Forum Replies Created
ParticipantThank You!
ParticipantThis is so sad. "Please don’t do it…"
ParticipantHi there. I can’t write much right now, but I did want to suggest an Open Adoption. I have to get going.
ParticipantHi there! =) I think that your parent(s) should accpet the new person in the family NO matter what. Do you think you’re pregnant?
ParticipantHi there! I miss my daughter too, but it’s not the same way as you. See, I had my daughter at 15 years old. I started court when I was 16 years old, as my daughter’s father and I no longer could stay together. It was an awful time period being with him for a year with my daughter, though, it was great because I got to keep my daughter when I was with him. See, now she is away at different times because he has visitation with her and he lives only 5 minutes away from me (Living with his parents, like I do…) He is 20 years old, and living life like everyone should, happy.
I’m sorry that you lost your child, though, she was born. I wish that she could’ve been healthy/ier. I wish things could change, though, as we all know, they can’t.
How do you handle the stress back at school? What grade are you in? If you are completed with high school, what are you majoring in college?
Right now, my daughter is away with her father. She has been gone alomst a week, she comes home on Friday. I’m so happy and I can’t wait until she comes home. There is only ONE more day when I wake up tomorrow, and I can’t wait to see how she is doing, and what she has been doing…
I wish my daughter was here too. But, this MAKES me realize HOW precious she is, how MUCH she MEANS to me. I want to thank you for making me feel good about my daughter not being with me. It makes me feel good that I know she’ll be home soon, and how much I do miss her. Thank you! I wish the best for you and yours. I am sorry.
Take Care,
ParticipantHave you taken a test?
ParticipantI would go to the doctors. If you’re not pregnant- then I’d talk to your doctor about different thing that are going on.
Good luck and best wishes!
ParticipantWell, I am sorry to say. If the first test came out Positive… I would have to say that I wouldn’t be surprised if it is a PREGNANCY. I wish you and her the best. How old are you both? Are you all in school still? If so, are you almost done? Please tell someone… and go to the doctors…
~Does she have any signs of a pregnancy right now?~
ParticipantHi! I would go to the doctors since you had miscarriage(s)… Though, you already had a child…
Let us know what they said if you go…
ParticipantI agree… You’re doing the right thing.
ParticipantThat’s what I’d do. Contact your doctor if needed though. Best wishes!
ParticipantI’d give it a few more weeks, then talk to your doctor. Or your next appt.
ParticipantI would take a test to settle your mind, feelings and anticipation whether you are pregnant or not. You’re stomach’s probably hurting from all the thinking and such you’re doing. You must be SO nervous, but it doesn’t sound like you could be pregnant. Though, I got pregnant easily. It wasn’t planned, nothing I wanted; but I love my daughter.
ParticipantSounds like you MAY have some of the signs. I’d go to the doctors. I wish you and your husband the best of luck…
ParticipantI feel so bad when people feel like they are pressured into an Abortion, nobody should do it because of that reason, ‘nor any reason in my mind and opinion- however, I hope things work out well. I wish you the best.
ParticipantI agree. Couldn’t have said it better myself. Though, sometimes parents do not react as most teenagers think they would. Some though, still react differently. I wish everyone good luck.
Post edited by: SweetTea, at: 2006/11/07 13:10
ParticipantWell, I already told you what I think. Though, I wish you the best. Please keep in touch and let me know how things turn out. What a messy situation, though, the truth is out and open now.
PS: Keep smiling & Best of luck to you and yours!
ParticipantWow! I’m sorry to hear this. When and how did you find out? Don’t feel bad about your son, the truth is out… that’s the best of it all. (Or is it the worst?)
ParticipantI am sorry to hear about this (Bad) situation. How are you doing and handling this? I think you should "get out" though I know it’s hard, as you’re pregnant.
Need anything, just give me a message.
Take Care,
ParticipantThat is a very-very nice poem/letter. I appreciate it, and I think others will and should also!
ParticipantFirst, I want to say Thank you to EVERYONE who read "part of my life, story"… Though, I could write a book:
Which currently I am doing…I want to tell you all that everyone’s posts/comments were ALL so nice and some were encouraging. I love my daughter to death, she means so much to me. Since her visitaiton has started, and the week long visitations- which currentley she is on one… She should be coming home tomorrow, Sunday at 5p.m., and now will not becoming home until 5p.m. this coming up Friday. I miss her a lot, and everyday I realize how much she means to me, and the time I spend with her means EVERYTHING. She is wonderful, very strong and willed. I suppose she has to be though, living this way. I wanted to say that I have tried to get Supervised Visits, I have tried to get it so when my ex has her even just for an over night he can NOT take her over the border, out of state another words- though they will NOT accept that. The judge and my daughter’s Law Guardian, who I do not believe is doing the best of job to his ability and YES, I am looking into that…
I must be off, until then- everyone take care, keep writing, but most of all— Keep Smiling!
ParticipantHello there! I think you should just tell them, you are old enough… other then others I guess and afaird their parents will kick them out of the house and such. Are you afaird to tell your parents? Are you close to them? Are you married, live outside of the home?
If you need any suggestions on how to tell them here is a/my web site:Nicki
Post edited by: acas, at: 2006/11/06 15:56
ParticipantHello there! It will be ok, that you’re pregnant. I got pregnant at 15, had my child, my gall bladder out, and then my ex and his family go all crazy on me before I turned 16! I wish you the best of luck and wishes to you and yours- …
PS:Was it planned? :dry:
Post edited by: acas, at: 2006/11/06 15:59
ParticipantNo, there is no turning back now. I am sorry that you got an Abortion. I’m not sure fully why you decided to do so. Probably none of my business, but I do think you should get out- enjoy life and remember that there are many more days. I’ve been saying: "God will only give you what you can handle", and although I am not religious, go to church or anything- my mom says that… we just believe in that, I guess… Smile. I wish you the best…
Post edited by: acas, at: 2006/11/06 15:54
ParticipantDear Lisa,
Hello, and how are you doing today? I am sorry to hear that you’r boyfriend pressured you into getting an Abortion. I feel for you, though, I’ve never experienced an Abortion. I’d love to talk to you and maybe you could help me out a bit on a project- if it is TOO hard, please do not accept. Please smile, there are many more days ahead- God will only give you as much as you can handle, or so my mom says. And, NO we do not do the "whole" God thing, and church, but she does say that… I am not sure if I personally believe it or not- but I am replying it onto you… Smile. It will be ok.Nicki
Post edited by: acas, at: 2006/11/06 15:52