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ParticipantIf you want to keep your baby you absolutely can! Even if no one wants to help you, you can do it. I got pregnant with my son when I was 19. My family was unsupportive at the time and the father wanted nothing to do with me. I waited tables until the day before I gave birth to my son. I had my own little place and money saved up. There are alot of government programs that provide assistance. Plus, if your mom is anything like my mom, she will hold that baby once and he/she will steal her heart. My mom had alot of hard feelings toward me but when she saw my son she didn’t want to be away from him. Your parents can become such a great resource for advice and support, just give them time. Once they know that you have made your mind up and you are keeping your baby,their attitude could change. If not, just know that you CAN DO IT! I am not saying that it won’t be hard but it is not impossible π
ParticipantYes, there is definitely a chance that you could be pregnant. Sometimes it can take a few days to a week after your missed period for there to be enough HCG to be in your system to produce a positive home pregnancy test. Wait a week and if you still don’t get your period, take a test and the results should be accurate by then. If you are still concerned, schedule a blood test with your doctor.
ParticipantWait another week and then take another HPT if you don’t end up having your period. If it is still negative, wait another week and then make an appointment to have a blood test done. Try not to worry too much, sometimes our bodies just get out of wack.
ParticipantI am not sure on that one. I think there is a place on the site where you can send medical questions to Dr. Marie . I am going to say that I do not think it would be safe to use if you think you are pregnant due to the fact that it thins mucus and might have an effect on your cervical mucus (specifically the mucus plug that develops when you are pregnant) and that may cause miscarriage. But I am not sure.
ParticipantYou definitely need to tell your mom. It will hurt her but she will be ok and eventually accept it. I can tell that she loves you by her response. She just wants the best for you.Please tell her and seek prenatal care. Your diabietes is even more of a reason that you need support from those who love you. Hang in there!
ParticipantWow! I know how stressful a surprise pregnancy can be. Have you talked with your parents or another adult that you can trust? Sometimes it helps to get another prospective. Have you discussed it with the father?
I know that it can seem like your world has just come crashing down when you pee on a stick and it tells you that you are having a baby. It’s surreal.I had never thought about motherhood before I became pregnant with my first child. I have learned that it is ok to not be thrilled with the news of a new baby and that doesn’t mean that you won’t love your child and be a good mother. In the beginning the idea is overwhelming. To be honest nothing could prepare me for becoming a mother. I was nervous during both of my pregnancies and I think that is normal. Pregnancy is a nerve-rackingly beautiful time. Then your child is born and they place him or her in your arms…and a change takes place. There is a definitive line drawn in your life between who you were before your baby was born and who you are after. You look down at this little person and even though you still aren’t close to having all of the answers, things begin to make sense.
Before you head into Planned Parenthood, make sure that you have looked into your options on your own and that you are informed instead of relying on the information that they give you. Hang in there and keep us updated. I am here if you ever want to talk.
ParticipantHey lady,
Try not to stress about it (I know, easier said than done). Stress can delay your period. I would wait about 5 more days and then take a home pregnancy test. If you are still concerned you can also go see your doctor for a blood test which is more accurate. Hang in there!MrsTWalsh
ParticipantYes. I knew with both of mine π
ParticipantWell, I believe that they go to heaven. They are inoocent little people who have not committed sin and had no control over what has happened to them.
ParticipantI don’t know what to say…I will pray for you guys. Love you Meg!
ParticipantWow. I am so sorry. Your story made me cry. Thank you for sharing it as I am sure it is painful to talk about.
ParticipantWell, I know that they can make a guess as early as 14-16 weeks but it won’t be very accurate. In the U.S. the typical check is not done before 20 weeks. It’s at this halfway point that they do an in depth ultrasound to check the anatomy of the baby and the growth and also confirm or move the due date. They take measurements of the circumference of the baby’s head as well as the femur bone, check the heart, they can look for physical signs of down syndrome or cleft palette, and if your baby is cooperating, tell you the sex π
ParticipantI am so sorry to read what you have and are going through. If you are not ready to have a baby please please please don’t get pregnant again out of pressure. There is nothing to say that he will not change his mind again and in the end you are the one that is scarred by this emotional pain. You are in charge of your body and the lives of your future children. You can choose when you are or are not ready to have a baby and when do become pregnant you can choose to give your baby life. I do not know this man and he is probably a very nice guy but also maybe a little immature and selfish? If he loves you, he will not ask you to endure the pain of giving up your child. Stand up for yourself, Lady, and take control of this situation. Do not get pregnant if you know you are not ready…
ParticipantHow a child was conceived has no reflection on who they are as a person. Shame on your aunt and uncle. I truly hope that they will allow their eyes to open and see that this baby has no control over how he was conceived and that he is completely innocent.
