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Participant25 weeks for me and not even by a dr. mine was horrible and never gave me one so i paid for a 3d-4d ultrasound and video/ pictures. Its so cool, i definately suggest it if you have a little bit of money to spend. I had to switch to hear it from a dr at 33 weeks. If the baby is sitting right then you can find out starting at about 16 weeks! congrats- good luck!
Kailey, 18
Mommy to Faith, 14 months!Kaileyamanda
Participantyeaup- you need medicaid. usually you just need proof of pregnancy to get it. you can do that free at a clinic. if you have any money then prenatal vitimins are great but if not then eat lots of cheerios and drink lots of orange juice b/c you need folic acid and they have it! make sure you get iron and "eat the rainbow" is what i was told. Eat foods in every color because they all have something you need. good luck!
Kailey, 18
Mommy to Faith, 14 months!Kaileyamanda
ParticipantWe apologize, but this information was deleted by our medical adviser due to it’s inaccuracies.
Participantwell its definately baby moving and it could be the kicks because for most women, in about 3-6 weeks for you, other people can feel it. So that means they are already getting pretty strong! congrats!!
Kailey, 18
Mommy to Faith, 14 months!Kaileyamanda
Participantif it hasnt kicked in yet then youll probably start "nesting" soon. Go shopping or looking for baby stuff, fix the room up, and spend lots of time with friends! youre almost there!!!
Participanti thought it was great and actually pretty realistic. i cried and cried! i thought she would keep the baby after what that guy pulled but i related to the pregnancy part of the movie really well. I kept my daughter but the highschool pregnancy and issues were all realistic. I think it simplifies things a lot and does make it seem a little bit "glorified" but its the movies and not a documentary- though that would be a good idea.
ParticipantIt would be wonderful for you to go naturally but make sure youre realistic about it. Make sure you handle normal pain well. I interned in labor and delivery before i gave birth and learned a lot. I watched several women make it through to a good point without medicine and then need it and it be too late. As for not being able to push with one or it being harder after meds its really not as long as you know what muscles you are using- do your kegels (spelled wrong im sure!) and know that your pushing out like you go to the bathroom.
Ive heared that going nartural is empowering and i have tremendous respect for those who do but its easier to recover after medicine. I walked around as soon as they cut off the meds.
I had an epidural and loved it. Its actually not bad for you or the baby and consider that the baby is coming into such a different place with temperature shock and everything- they wont mind being a little drugged haha. good luck!
Participantdefinately believe that! If he brings you to it he’ll bring you through it. But on a different note:
We all worry about having a baby and how to take care of a new family and a new person. Knowing that everything is tight and that things will be hard, its natural to wonder how well someone else can do it. But you were picked out of everyone in the world to be the parents of this baby! Your parents will probably be a big help too. No one wants to rely on their parents to take care of our own baby but as long as you try to help out too then they probably wont mind! If you love your baby and dont give up on dreams, knowing that they should be achieved not only for you anymore but for your baby, you will be fine!
**Dont buy TONS of clothes and stuff that you think is waaay too cute or the baby would love to have because they wont notice for awhile and a lot of money is wasted on stuff like that! Take hand-me-downs and gently used items until you can really afford it. You dont have to keep everything people give you either. You can take it back and save up the money or use it on something you guys really need! Start using these rules now for everything you can and itll really save. Sorry that was long but let me know if you need anything or want to talk! How old are you?
Congrats!!! Good luck!!!
Kailey, 18
Mommy To Faith, 14 months!"For I know the plans I have for you… plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
Jeremiah 29:11Kaileyamanda
Participantyeaup- theyre all very different! the baby might grow really slow and then really fast or the opposite, or you might just have a small baby! If the drs and midwives arent worried and the baby stays small, then you should consider yourself lucky when your pushing- though im absolutely sure that you wont! haha
good luck!!
Mommy to Faith- 14 monthsKaileyamanda
Participantwell you seem to have mainly votes for C-section but ill give you my vote anyway-
I had an epidural and had my daughter by vaginal delivery and felt no pain! Most hospitals can give you an epidural when you reach your pain limit and are far enough dialated which only has to be around 2cm.
In a c-section you are awake but usually not that alert plus you cant see whats going on! Seeing it all happen is a great part of it all.
