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ParticipantCongrats on the baby!:))
Maybe he’s just afraid of how his life will change after the baby’s born?
I really don’t think he’ll commit suicide, that’s a really common thing guys say to make girls have abortions, I’ve never of a case where they actually carried through with their actions.
Give him time to rest on it, but I’d also suggest go out and beginning to make sure you have a strong support network right now.
Hope that helped. All the best xx.alexanders_mama
ParticipantThat was quite horrible of your husband to do. I really hope you heal.
God bless.alexanders_mama
ParticipantI know, it’s hard being single. I sometimes feel like the I am falling, like my knees are buckling.
But you know what — not once have they actually buckled. I don’t know where us mothers get the strength from, but somehow we do, and i belive in God.
The most important thing to remember is that there are bad times in life and good times. This is one of those bad times. It had nothign to do with the fact that you’re too young blablabla I sometimes feel I can’t say anything because ppl jump to conclusions…this is one of those bad times, and there’ll be good times ahead.
Just keep taking it day by day; and remember, the worst off on this site are the ones that don’t have their babies in their arms anymore. Remember that. Compared to them, we are blessed indeed.alexanders_mama
ParticipantHas the boy actually thought about anyone else but him?
The pain he causes you, and the fact that there’s a little human being growing inside of you?
Doesn’t sound like a healthy relationship, he seems a bit selfish. I’m sorry if I’m wrong, I know I don’t know him, but if he loved you he wouldn’t say those things.alexanders_mama
ParticipantOf course she’s your baby, of course you could raise her. 18 is adult age, and lots of women 200 years ago had children far before then, and managed to do a damn good job at raising their kids. And lots of women who have children in their teens these days do a damn good job at raising them too (I for one can’t think of myself as a bad mother, and I had my son at 17).
You probably will not be able to cope with working and going to college at the same time, you will have to pick one. But wouldn’t that be a good enough sacrifice for your daughter to be able to be raised and near her real birth mother everyday?
I know college and children are possible, because I cope. And what’s more, i enjoy it, and I could never imagine not having my son near me everyday, and I’m sure he wouldn’t imagine it either. Other women do it too, and they’re not superwomen either.
Whatever you put your mind to, you can do.:)
I wish you all the best. Follow your heart.alexanders_mama
ParticipantMy son started crawling at 5 months, and sitting upright by himself at 6 (which was a long time ago lol). But he was an early starter, sitting up at 6 months is normal, but a lot of babies don’t start crawling until 6 of even 9 months of age. And then there’s even babies who don’t crawl, but bottom-shuffle instead lol (I’ve never seeing it, but I’ve heard a lot about it).
I know how you feel…
Well, maybe this reply is going to be long, but I have a lot of say about your situation.
May I ask what background you are from? I am Russian, and my first boyfriend was two — but our families hated each other.
We dated in secret, but soon everyone knew about it, and it was a lot of troulbe.
After a month of going out (I wasn’t really living at my paren’t at the time, I’d just turned 16), I was returned to my parent’s house, as I often was after hiding at one or another friend’s place, and they asked me what my boyfriend’s name was. I told them I didn’t have one. I knew that they knew, and they knew who it was, you know how it is in communities, everyone knows everything and everybody else’s business.
Anyway, they said they knew I had a boyfriend, and they wanted to know what his name was. I told them I didn’t have a boyfriend.
They beat me for an hour, ripped off my shirt and made me stand on my knees in the corner of the room while they beat me, demanding to know his name, even though they knew it already. All they wanted to hear from me was his name, so that they could tell him how horrible he was, and forbid me from seeing him.
After an hour, I was still silent, so they sent me to bed.
It was hard. His mother would always yell at me prostitute! and whore everytime I was on the phone to him and she would find out, she tried to stop us at every point possible, and so did my parents.
There were horrible things I would hear in the community about myself, about how promiscous I was, and an aboslute slut that would spread my legs for anyone, even though he was the first boy I had ever kissed!
Anyway, I moved back home on the day I fell pregnant, after five months of going out with him (it doesn’t sound like long, but it was very full-on).
My parents took a different approach this time — a little bit more cunning I’d say.
They befriended him, and then started setting us up against each other.
After I fell pregnant, it was much easier for them to do their work — plus, I don’t think he wanted the baby anyway.
But when they found out, 17 days later his dad suddenly died, (he didn’t know about my pregnancy), and my parents were kicking me out, trying to force him to move in with me.
Our parents just set us against each other; when his mother found out, she went hysterical, and a day later (I was five months pregnant) he disappeared — by this time we were renting a place together, in which only I lived, and he would hardly see me.
I had to track him down, and this was Valentine’s Day; it was also the day of the ultrasound, and the day when I had to have my photo ID taken for home schooling (I was doing Year twelve that year). I still look at that photo and I look so funny, I look like someone’s just hit me on the head with something very heavy! Lol.
