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  • in reply to: The Difference In Development in Children #19552

    i didnt think this would get as much attention as it has but its nice to see the differences in our kids development…kinda cool thing!!!

    in reply to: when did you find out if your baby was a boy or gi #19526

    usually between 16-20wks and depends on the positioning of the baby at the ultrasound…i was 20wks with my daughter and 25wks with my son when it was confirmed w the ultrasound but i already knew b4 that!! and it hasnt been confirmed w us yet but i’m 18wks w another boy

    in reply to: Boy or girl #19525

    i knew/know what mine were…i have a little girl a little boy and preg w another little boy.the sex hasnt been confirmed by ultrsound but i just know…call it instinct i suppose

    in reply to: pregnant with 2nd child don’t know what to do???? #19306

    trust me hun i know how u feel..My son is 11 mos old and i’m 16wks preg w daughter was 10 mos when we found out i was preg w our son..i promise u if i can do it you can do it..I’ll be 22 w 3 kids..if u have yim aim or msn email me and we can talk ok!!

    in reply to: In Pain! #19215

    I’m also 15 wks as u know w my 3rd and i had horrible back pain the whole time iwas preg w my son and i have it sometimes this time around if i sit wrong or dont have enough support on my back..i take Aleve for the pain and i get migraines as well.

    in reply to: Inducing labour?????? Please reply to this!!!!!!!! #19202

    just whenever u feel the diapers dont fit anymore.when my son was born almost 3wks early he wore newborn diapers for the first mos after he was born. he weighed 7lbs 15oz when he was born and at 1 mos he weighed around 11lbs or over. so just whenever u feel he cant wear them anymore

    in reply to: advice from mommys #19177

    Well as far as the bottle goes find something else to comfort him at night and he wont need his bottle anymore..being sick if its liquid try putting it in a cup w something to drink.thats how we had to do w my daughter.

    in reply to: Questions people!!! #19176

    well first off hiding your pregnancy is a very very bad idea..many things can happen to your baby from hiding so sry but i cant give u advice on concealing a pregnancy.

    in reply to: Myspace #19175
    in reply to: help me please so important #19174

    ok i know this is gross but i’ve had that w both my pregnancy the whole 9mos and w this one as well and i’m 14wks also. the dr told me the discharge is normal bc of all the hormones in your body so i wouldnt worry about it to much!

    in reply to: Is it possible? or am I crazy? #19095

    its very well possible u need to either go get a blood test or wait and see if ur period comes and if it doesn’t then test i honestly dont know if i missed my P when i got a very fast bold pos test bc my p was so messed up after i had my son. the pic is in my page and i was only a wk late w my daughter when i got the pos result and with my son i hadnt missed my p yet and got a faint pos. hope u get the results u want good luck!

    in reply to: Girls just let me rant #19064

    hun u have to go with what ur heart tells u. not with what u think is right..if ur in love w ur neighbor let him know that and if u want to be with him then be with him if not then let him go and try to find a new love. u have to go with your heart not what everybody else says..sit alone in a quiet area and listen to your heart..not your head your gut everybody else but YOUR HEART!!!!!!!good luck!

    in reply to: HELP!!! #19034

    put 1 oz of grape juice in her bottle if that doesnt help then 1 oz of prune juice one of those will work i promise you!!!

    in reply to: how to get a scan helpp fast #19033

    hun U HAVE TO GO TO THE DR. u cant get a scan unless the dr’s office schedules it…thats the only way..theres no way around it.

    in reply to: BREASTFEEDING #19032

    I breastfed my daughter for 3 mos and ended w yeast really bad and its really painful and i just couldnt get rid of it so i had to stop. with my son we were staying at my fiancee’s parents house and it was kinda hard to breastfeed and bc i had him 2 1/2 wks early my milk didnt come in right away but when it did it was extremely painful so it lasted a few days w him but i still pumped and gave him breast milk in a bottle. I’m due w my 3rd around april 08 and i’m going to try to breastfeed again. big differences between my son and my daughter i noticed is shes never sick and was sleeping through the night at not quit a mos my son is sick quite often and didnt sleep through the night till he was 2 1/2 mos old. breastfeeding is also cheaper and more convenient. alot easier then buying formula and making bottles. just make sure u listen to your dr about positioning and stuff if u dont get it right yes it can be very very painful..and just remember not all babies will breastfeed so dont give up or get frustrated if he doesnt do it right away.good luck and i hope everything works out for you!