I interned in L&D for school while i was pregnant and assited in 18 vaginal deliveries and observed 8 C-sections. The women doing vaginal usually had wonderful experiences, even without meds most women say its a wonderful time b/c of the endorphin rush. A lot of women after C-sections are more groggy and cant enjoy it all.
I have low pain tolerance but taking an epidural and pushing through it all is a really rewarding experience! Mine was mostly pressure and my fiance made me laugh while i was pushing for all of 20 minutes so i barely noticed anything other than the joy!
good luck!Kailey, 18
mommy to Faith, 11 days til 1 yr!Kaileyamanda
Participantactually, even as a female i dont understand it either.
i know that it is natural to want to be a mother but mothers should do everything possible to take the best care of their children and that includes knowing that at a young age it is impossible to give a child everything that they need and it is irresponisble to expect anyone else to.
Becoming pregnant by accident forces us to face such things and do the best possible job but purposely getting pregnant before a girl is stable in life makes me so sad for them and for the baby… not because they cant do it but because young girls should feel like life is just beginning, not that everything has to be done right away!
It is crazy how young girls are having sex and once you do that for long enough, accident are bound to happen! I started at 15- what was i thinking? It doesnt matter what i, or any other girl thinks or says, we arent ready, its not the right time, and we dont really know what all is out there enough to have a baby. Annnd girls should really try and wait… geez atleast until 16 to have sex! that even sounds too young but it would help so very much because most girls on this site have seen the effects of having sex early.
Girls wanting babies so early is a sign of immaturity and not maturity because if they were mature, they would be thinking about what happens later in life and the life of their child before anything else.Kaileyamanda
ParticipantMy daughter started to get hers around 10 weeks but they still took forever to actually come in- now shes got another 4 in the past 2 weeks! The baby gels are really nice to have and ive never heard that they do anything bad. Where i live we dont have much of the baby tylenols or anything anymore after they took them off the shelves so the gels i know work great!
Kailey, 18
mommy to Faith, almost one!Kaileyamanda
ParticipantHi Kayla!
A stressful time is often a big factor in a period being late and if you stress too much about being pregnant then it can come even later and give you more symptoms. At 2 weeks late you should really have a positive test if you really are pregnant. I would say that you are not but the only sure way to know is a blood test though they usually wont give one until you have a positive urine test. Try doing stress reducing activities and wait to see what happens- maybe youre lucky and don’t have one at all until next time!Also, since you have a longer cycle, the week after your period is an unlikely time for you to ovulate anyway. If you want to be sure when you do ovulate, you can buy the tests. I like the full month ones so you can try different times. Good Luck! I know you dont want to hear it but since i was 16 when i got pregnant i can say it— you are only 16 be careful!!!! ;D
Kailey, 18
mommy of Faith, almost a yearKaileyamanda
ParticipantoOoOo definately had that! mine lasted for a month straight on both sides. everytime i sneezed or coughed i thought i was gunna cry. itll get better though and then youll prolly get more in a few months from lack of space. good luck!
Participantyou cant produce the pregnancy hormone unless you are pregnant and that hormone is the only thing a test tests for. even a faint line is a real line. you shouldnt take a test before a missed period though because readings are confusing so if you arent late yet then take another test later. the only way to be sure if you are is to have a blood test done. good luck!
ParticipantI had hot sauce on EVERYTHING. Hooters wing sauce was a must have and hot things didnt seem hot to me at all and they were the ONLY thing that didnt give me indigestion. Everyone was like "hot stuff means you have a red head in there" and i was like nooo.. she’ll have mine and my bf’s dark hair…. whatdoyaknow i have a very red headed little girl…..haha
i also wanted sour stuff… and fudge for a couple days. I loved the smell of gasoline (ive always kinda liked it though) lol and i could NOT STAND the smell of the car a/c or heat….blahhh
Mommy to FaithKaileyamanda
ParticipantI think youre right- the dr probably isnt sure but i dont think she should get amnio to test. It has a pretty high false positive and poses a small danger to baby. After that they can do more testing if it is positive and so there is more worry, often for nothing. Just tell her to keep an eye on the ultrasounds. Even with measurements they cant even be sure how big a baby is, esp if shes polyhydramnious. They said my daughter would be 9 1/2 and she was 7 4. Shes most likely just farther along than they thought.