I think that was a Monday or Tuesday. It was 2005 anyway.
My parents forbid me from crying or talking about him, and they told me that the less I talked about him, the more respectable i would come across to society. So I did that. On Thursday, I went to Russian school in the afternoon, donned on high heels, in a nice outfit (you couldn’t really see my stomach, i was small), make-up and the biggest smile. I wouldn’t let them see how much I loved him, because he’d left me.
It was hard when I knew everyone was talking about me — even harder when people pretended they didn’t know anything so I would tell them more. My girlfriends were the biggest support group then, but it was hard with the whispers around me.
After an hour I had to leave, because I was about to cry. I didn’t eat for a week, and I just lay in my bed or sat on the couch for a month crying. I woulnd’t talk to anyone for a very long time.
After a month i stopped crying, and all I did was sit on my couch and look at the walls; that’s all I did, other than schoolwork. My parents always put me down; and it was hard, being forbidden to mention my ex-boyfriend.
Alexander was born, and my parents toned down their hatred of my ex just a little bit, because here was their grandchild, and his son all together in one. My ex’s mother is still a little loony though, and my ex doesn’t see his son.
So that’s how it all panned out….My little tragic story…But I’m glad I had my son, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. And the first love of my life taught me invaluable lessons about the world.
And at the end of the day, if you ask me, would I go through it again, would I still not listen to my parents, I would say yes. Because my situation didn’t work out, but many situations do.
And in the end, it’s better to love than not to love at all. Parents deserve respect, and family is very important; and I would of course listen to them and hear them out, I’m not saying I wouldn’t, maybe I would behave a bit more maturely these days (although that’s sometimes hard in some ethnic families, you know) try to discuss the issue with them; [i]but at the end of the day, it’s your heart, and nobody can tell it what to do. [/i]You’ll only end up miserable if you don’t listen to it….
ps. sorry for my long story, I just felt like telling you my story after I read your post, because I can truly understand what a forbidden relationship is like…alexanders_mama
ParticipantHey, what’s your situation?
Thanks for the reply!
I ended up just having to take away his midday sleep, so we’re in the process of completing changing his routine, because I was reading to him, and stroking his head, and talking and singing to him, but I just figured he wasn’t tired enough after having a midday sleep!alexanders_mama
ParticipantOh girl, I wouldnt suggest having an abortion though.
Firstly, though, I wouldnt stress until youve actually done the test. What if youve just being stressing out about it over nothing?
I guess it is a tricky situation; but I really would caution against having an abortion. Read all the girls on this site that are so upset after having them, read the real facts about abortion, Im sure you know friends just like i do thatve had abortions n regret it, sometimes even only a few yrs down the track.
But my advice would be to do that test first, and then sit down and figure out a plan for action. Not doing the test wont make your baby go away if you actually are pregnant.
Xx feel free to msg Kat ps im a single nineteen yo mama with a two yr son:)alexanders_mama
ParticipantWell, I would never have an abortion. My mother had eight and I would never go that way. Every time one of my brothers or sisters were killed, when I was old enough to know about it, Id cry.
When I fell pregnant, abortion was just not an option. I wouldnt even hear of it.
Thats just the way I decided upon it. So yeah…I guess you’ve got my simple answer lol…alexanders_mama
ParticipantI reckon…and this is wat I said to myself if my sons dad comes round n starts demanding things…that before I let him see my son, Ill tell him i need to meet up with him one on one and talk….and I reckon you should tell him all those things…put your foot down, and if he wont abide by it, then itll be HIS fault…I reckon itd be cool to set up a timetable where you both agree on a set time each week when he sees his son…otherwise its just going to be hurting and damaging your son…i need it would have damaged mine…I mean, that sort of come/go relationship really makes a child feel abandoned and unloved…
Also, I think that if you do that, and make sure you act rational, if it ever comes down to going to court, or even facing up to your sons questions about his dad, then youll be able to show…well, this is what I did, I was being rational and reasonable…I keep a diary that Ill show my son when he gets older…that way, theres no finger pointing years later about the detailsalexanders_mama
ParticipantOh lol my wedding night?! I dont even think about that! I dont even have a man, Im just living life day to day see wat happens…I say thats the way to go…lol
ParticipantI think shes probably thinking she cant do it, make it, and that life will change so drastically and it will be horrible.
Maybe suggest this site…after all, girls have had babies here, and their lives havent ended. As far as I know, most of them dont regret the choices they made either…alexanders_mama
I hope that after the initial shock wears off shell be behind your 100%. thats wat happen in 99.99 precent of cases. I wish you all the luck possible.alexanders_mama
ParticipantHey wats it like living in Holland?
