I know it’s confusing just try to stay relaxed.. Well you should make an appointment with your gyno now. And don’t worry if you can’t get an appointment for another couple of weeks, I was like that too. Try to stay healthy for you and the baby and Congrats!
hey, congrats first! I know it can be scary, and confusing, and so overwhelming, but its an amazing experience so try and enjoy it. I agree, call a dr and make an appointment as soon as possible. Also, a lot of cities have pregnancy clinics, you can go and get free ultrasounds and info and stuff. This can help you get a little info early and can determine how far along you are. Anyhow, congrats again, try and take good care of yourself!
hey i am 18 tommorrow and i am pregrent and i think i am going to be 4 weeks on monday and i can not get to the doctor so yeah well they can not see me for 2 more weeks and i have a had really bad morning sickness i like purge (puck) like 15 times a day or more and when i am not doing that i am nauses and u wanted to no what my situation is well i am engaged to an amazing guy and he is 21 and like i said i will be 18 and i have not told him yet that i am prego i want to waite tell i am for a month or so cause i want to make sure that i am going to carry the baby for at least a month. also idk how to tell him any suggestions and me and him do not live together so yeah and he kinda said that i look like i am prego but could i look like i am when i may only be almost 4 weeks cause i looked on a site and figgered it out i am like 3 weeks like the past monday so yeah well ttyl thanks
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