Participantthere is always a chance you can get pregnant on any given day…. but you have to get pregnant during the 24-48 hour period of ovulation and even though that can come any time during your cycle, for most women it is right in the middle of the cycle. Though you are irregular, you know the middle of your cycle is not the day after so its a much smaller chance. but, ALWAYS be careful, even during your period because unlike some people will tell you, you CAN ovulate during it (very slight chance.) good luck!
Mommy to FaithKaileyamanda
Participanti was induced on the 12th of last month. dont feel bad about it! your baby is ready at this point. they started pitocin with me at like 5 in the morning and it did absolutely nothing pain wise for me and it was maxxed for 2 hours. They broke my water at about 7 and kept the pitocin maxxed out and thats when the pain began- and boy could i feel it then! your labor is going to be stronger with the drugs while they are on so i definately reccommend an epidural- its wonderful!!! good luck and im so glad your husband will get to be there for the birth!!
ParticipantWell thats complicated. your only real pregnancy symptom is the nausea which can also be caused by the low potassium and it makes you tired and increases urination urges also caused by pregnancy. the low potassium also can cause increades OR decreased bp so watch for Arrhythmias with the low bp. also since potassium is such a very important electrolyte, low levels can cause an almost paralysis of your intestines due to decrased peristalsis (contractions of the small intestine).. sorry biology is my thing;) . this would cause a bowel buldge to cover your tummy issues. in pregnany your tummy wouldnt start that until closer to 3 months. do you think you could be that far? since youre irregular just take a home test and prolly a dr blood test if you think youve gone too long without a period. good luck let me know if you have any more questions- i had a lot of issues in pregnancy with blood pressure and proteins and stuff.
Participanthey girl! dont just jump to the worst thoughts, though i know its hard not to. i had those pains too and i just wanted to die everytime i sneezed because it made it hurt sooo much worse. mine was just from my body making adjustments for even that tiny little teddy gram of a baby inside. your body is going to go through a lot of changes obviously and it could just be those starting early. so many girls have pains like this and it turns out to be nothing. so dont think the worst just get into a doctor. dont wait for your appointment if you dont feel comfortable!!! thats what they are there for- youre the one feeling your body and whats happening and they are around to answer questions and check out the things youre worried about. they can get you in a lot of times the day you call with a problem. best of luck babe and let me know how it turns out!!!!
Kailey 17
mommy to a new and beautiful baby girl.Kaileyamanda
Participanthey girl! i know that it seems hard… but just because something is hard doesnt make it impossible and the hardest things are the most worth doing. Im only 17 and my daughter is 3 weeks old. i have never been so happy in my life. i have a really strong relationship with my boyfriend, as im sure you do since you are engaged, and that has made things so much easier and amazing. I’m a senior in highschool and i’ll still graduate on time if i work hard. i’m sure you can do college just as well, you may just have to push back a few personal deadlines. seeing your baby on the ultrasound is an absolutely aMaZiNg experience and i think when you see him/her youre going to realize how ALIVE that baby is, even inside you. Youll realize how that helpless little life is so innocent, and so perfect, and NEEDS you. Its hard to hold on, but as so many girls will tell you, its even harder to let go. My road has been difficult but i wouldnt change it for the world. i hope you reconsider- the fact that youre thinking about your child shows what a good mommy you would make. But you know what? Just b/c youre baby isnt out yet he/she is still there and that makes you a mommy! so heres your first chance to be that wonderful mommy for your baby! best of luck to you in whatever you choose!
Participantsounds like youre pregnant but its improbable that your tummy is growing bc of the baby- its most likely from bowel swelling caused by early pregnancy and it will probably get a little better before you start really showing. take a test and GET INTO THE DR! this is the most important time for your baby to get whats essential for growth and you should be on prenatals! good luck babe!!
Participanti wouldnt really bet on you being pregnant. when i started the pill i spotted at random times for the first several months- its normal but id check with your doctor because thats who can tell you for sure. good luck!
Participantyeaup- those tests are very accurate if it reads positive. not so much on negative. congrats- im sorry your mom isnt supportive. you need to go see a dr though. if insurance wont cover you then there are lots of clinics. insurance may not cover you but not bc you are a TEEN just bc you are not the primary holder. companies like blue cross blue shield will (thats what i had) then again, your mom might just be saying that. idk where you live but in the US you can get medicaid as a secondary insurance and it will cover you and then carry over to your baby. good luck with everything! let me know if you need anything!
Kailey 17
mommy to a new and beautiful baby girl -