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  • in reply to: misuse of this site #25518

    Autumn wrote:

    Mommy2Kylie… I agree with most everything you just said, except one point of yours highly offended me. I was not forced to be a mother, and my son is not burdened. My son has a great family who loves him and he has everything he needs and more. I realize that there are those who aren’t as lucky as I am to have the support that I have, but it is not a burden upon me or my child. I love my son and most of these girls on here do, as well. I may have had sex and had an unplanned pregnancy… but I CHOSE motherhood. I CHOSE to keep my son and take on the responsibility… and my son will learn from my mistakes. I will teach him differently than what I have done, and it may be hard… but I wouldn’t have this life any other way. I’ve learned a lot and now I have some more perspective to teach my own family. I can’t imagine my life without my son.

    Do I recommend this life? No. Not many girls can handle it and be happy at the same time. But I am one who can and will do just that.

    First of all I am sorry it offended you. But you took what I said as if it came from someone who was not a teen mother. If you notice I made perfectely sure to put “” around forced. no we all have a choose whether to have the child or not, but we are forced to make that decision b/c of our carelessness. Secondly our children ARE burdened. B/c at such a young age we do not have the education, stability, income, or knowledge that a child should be brought into. therefore they have to suffice with us barely making it being stressed, living off family, welfare, uneducated, and generally not stable. If we struggle so do our children. I for one will admit that my child is burdened with my life. I am trying to finish my education, so I can have a good stable job, and be financially stable. Yes me and her father are still together but she is burdened with our relationship problems that stem simply from the fact that we are young. And I am in no way afraid to admit that. B/c yes she is burdened but I KNOW for myself that it will only be for a short period of time. come this time next year, we will be secure and stable and she will no longer be burdened with our unstability, but for so many girls it is not a short time it is a life time.

    in reply to: too soon too take a test… #24403

    Best advice I can give is treat your body like you have/haven’t missed your period. If you do take test if you are take it from there. BIG THING>>>DON’T STRESS ABOUT IT!

    in reply to: Are you ladies ready for round two?.. Q&A #24046

    1. About how much weight did you gain during your pregnancy?
    -I gained 56 lbs during my whole pregnancy.

    2. How old were you when you first got pregnant?
    -I was 15

    3. How long did you wait to tell your parents?
    -Like 2 weeks

    4. How did you break the news to them?
    -My mom, during an argument about her B/F; My dad, my mom told him.

    5. For those at school, how did you deal wtih everybody staring at you?
    -I never had a problem with it. Teen pregnancy was common at my HS.

    6. Around what month did you begin to “show”?
    -HAHA like 5 weeks into it.

    7. Did you have to change your diet at all? Or increase your calories? How often did you work out?
    -Yeah I really had to change my diet but that was only b/c I suffered from eating disorder prior. Yeah I walked alot and went swimming when it was warm enough.

    8. How long did you have to wait to get a positive test result?
    -I tested the day my period was due and it was a positive.

    9. Did you ever battle with thoughts of abortion? how did you overcome them?
    -I never thought about it. It was my responisbility and I was going to take the reprecussions of my actions like a woman. I put my self in a woman’s shoes and I was going to act like one. PLus it was my baby not a fetus but my baby. My flesh and blood.

    10. Any other tips or suggestions?
    Be happy with your pregnancy and enjoy it. It only lasts 9 months and after it’s over you’ll miss it. Take it easy, don’t stress your body, mind, or spirit out. TAKE CARE OF YOUR BODY AND BABY!!!

    in reply to: Why am I feeling like this? #23903

    You need to go and see a dr asap. it sounds like you are having PPD or post pardum depression. If you are feeling like that it would be a good idea to let someone know and try and have someone else twith you at all times. just in case things get unbearable. Your not a bad mom or anything so don’t think that, but you do need to get help. hope things gget better for you. Good luck.

