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      I’ve been feeling sick, headachy, dizzy and tired for six weeks. I’ve had small cramps for most of that time, I’m bloated and I have an odd floating pain by the side of my right hip. I’ve got indigestion and I can’t stop burping, My breast are fuller and heavier and the nipples are sensitive and sore. I seem to have most of the common symptoms of pregnancy, my nose is sensitive, I’m forever sneezing i’ve started to want to drink milk instead of wine as alchol makes me feel ill and gives me heartburn. The odd thing is that I’ve had my period – on time – during these six weeks. Can anyone give me some insight as to what is happening?


        Alot of the symptoms you are having can just be from your period. Alot of ppl dont know that symptoms that pregnant women have, women having their period can also have. But if your breasts are fuller and you have a better sense of smell you may be pregnant. Pregnant women can smell things stronger and they taste things differently. You may want to go to the doctors to get a blood test done to see if you are pregnant. Good luck and let me know.


          Well, some of the signs that you mentioned, and things that are going on with you. It seems to me that you MAY be pregnant. I would take a/n home pregnancy test… Let us know how all turns out. Be sure to go to the doctor’s asap if you ARE pregnant!



            mommytoele wrote:

            Well, some of the signs that you mentioned, and things that are going on with you. It seems to me that you MAY be pregnant. I would take a/n home pregnancy test… Let us know how all turns out. Be sure to go to the doctor’s asap if you ARE pregnant!


            👿 HELP. How long should I wait oto do a HPT if I ovulated on Oct 15. I’ve been having sore breasts, lower back pain, been using the bathroom more than usual, and been feeling stuff in my belly, can you give me some advice. Thank You.


              Sweetie it sounds like you’re pregnant!!! You can have your period & still be pregnant. A lot of woman have their period throughout their whole pregnancy. You should either take a pregnancy test or go to the doctor. You should really check that out especially if you’re gonna keep your baby if you are pregnant. You must take care of yourself mami. Everything will be okay. Just make sure you get that checked out!!! I hope everything works out for you!!! 🙂


                id just get a prego test and find out. It may be b/c of your period or you could possibly be pregnant.


                  Well, me again. I’ve just had my second period since these symptoms began but it was shorter than usual, bleeding for only three days where I’ve never bled for less than five before. I feel like I’ve slightly pulled a muscle in that area, and I keep getting fluttering feelings under my stomach, It’s swelling slightly as well, But the nausea has stopped and while my breasts feel fuller, they’re not particually sore. What on earth is going on here!!!!:(


                    I would go to the doctors. If you’re not pregnant- then I’d talk to your doctor about different thing that are going on.

                    Good luck and best wishes!



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