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princess Angela
Ive been pregnant twice in my first situation i was 17 and fell pregnant i choose to abort because i had no money and no way to raise the child.
My 2nd child i was blessed with a yr later and gave birth to him 2 days before my birthday i love him so much…
But what im tryin to get at it with my first pregnancy a urine home test didnt show positive until i was about 7 weeks pregnant and a blood test showed positive at this time.And my 2nd pregnancy it showed very lightly positive on a home test at 4 weeks and a blood test came back negitive at 4weeks then i had an ultrasound and comfirmed it.
So i guess im just trying to say it sometimes doesnt show right away so maybe u should get an ultrasound to find out for sure. Its the only true way u will find out
princess Angela
ParticipantYou have proven your strong by breaking the engagment off you are showing him u wont stand for it… keep up the good word have a talk with him make him see what his doing and if he dont just leave u deserve better ima single mum u can do it to.
princess Angela
ParticipantI had a look in his mouth while he was screaming tonight and have njoticed a tooth has cut threw up the back… kinda releived to no thats why his been crying so much…
princess Angela
Participantseriously id tell her not to bother coming any more ….. ur not any less of a mum because ur young thats what other ppl dont see….
princess Angela
I had group B strep although i didnt have a normal birth so i never had antibodics but my friend also had group B strep and her bub was perfectly healthy nothing wrong with her at all..hope this reassures u.
angelaprincess Angela
When i was pregnant with my son i was also a little larger then most girls and i measured normally right threw out my whole pregnancy and my baby ended up being a big baby he was 9 pound 1 which was 4.1kilos he was a healthy baby and was tiny as …. he was also long 54cms …. Dont worry about it i had an extra ultrasound in my pregnancy as well to see if they could induce early so bub didnt get to big but was not possible and i had a ceaser which i was preferctly fine with as long as ur bub comes into the world healthy there is nothing to worry about… speak to ur doc and why he is telling other ppl about ur pregnancy …
Hope this helps u
Angelaprincess Angela
ParticipantSweetheart i feel your pain since i was pregnant i put on 30kilos and only lots about 15 kilos im going crazy i feel huge and i hate it… ive started walking every arvo tryin to get it off because i cant stand my body…. i no exactly how u feel….
princess Angela
Participantcongrats on the baby girl…. i want another baby now hahaha and mine is only liek a month old hahaha:D good luck with picking a name i really like the name hayley
princess Angela
My right foot is always a little more swollen then my left but its not always swollen so yeah ask your doctor about that. With the pain i had it mainly in my right leg and it got so bad i was gettin my partner to put my underwear on for me and pants because i could only lift my leg slightly off the ground… the pain is still there but not nearly as bad and im 40weeks now.. So the leg pain i would say is just a down side of being heavily pregnant… Goodluck with the rest of ur pregnancy…
Angelaprincess Angela
ParticipantThats how my leg pain started i had inner thigh pain first… but it seams to be ok now my legs still hurt but not as much now… My baby will be here soon anyways….FINALLY
princess Angela
ParticipantTelling the parents is hard…. Im 18 and it was hard for me to tell my parents because the babies dad hit me and things and made life hell really… So one day i built up the courage went to work came home and then sat down and told my parents well dad really mum already new… He asked me if i was gettin rid of it and i said no and then asked who the father was and he got very angry and told me to get out of the room… i went to my room and cried for ages…. He didnt speak to me for nearly a week i think it was… But no matter how u tell them they generally always come around … Your carrying there grandchild and the thought of that is amazing even if at first they are upset… They are only tryin to look out for you an do whats in your best interest… I hope this helps you choose a way too tell them.
Best of luck
Angelaprincess Angela
ParticipantI have had leg cramps but they werent too bad this is no leg cramp its like there all the time… sometimes more painful then other times but seriously its so bad… maybe baby is on a nerve.
princess Angela
ParticipantThats awesome….. i loved that story… Good work and best of luck… I am most likly being induced within the next 2 weeks because he is just about 4kilos now and i still have 3 weeks to go…. hahaha.
princess Angela
It is nothing to worry about i didnt start really showing until i was at least 6 months and then i became a balloon hahah she should thank that she isnt huge because i wanted a big belly and got it now i just want him out…. It’s very hard to sleep although i am 37weeks. But she will get her belly nothing to worry about.Hope this helps
Angelaprincess Angela
ParticipantThat sucks
I am going out of my mind also and i got 3weeks left…. Dunno how ill get threw these 3 weeks ive had enough and my leg hurts:(princess Angela
Participantengaging is also known as lightening it is where ur babies head drops down into the pelvis preparing for birth….
princess Angela
ParticipantIt doesnt seam to have gone quick… very very slow hahahaha I havnt posted on here in a while so probably why its going so fast.
I just want him to hurry up and get out hahaha my ribs an stuff are hurting and all nowprincess Angela
ParticipantYes i am keeping the baby.
princess Angela
Participanti didnt start to feel really pregnant or any differnt until he started to kick and move ….. which was about 18weeks when i first felt it…. but i wouldnt worry too much about it at all…
princess Angela
ParticipantMy friend took these blackmores tablets to help prepare her body for labour… ill find out what they were because they worked for her….. she only had stitches on the inside of her vagina other then that she had a really good labour an was only in it for 2 hours
princess Angela
You make me see that i no i can do this by myself:D
Slightly scared but am gettin there….
Keep up the good work honey
Angelaprincess Angela
ParticipantI think the best thing for you to do would be go speak to your local doctor or maybe a midwife at ur local hospital… they should be able to help u and fix it before ur get to bad … an self harming you will be doing yourself an daughter a favour by seeing a doctor…
princess Angela
We are in the exactly same boat… im having his first child and since we broke up about 4 months ago he has had other girls, slept with other ppl and whatever else he has done yet i still find myself crying an upset over him alot… but his not worth it… something i have come to learn only over the last 2 weeks… he is just another guy he came and went… an im sure there will be more just like him … but now its about me and my son…. an i need to stay strong so he can keep growin healthy inside me…. Try to be strong… i used to be the strongest person my friends new now i cant say no to dominic at all… But i no what he wants and wat his like… Hope this helps ya if u wanan talk im willing to talk to u…Angela
princess Angela
ParticipantHey goodluck i think your making a good choice…
Youll be a wonderful mum!Angela
princess Angela
ParticipantRemember It’s YOUR body, YOUR choice,
Dont let him pressure you into something you would rather not do his not the one that has to deal with the pain and hurt of aborting a child… take it from someone who has done it before… This time i choose to keep him an it was the best thing i have done… ive never felt so much love for someone ….Angela