Forum Replies Created
ParticipantWell girl, that is just something that you have to watch out for when you have sex. If you guys did not use protection than maybe you are. But you shouldnt worry too much about it, unless you took a test already. I would go and do that so you can be sure of what you are thinking…I can understand that you dont want a baby just yet, you have your whole life ahead of you…I am 14 too, and i am now almost 38 weeks pregnant and the happiest person alive! I would never go back and change anything… I just hope that if you are pregnant that you make the right decision…I wouldnt see abortion as an option at all, you cant be that cruel to kill your own child. So please think before you act!
ParticipantGirl I would say that it is all up to you! I am a very impatient person so I wanted to know the second I could…but you can never really trust scans…so make sure they do show you how they know what it is! You dont want to be thinking you are having one thing the whole time and then there would be a big suprise at birth! Also then you can pick out everything in the right color beforehand…but it is still up to you! ; )
ParticipantPlease do add how far along you are, cause I am getting a bit confused to! I am sorry if you ARE telling the truth, but it is just hard to trust what people say on here cause I dont know nobody in person. I also think and know that if you just found out you are pregnant that it is too early to determine the sex…if you just barely found out you are pregnant, that is scary!! : P
Participanthey there, my name is Sarah, I am 14 and 37 weeks pregnant. I would tell your mom right away now, especially with you bein11 weeks already…I do hope she will understand after the shock has worn off. Really girl, just tell her and let her know you want to keep your baby, I would not even worry about your bf’s parents, as long as you dont sign him as the father than they cant get your baby. And as long as you can take care of your baby and provide everything that it needs, they wont take it from you! Hope everything goes well and if you need someone to talk to, I am here!
ParticipantIf it is not one os those kind of pregnancy tests, then it is obvious that something may have gone wrong…I would just try my best to be patient and wait to take another one. Good luck!!
ParticipantWell, at my first appointment they did not take blood just yet, not even at the second one, but I am in Germany so I do not know if it is any different over there. I had to do a urine test, which I have to do everytime I go to check for diabetes or something. Then they do an internal ultrasound…it is uncomfortable but that is just what comes in the package of being pregnant! I think that is pretty much it! To tell the truth I hate taking blood to…especially when you have a nurse that pokes you the wrong way, but at least you know that all of this is going to pay off once you get to hold your baby in your arms!
ParticipantTo tell the truth, i would worry about the same things if I had a son…I havent even had my daughter yet and I am worriedabout future realtionships I will have when she is older and how she will react to them. But you should definitely not worry about any of your future boyfriends molesting or hurting your boy, that is a horrible thing! You should know the guy very well before you let your son alone around him at any time, I would never to that just to be on the safe side. You never know who you can trust, so please dont ever let a guy you dont know well around your little son! I am sure that one of these days you will meet your ‘soulmate’ the guy that the lord has seeked out for you to be with for the rest of your life, and this guy will love your son as his own and not hurt him. Just be with your son and love him…that is all he needs! He will have his friends to count on later and maybe he has a grandpa? Or a fatherly figure to replace one? Ofcourse you can love him like a father can, as long as you love him enough and show him so! Good luck, I wish you both the very best! : )
ParticipantIf I was in your situation I would get a test done just in case…you want to be sure so you dont hurt your baby, just in case you are pregnant. I wouldnt worry to much about it! Good luck!!
Participantcongrats girl, I am not sure if I was one of the ones that wrote you, but I am happy for you anyway! : )
Participanthi there, my name is Sarah I am 14, soon to be 15 and in the 37th week pregnant. I am sorry to say that I am not in your situation so it would probably be hard for you to accept advice from me… I find it weird that you havent had a period in so long cause alot could be going on. They say that you can never trust a pregnanct test…but after five I would be a little suspicious. Before you get to worried, why dont you try going to the doc with a close friend or someone…they can tell you for sure if you are pregnant. Please keep and touch and let me know if you are pregnant, you can always talk to me if there is no one else! : )
ParticipantGirl, I dont think that you should be writing stuff like this on here, it is offensive to some people. Yes, even though it seems all wrong what these very young girls are doing, you shouldnt be writing stuff like that. Especially if you havent been in this situation or even are.
ParticipantI was 5 weeks late before my mom asked me a bunch of questions and then finaly found out… I think it is about time that you tell her. Especially if you havent gone to the doc yet. I was sooo scared of my mom too, I think you are older than me, I am only 14 so I had the worst things going on in my head about what I thought my mom might have done to me. She always told me that if I had sex she would beat the heck out of me, so that made it even worse! But ofcourse she didnt… Your mom is probably suspecting that you are pregnant, so why wait, just tell her! Hope it all works out good! Good luck!!