ParticipantHave you called the doctor and asked for a recommendation on a different formula? I think your baby might still be too young for prune juice but you can definitely ask. Massaging your baby’s tummy in a counter clockwise circle helps and a warm bath might also help your little one to relax and poo π
ParticipantCongrats on your marriage and your son is adorable.It sounds like you are in a good and stable relationship I just beg you to please make sure that a baby is what you want before you take the risk of possibly conceiving again.
ParticipantI am so sorry. I will pray that you heal physically and emotionally from this. You now have a little angel in heaven and when the time is right I’m sure you will have the chance to be a mommy to another little one.
ParticipantI’m sorry that this isn’t going smoothly for you. I hope that everyone involved will stop letting their emotions get the best of them and let you do what you feel is best for your daughter.
ParticipantCongrats on the engagement!
I would wait and test again in about a weeks. I became pregnant after we had been engaged for 4 months and already planned most of our wedding. We had to re-evaluate our plans and we lost a little money but it wasn’t the end of the world and now I’m going to have a baby girl in less then 2 months! It will be ok either way πMrsTWalsh
ParticipantIt is completely up to you. He is welcome to voice his opinion but in the end you will have to live with the emotional consequences. This doesn’t sound like the most healthy relationship. Everyone responds to the shock of an unwanted pregnancy differently but the bottom line is that if he claims to love you and you guys are having sex he has to accept the consequences of those actions.
ParticipantYou are the first person that has made forgiveness seem like an option. Thank you. I have just been living with this pain for about two weeks now and I don’t know how to handle it. No, he did not come right out and tell me. I was online looking for something I ordered for the baby and I came across some pages in the internet history where he had attempted to search for her after that night but then stopped before he found her. When I asked him about it he told me. I just can’t believe this happened to me. I know I am pregnant but he was not lacking in anything. We had a very romantic and loving relationships and all his needs as a man were being met. I just can’t understand why he’d want something else. Especially after only being married 2 months. I know in my heart he is truly sorry and means it when he says it won’t happen again. I keep thinking I’m dealing with it and then I’ll get caught in this cycle where I obsess over what happened, over his hands and lips on her, the fact that he came home to our bed after that, that he tried to find her again a few days later… My family thinks I should file for divorce and not risk letting him do this again…I am so confused.
ParticipantI’m sorry about back pain. I have it too π Nothing has been proven about it being unsafe to color your hair during pregnancy. It’s an old wives tale.
ParticipantI’m not going to lie. It hurts. Badly. But pain is temporary and will quickly become something you can’t even remember. It’s worth it. Just a moment in time in the big scheme of things π Congrats!
ParticipantI think you are pregnant. A pregnancy test doesn’t always look like the picture. Both of my pregnancies have only showed up as VERY faint lines.
ParticipantWell, that is stressful.When I was pregnant with my first baby I was completely by myself. It was hard but I think I had more confidence in myself and my future with that pregnancy than I do with my second. I am married this time around and to a wonderful man. Relationships just make things more complex in any situation. How long have you and your boyfriend been together? How does he feel about you being pregnant? My husband and I fight alot too. Pregnancy is stressful on everyone and it doesn’t help that your hormones are going crazy. I will get so mad at my husband sometimes and have no clue why. I’m cranky and my back hurts so everything he does annoys me ha ha. On a more serious note. Remember, this is your baby. You are going to be a mommy. When you are feeling scared or insecure try to concentrate on those litte wiggles and kicks. It will be worth it in the end, no matter what happens with you and your boyfriend.