    in reply to: Facing an Induction #23750

    I don’t believe in induction, but that is me. My dr. Wanted to induce me at 39 weeks. I refused. It was my decision, not my dr. I had my daughter naturally 3 days after my due date. Induction messes with your body. I say let your body do the talking, it knows what it is doing.

    in reply to: Exercise when Pregnant? #23735

    I walked my whole pregnancy and I thinks that why my labor and delivery was soooooooooooo easy. I walked about 30 minutes to an hour every day once in the morning and once in the evening. It also helped me relieve my stress. That was the only thing I really felt comfortable doing. I knew walking wouldn’t do anything but help me.

    in reply to: Scared please help me #23734

    Well all I can say is take a test. If it’s neg. then you should make an appt. with your dr. b/c obviously something is going on.

    in reply to: I think I’m pregnant. #23733

    OK first calm down and take a breather. Now you have options. and abortion is the easy way out! By doing that you are throwing away your “problem”. Which will only make you and everything worse. Secondly if your family is that christian they will agree that abortion is not the way to “fix” this. Being a mother can be done and it isn’t as hard as everyone thinks. You need to tell your family. And if you honestly can’t keep your child give it to a wonderful family that can. at least you aren’t killing your baby. adoption is always a better option than abortion. Honey be a stand up girl! I had my daughter right after I turned 16. She is now a blossoming little girl. To think if I would have DENIED her the right to live. Abortion will haunt you forever. It will eat at your soul, and kill you little by little just read the stories on here from girls that have gone through it. Your family will love you no matter what and telling them will make things alot easier even as scary as it seems now. If you need to talk I’m here.

    in reply to: Newborn road trip? #23654

    I def. wouldn’t. The only reason I took DD out at a week old was b/c it was June, and I had to. But with it being winter and a really long trip I def. wouldn’t that would just increase the chance of the baby getting sick.

    in reply to: misuse of this site #23384

    I agree. in these situations this CHILDREN are selfish, TTCing. They want to please themselves. They have no selflessness as to what is best for the child they are attempting to bring into this world. Living of family, welfare, and barely scraping by for years or the rest of their lives, b/c they wanted a child to “play” with. I totally respect moms of all ages. Especially us young ones who were “FORCED” to be mothers. At least we stood up and took responsibility for our actions. But by no means would I actually have burdened MY CHILD, with this life on purpose. I am a lucky one I get to go to college and get an education. But I am still barely making it now. If it were up to me my daughter would have been born into a stable, educated, married life. Not to a teenager who was too busy having sex and trying to ACT like an adult. By the way I got pregnant at 15. I am now 19. My daughter 3 1/2 years.

    in reply to: c-section or natural? #23332

    My aunt was 4’8 and only 90 lbs. She has had 4 kids naturally. It honestly doesn’t matter the size of a woman I have seen small women give birth naturally and I’ve seen large women have to have a c-section. Like another girl says it really just depends on your pelvis as well as the baby’s size. I was 5’2 and 115 lbs. I had my child naturally although she was only 5lbs 14oz. The best advice I could give is you can always try giving birth naturally and then if you can’t get a c-section. Hope that helps.

    in reply to: TLC #23096

    My mom had a miscarriage 5 months alon gin her pregnancy and never knew she was pregnant. Her periods had never been normal she went a whole year without one. So she never thought anything of it, she found out after she had been rushed to the hospital for massive bleeding.

    in reply to: Thank God thats over! now what about ultrasounds? #22977

    I’d just go with the ultrasound rather than risk a premature birth due to an amnio.