Is being a teen mother ok there? Just wondering…
Im kat btw, I had my son at 17alexanders_mama
ParticipantYou know I think a lot of young guys go, well Im 17. Thats the age my sons dad was when he became a ‘father’, and thats all I used to hear from people, ‘hes 17’.
Your point? I mean, hes not much less of a dad if hes 17 or 70 is he? He made the child. I know a rare few of wonderful teen dads, and they dont go, well im young, im not gonna do anything, im just going to get drunk every day of the week, sit there without work, not see my kids and abuse the ** out of you whenever I happen to see you walking past. Like my ex.
I was really calm before I read your post, and I just thought, that is so true, his age doesn’t make him any less of a dad.
I really think one of the problems is that people tend to see it as okay, that hes young. But youre young, arent you?
I think youre really going to need to put your foot down. That was the last thing I did with my ex — and that was the last I saw of him, and that was seven months ago. What he used to do was about every three months hed see me, start shouting at me that he wanted to see his son, wed have a blue, then id agree, and then hed meet us in the park for an hour or usually less, and hed sit there on a bench and stare at us like we were aliens and not even talk to his son once. Very strange lad if you ask me, and i just dont think ‘im 17’ is a good enough excuse for that sort of behaviour.
As my son got older, I said, look, this cant keep up; well have to work out a timetable where you see him every week for an hour, or else Alex will get hurt.
And then he left. That was the last I saw of him. If you ask me, truthfully. it was a good riddance. That is not a father. That is just a sperm donor that I needed to stand up to a long time ago.alexanders_mama
ParticipantIt sounds like hes really good at degrading your worth. I read your story before and it sounds like youre an awesome and strong person, and you should know and always remember that. You try your best as a mother, and Im sure youre doing the right thing for your family.
Stand up for yourself and your family. You should be the one laying down the rules, not him; make sure he knows that. Thats no way to be, for him to come and go; ignoring him completely is probably no way to go…eventually youll need to talk with him to work things out, but dont go with any suggestion that you dont want to.
As for right now, maybe its good to get some help or to take some time out to think about things. I know thats what i did with my sons dad — he was good at degrading my worth — one little phrase is vividly remembered in my mind, when I told him I deserved respect, he said ‘no you dont. normal people deserve respect. prove yourself to me and ill respect you.’ and i shut up. Well its no good shutting up and keeping silent, because i DO deserve respect and i AM a normal person — and same goes for you, you and the children DESERVE RESPECT.
It took me a long time introspecting, blogging (this is where this site comes in), thinking about things, and even a few drunken nights out to just see me for a person whos worthy of love respect and everything else thats good in this world.
Until you can properly stand up to him, im sure youre doing the right thing by keeping him away. because it takes a lot of strength to stand up to something that put that much fear into you. I havent seen my ex for a very long time, and although I know my needs and the things i ask of him are not stupid, I still wonder what would happen if i had to talk to him again and stand up for my son and I.alexanders_mama
ParticipantYou’re a wonderful man to stick by her. It takes a male to impregnate a girl, it takes a man to step up to the responsibility. Its not an easy road — or so ive heard, me being a girl, i wouldnt know — but I really admire you for what youre doing. Keep that spirit alive!:)
ParticipantI think you can do it as long as your heart’s in it, and you sounds like your heart is in it! I had my son half a year before I graduated, and I still managed to go to university, so it’s not impossible!
Participant:cheer: :cheer: Congrats!:cheer: :cheer:
ParticipantBreastfeeding takes some time to ‘get’ but its perfectly natural n is better 4 bub. It does makes ur breasts sag, some ppl worse than others, but i reckon its way worth it. i breastfed 4 17 months so i was way out there i suppose, but it was such a wonderful way of bonding in the first months after my son was born!
ParticipantYeah, I’m actually enjoying his age lol! Well he’s two today!:D I’m a single mum, oh well, all guys don’t turn out to be princes i guess ay, and I’m at uni, really wish I could finish sooner and get a better income lol. How bout you!
P.s. I love your kid’s names. They are so awesome. They’re some of my fav names lolalexanders_mama
ParticipantYou made the right choice by keeping your baby and I know you realise it now. I know I wouldn’t trade my son for anything…
Just wanted to say his birthday is the same as mine lol haha!alexanders_mama
ParticipantI completely agree with you guys.
I really believe that if a girl gets pregnant, no matter what age, she should keep the baby — God gave her a baby for a reason.
But to be trying for a baby when both of you are 14….I don’t know, it was ok in the middle ages when people got married then and that’s what society did…but right now it’s so bloody hard, why do it?
I’m fine with a girl who’s already married, even if she’s 17 or 18 or whatever, trying for a baby with her HUSBAND, but just with some dude when neither person can stand on their two feet…..well, can’t you just wait people is what i’d like to say to them. But yeah, everyone’s entitled to their opinions I suppose. -