ParticipantGirl, you better go to the doc quick! I know that you probably dont want to be worried at the point you are in, but you should be. If you are pregnant for sure, and you are bleeding that is a big time sign of miscarrying!!
ParticipantI understand what you are saying. I am only 14 and imagine because of my age how many people look at me crazy. I am in Germany right now, with some of the most rudest people you could ever imagine running into! But this is just something we all have to deal with…I made the mistake of having sex so young and now I am pregnant. I do not care about the stares i get and the whispers behind my back, all I know is that I am pregnant and happy beyond anything! I am only in the 9th grade and still plan on finishing school. I do have everything planned out. I know that older people think we are stupid and made the worst mistake in our life, but they are not us, they have no idea what we are going through! Even though we are all pregnant teenagers, we are all different and live differently. We shoulldnt care about what other people say about us, so if I was you, I would stop worrying and beat myself up about that because there really is nothing we can do about it. It’s just people’s stupid opinions. All we have to do is prove them wrong, which you seem to be doing really well! : )
ParticipantWell…it does sind cruel and selfish, but it is understandable from what you had to say. You are only 14 and so am I. I am pregnant with a little girl, and believe me, before this I had it all planned out. Family and everything at the age of 25, but it just happend. If you do fall pregnant, I think it will be a whole different situation for you, it is not like this baby will be another one of your sisters babies, but your own flesh and blood. I would find it very hard to go through the whole 9 months of pregnancy, getting so attached with the fact that you are having your own child, i do think you could change your mind then. I actually do hope you change your mind then and dont give up for adoption if the only reason is because your sisters kids get on your nerves! This baby will be your own… you will see! Me being pregnant, even at such a young age, I am ready for what mistake i have made…i would never ever give my little girl up for adoption, EVER! I do think you could change mind once you are pregnant with your own…
ParticipantHey girl, I am sooo sorry I told you someting that I just found out is not true! Someone in my family told me that you cant tell if you are pregnant from a blood test, but I just looked it up on the internet…the truth is you can tell after a certain amount of time after your ovulation date (10-12 days). So I am sorry for confusing you!
ParticipantWell…since I dont know you, I’ll tell you the one i like! : ) I am naming my daughter Isabella Ann. I think the name is so sweet!
ParticipantI think…you should take a pregnancy test to answer the question if you are pregnant or not. Cause sometimes when you are really late, then you just imagine all these things. But you are 7 weeks late, so was I when I took the test and guess what, I’m pregnant! : )
Participantumm…I would also like to know how old you are, I mean, I am young too, and pregnant so I know what sex is and I would imagine every girl over the age of 10 to know…so please tell me you age!
ParticipantHey girl, for one thing my name is Sarah, I’m 14 and 36 weeks pergnantt. Yup, from them symptoms there definetly is a possibility that you just might be pregnant! : ) Even though those dont come until later on…like after a month or so. Maybe all that is just in your head because you are worried. Girl, especially if u had unprotected 3 times! You should take another test and you have to take those in the morning before you eat or drink. I dont really think it has that much to do with it, cause I took mine in the middle of the day, and it was still positive. I do think going to the doc is the best thing, then you will know for sure, but blood tests dont show if you are pregnant. Only urine tests do! lol I hope everything works out the way you want it too, and good for you that you are going to keep your little one! : ) That’s definetly the right choice! I promise…
ParticipantWell, congradulations!!! I hope you are going to keep your babies, it’s a miracle to get so many at one time! : ) Good luck and I hope everything goes well!
ParticipantHey girl, I’m writing you on here cause you sent me an e-mail and I can’t get back to you that way, so if you dont mind just write me again on my message board…cause you are 14 too, huh? Oh and by the way, I dont have that! : ) That is crazy that you can still have your period!
ParticipantI wouldnt worry about that, especially if you have been spotting blood, Cause if you are pregnant, it wouldnt be good to be spotting, that is a sign that you would have a miscarriage. If u want to be sure, you will just have to go to the doc. And the breast getting tender and moodswings dont happen that early on! : )
ParticipantWell, false positives are possible but do not happen often. Especially not with a $10.00 one. Mine did the same, right away it said positive and it told me to wait 5 minutes. I would just try to be patient a little longer, and if you still dont start get an appointment with the doc to see for sure, Hope everything works out fine for you! : )
ParticipantAwww…congradulations!!! : ) I’m so happy for you, good luck with your little one and I wish you both the best!