    in reply to: My Story #22711

    AWW hunny I can tell you really want to keep your baby. And if you do then keep it. She CAN’T make you give it up. I was 15 when I got pregnant and my mom is a single mother with 7 children. (i’m the oldest too). So it can be done. Don’t let someone else make this kind of decision for u. Only you can decide to keep or too give up your baby. If you need me you can talk to me anytime. Good luck

    in reply to: when did you find out you were preggo? #22671

    I got a pos pretty early for an HPT. I was suppose to get my period Oct. 2 of 2004. Mind you my P was never on time, I just had this feeling. I was at my dad’s that day so I waited to get to my b/f’s house. Around 5 o’clock still no period and I was at my b/f’s so we walked to kmart and got a pack of 2. went back to my b/f’s house and took 1 test within 3 sec. it was pos. I took another one the next morning again pos. So needless to say I found out Oct. 2nd of 2004. I was 2 weeks pregnant and 15 years old.

    in reply to: Can positives be false? #22620

    With all the positives with the HPTs there is a really low chance you are not pregnant. So if you can’t get in to see the doctor sooner, go ahead and go to a grocery store or walmart or drug store and get over the counter prenatals. That way you are already taking them. Then when you go see your dr. save all your positives and show them to her. GOOD LUCK HUN. keep us updated.

    in reply to: what to do??? #19812

    Well hun first off call the place you had the blood test. you can get the results over the phone. Secondly just sit down and tell them. if you are they need to know. That way you can get teh prenatal care you will need.

    in reply to: Am I pregnant or not?? #19791

    To answer your question. Yes stressing about being pregnant can produce pregnancy symptoms. This is what happens. You stress and think about it and your mind will play a hysteria game on you, physically giving you a "false pregnancy"

    in reply to: Pregnancy test question.. #19790

    Well best advice I can give you is wait until you can get another test and take it. As for the drinking I couldn’t find any statistice actually but don’t worry about if by chance you are pregnant and have drank but you should stop now until you are 100% positive.

    in reply to: RANDOM =) #19773

    How old were you when u got pregnant? 15

    How old are u now? 19

    How long was your labour? 13 hours from first contractiont to birth.

    Did you have ne drugs or interventions? only the epidural

    Did you finish school? yes and now I am in College

    Would you change things if you could (eg abortion, adoption)? nope there is nothing that I would change for the world

    Are you still with the father? yes 3 1/2 years and still goin strong

    Who do u live with i.e parents, partner etc? Me and my fiance have our own place.

    in reply to: Am I pregnant or not?? #19768

    Oh yeah stress, can cause your body to go haywire. And yes can even stop your period. The best advice I can give is not to stress, I’m not (my finals at my university are next week too lol.) Just CHILL girl you’ll be alright.

    in reply to: choosing adoption – duedate5/11/08 #19751

    oh hun I am so sorry you feel so lost and alone. I was 15 when I got pregnant. My daughter is now 2 1/2 years old. I am a freshman at MTSU. As hard and difficult as it may seem, its not as hard as most parents and friends think it will be. Im not gonna lie everyday is a struggle, but worth pulling out of no doubt. A child is a precious gift and at least you are giving it life. KUDO’S to you girl. By the way if you need to talk I love talking to people who have or are going through the same thing as I did and am, its nice to have ppl relate.

    in reply to: Health Insurance Help….. #19662

    well fortunately since you are under 18, your parents are responsible for those bills, they must not get that yet. have someone talk with insurance and talk to them about it and let them know that b/c you are under 18 its their responsibility and their credit if they don’t. Or at least that is what they told my mom. hope everything works out for you girl.

    in reply to: Questions people!!! #19180

    Agreed, you should never hide a pregnancy, A pregnancy should be looked after by a doctor from the get go, besides what are you afraid of by letting people know? No one can take your baby from you or make you give it up. That is a choice of your own no matter what your age.

    in reply to: whats the chances? #19179

    The pull out method is only 75-86% effective if done correctly, meaning the guy has total control over his point of ejaculation. Me and my fiancee got pregnant using this method, all my friends that are pregnant or have had babies have gotten pregnant on this method, as well as many on the numerous mommy sites I am a member of. So as my opinion and many others never use this method if you truely do not want to end up pregnant.

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