    in reply to: How on earth to tell mom? #18990

    Hun your 18 an adult i’m sure your mom will be accepting it may be hard for her at first but she’ll come around. I had my first child at 19 2nd at 21 and i’m due 22 and due w baby #3 april 08.been with my fiancee for 3 1/2 yrs i havent talked to my mom since my daughters 1st b-day and she’ll be 3 may 25th 08. but my fiancee’s mom took some time to get used to the idea that her little boy was gonna be a daddy at 21 but she loves her grandbabies with all her will be hard at first but it will get better i promise. good luck

    in reply to: "Knocked Up" #18984

    We bought it and i loved it so real and more real life based……

    in reply to: Im so happy #18938

    Sry about that didnt see the date…

    in reply to: Hi im new and need some help #18930

    I’ve never posted a blog u can post in the forums theres one for ?’s about the site u can post there and wait for a reply

    in reply to: Has anyone gotten pregnant using VCF? #18923

    The conclusion that i’ve come up with is if ur meant to have a child or multiple children no amount of birth control it gonna stop you. theres a plan for everybody..a friend of mine had an IUD and got pregnant with twins..she lost them at 8wks but it is possible to get pregnant on any kind of birth control.I’m pregnant w my third child and we used every kinda of birth control and still got pregnant. so if its meant to be it will be i promise you..anything is possible. Keep us updated.

    in reply to: should i be worried? #18912

    hun i had that same thing for what seemed like forever w my daughter i thought i was dying i was put in the hospital for 3 days to find it was ligament pain…just ligaments and muscle around the uterus stretching to accomodate that growing baby. ask ur dr their should be some pain meds u can take for it. i promise it will get better! good luck

    in reply to: when did urs? #18911

    they all develop on a different level both of mine r a few mos ahead so their doing and have done everything daughter was walking a wk b4 she turned 9 mos my son is 10 mos and is trying to walk but isnt full blown walking yet so it just varies. my daughter skipped crawling altogether. my son prefers to crawl everywhere. my daughter was 9mos and climbing on stuff my son is 10 mos and can only climb up on stuff really low to the floor. she was climbing on the bed at 10mos. so every baby develops at a different pace..just be patient and your son will do stuff when hes ready:-)

    in reply to: Life after death-guilt #18869

    That is beautiful Devyn. i feel so much pain in your loss. everytime i read another dedication to your beautiful girl it breaks my heart..we shouldnt have to bury our babies. I’m terribly sry for your loss and i hope overtime you will heal…Your beautiful girl knows mommy loves her more then life itself and u will meet again one day. I hope to keep reading beautiful dedications it makes her existance that much more beautiful in knowing she had such a great effect on so many that loved her!

    in reply to: any suggestions?? #18864

    I’m 22 a mother of 2 and i’m pregnant w my 3rd child due April 2008. i would say both of u need to wait a wk or so and test again or get a blood daughter is 2 will be 3 may 25th 08 and my son will be 1 dec 1st 07. my son and daughter r 19mos apart and the nxt one and my son will be around 16mos apart. [file]

    in reply to: I feel like crap and need to have a big fat rant! #18863

    dont feel bad for feeling the way you we know you love your son more then life itself. it can be very stressful yes the father of my babies and i r together but it can still be stressful i stay at home with them all day y he works and i get so stressed some days and just want to run away but i would never leave my kids…the stress comes with being a parent hun and i promise it will let up sooner or will get better with time and as far as that jerk block him from ur email and dont ever speak to him again if he calls ignore him..dont give him the satisfaction at knowing he irritates u bc that will make it worse…well good luck to you and i know everything will get better.

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