are living proof of that. If you choose to make an effort to be the best parent that you can be, you will be a good one. Nobody is a perfect parent. Have you taken a HPT yet? If not, that should be your first step. Next you should go to the doctor becase it has been way too long since you have had a period. If you feel comfortable, you should tell your gaurdian what is going on and have her go with you for support. Sometimes adult’s reactions may surprise you. We are all here for you π Keep us posted on what is going on.
ParticipantYay! Congrats to you and your family π How far along are you ?
ParticipantWell there is always a chance, but I wouldn’t worry too much.Because of your age your chance for having a child with down syndrome is slim. Down syndrome is MUCH more of a risk to women having children when they are over 35.
ParticipantHi! Well if I were you you I would wait a little longer and take another HPT. If it is still negative but your period is still a no show, schedule and appointment to have a blood test, they are more accurate.
ParticipantYour baby will be ok if you have partied before you found out you were pregnant. I think that alot of women have unknowingly done that, myself included and their babies have developed normally. I am sorry if you took offense to my previous answer. I wasn’t meaning to offend you and I do not appreciate the sarcasm when I was only trying to help π
ParticipantWell if you are 10 days late the implantation would have already passed. A small amount of pink discharge isn’t something to get worried about, but if the amount increases or turns red call your doctor right away. Have you had sex recently, sometimes that can cause light spotting? Have you taken a pregnancy test?
ParticipantNo. It could be an old wives tale or something, but it is not a valid way to tell if you are pregnant.
ParticipantOk, if he is putting his penis inside of your vagina then it is sex regardless of if he is ejaculating or not. You are risking getting an STD or pregnant if you are not using a condom. There is sperm present in precum and it also sounds like you are having trouble understanding and maintaining control of the situation. If you guys continue to fool around this way I strongly suggest you get on some sort of birth control and also have him use a condom anytime his penis enters your vagina.
ParticipantYou are probably not pregnant. It could just be your body still reacting to the emergency contraceptive. That stuff is harsh. I guess the only thing you can do is wait for an appointment.
ParticipantSorry if it seems like we don’t respond right away. Our responses have to be approved by a moderater before they show up and it can take a day or so sometimes. The best advice that I can give is to see a doctor. Have you been excercising more or stressed about anything?
ParticipantAwesome, Congrats π I promise your child will be worth it. Let us know if it’s a boy or a girl, ok?
Your story sounds just like mine (except my son’s father has never been in the picture). I grew up going to a very small Christian school from 2-12 grade and my family also attended church there. I wasn’t allowed to date or even have boys call for homework questions. I didn’t date until I moved out at 18. My parents seemed extreme to me and we didn’t have a close relationship because of it. They ended up taking the news of my pregnancy REALLY well, I was shocked, They have been nothing but loving and supportive concerning my son. They were less thrilled about my current pregnancy because it happened 6 months before my wedding date and during a very hard semester at school, but they are slowly adjusting. Give your parents some credit. Even if their inital reaction isn’t the best they may just need some time. I think usually just shows that they love us. They hurt for us when we make our lives more complicated then they need to be. Your baby will bless your life in such an extreme way and you will finish school. Hang in there, Lady πMrsTWalsh
ParticipantWell this is what I would do if I were you… I would buy one of those 2 pack pregnancy tests and take one now. It seems very abnormal that your March period only lasted a day and so if we go by the February period, it would show up on a test if you are pregnant or not. If it shows negative, then wait until you expect your next period and see if it comes. If it does not, take the other test and make an appointment to see your doc. Sometimes our periods just become irregular if we are stressed or have changed our excercise routine. Hope this helps, Lady π
ParticipantI do know what I am talking about. I am on my second pregnancy and I am studying to be a nurse midwife.Honestly, we all want to help and give advice, but we can’t tell you if you are pregnant or not. You need to take a test. Alot of symptoms can seem like pregnancy symptoms when we already know there is a chance we could be pregnant and we women tend to stress. I don’t like to tell people if Ithink they are pregnant or not just based on symptoms because every pregnancy is different.
ParticipantWell, we really can’t tell you from here. I say wait and take a test if you miss your period. Make that doctor appointment for next month. I got pregnant in February and my doc can’t see me until April 20th, 8-10 weeks is the normal timeframe for a first appointment so if the test tells you positive or you are still feeling pregnant, take some prenatal vitamins. You and your baby will be ok until you can get an appointment next month.
ParticipantHave you tried taking a HPT? If you haven’t had a period since early Feb that is od and pregnant or not, you should go to the doctor and get checked out just to make sure that everything is ok. Let us know how it goes.
ParticipantIt could mean that your are just having PMS or it could be that you are pregnant. I am guessing that you are not expecting your period for another 6-7 days? If it doesn’t come on that first day, you should take a test. Those tests that tell you earlier are nice too but every pregnancy is different and the hormones show at different times, so I think it’s best not to waste a test and just wait for the first day of your expected period. I hope you get the results you want π