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  • in reply to: names??? #17252

    i named my girl isabella ann… i think it is such a beautiful name! hope you like it, i cant think of any better ones!!

    in reply to: Forgiveness #17251

    Wow, first of all can i say that i think you should be a writer… you wrote that so good and full of thought and feelings… I am also a single mom and just had my baby. But to tell you the truth… i knew from when i was 5 months pregnant that my baby will never see her daddy, and it didnt bother me at all. See, her dad got another girl pregnant and that was it for me… he was not worth it since then, and i got over it. We dont need a man… and we can raise a baby on our own. Even though you want your child to have a dad… are you sure you want a guy like that in such an innocent person’s life? especially your sweet baby? I think it would hurt your baby even more if it knew it had a dad like that, than if you would shut him completly out of yalls life NOW!! i find that is best, anf girl i am living that choice, so i do know what i am talking about! Good luck though and i hope everything works out… make the right choice!!!

    in reply to: My Story #17249

    : ) What a nice story! It does sound a bit like mine. I mean… I was the perfect daughter to my parents too and then gave them the biggest dissapointment of their life by being pregnant. Of course it was hard for them at first but after the first three months or so, they were also suppourting me 100%. Now I had my daughter 9 days ago and they are the happiest and proudest grandparents in the world, I also do not talk to the dad anymore, he is a jerk. Girl, I am making it without him and let me tell you… I am so glad that I am a single parent and just think you can make all the decisions by yourself, without having him in the way… you dont have to worry about him cheating or not being there all the time… you can pick the name out yourself and always hold her/him in YOUR arms… it is so much better without the guy around… at this age… trust me! Besides guys our age are too immature anyway and will probably go breaking your heart anyway… and you dont need that when you are having a baby! You will pull thtough with it girl, trust me, especially if you have your parents suppourt! Good luck!!!

    in reply to: My Story #17248

    : ) What a nice story! It does sound a bit like mine. I mean… I was the perfect daughter to my parents too and then gave them the biggest dissapointment of their life by being pregnant. Of course it was hard for them at first but after the first three months or so, they were also suppourting me 100%. Now I had my daughter 9 days ago and they are the happiest and proudest grandparents in the world, I also do not talk to the dad anymore, he is a jerk. Girl, I am making it without him and let me tell you… I am so glad that I am a single parent and just think you can make all the decisions by yourself, without having him in the way… you dont have to worry about him cheating or not being there all the time… you can pick the name out yourself and always hold her/him in YOUR arms… it is so much better without the guy around… at this age… trust me! Besides guys our age are too immature anyway and will probably go breaking your heart anyway… and you dont need that when you are having a baby! You will pull thtough with it girl, trust me, especially if you have your parents suppourt! Good luck!!!

    in reply to: my baby had no heartbeat #17247

    oh my gosh girl, it hurts me to hear that. I am so sorry and I hope everything will be fine with you! please stay positive and try to keep your head held high!! Your sweet unborn child will be awaiting you in heaven! I know that even though he or she was not even born yet, you made such a strong connection with your baby! if you ever need some one to talk to, i am here!!

    in reply to: dedicated to Kennah #17215

    Oh my gosh… I am so sorry to hear that, I cant stop crying!! Please please please dont give up on life… your baby will be with you by your side even when you cant see her. She will be watching you from heaven and awaits the day when you come home to her. I know this must be the hardest thing in the world to get over, and you will never truely get over it… she will always be in your heart. I remember me writing you telling you how gorgeous she is, and she always will be. I am so sorry for your loss and you will be in my prayers every night. Hold your head up high and never stop loving your lil girl! Be the best mommy you can… her presence will always be with you and remembered. God bless you! Love always, Sarah.

    in reply to: need some advice #17031

    I am here if you want to talk… I am gonna be 15 soon and I am 38 weeks pregnant with a girl… So I dont get what you need advice on, the possability of being pregnant? Obviously it could happen if you purpously LET him cum in you, so dont be suprised if you are! : )

    in reply to: DONT READ #17030

    Well… I always say that when you start your period that you arent pregnant. But I read many stories where girls are pregnant and still have their periods regularly… But girl it is not to early to take the pregnancy test, they even have some that you can take before you are due with your period… or you can go to the doc and they will be able to tell you for sure. But dont put yourself down about having sex… all of us on here have, no matter what age, that is why most of us are pregnant!! Everybody makes mistakes and doesnt think of the consequences at the time, neither did I and I am 14 and 38 weeks pregnant! Well keep me updated and good luck! Go get that test and take it…just to ease your worries!

    in reply to: bleeding.. help! #17028

    Wish I was a doctor to be able to tell you for sure! But if it is not too heavy, then try not to be too worried, cause that could make it worse! Just keep on thinking positive and pray for your little one! Hope everything goes well!!

    in reply to: when did yourbelly start to shw #17027

    hi there! I am now in the 38th week and my belly started to show when I was about in the end of the 3rd month- beginning of the 4th. But I was kinda thick there b4, so I dont know! But all girls carry differently, I had a friend who didnt show AT ALL until the end of her 6th month but she had a big healthy baby…she just carried it more inside, towards the back… but I do know how you feel, I couldnt wait for my belly to start showing, but now it is showing too much! : )

    in reply to: Tetracycline UHH #17026

    hey girl…
    If I were you I would stop using it until the appointment and until you find out for sure if you are pregnant or not… I do not know how dangerous this stuff can be, but for your baby’s sake, stop until you have the right answer! : )

    in reply to: Really want to be preg, am i? #17025

    Well for one thing I am so sorry that you had a miscarriage!! I feel so bad for the girls on here that do cause I can only imagine how hard it is on you guys! So for your happiness I do hope that you become pregnant and have this baby that is now waiting for you in heaven! To tell the truth, I cannot think of any early symptoms of me being pregnant. I found out in the 5th week, so I am not sure. All I got was morning sickness from the 2nd month on. So I know it is very hard to keep patient until the test is done, but that is your only proof, or going to the doc ofcourse! Good luck, I wish you all the best!

    in reply to: im jus wondering, any answer will help… #17024

    Well, with the weird ways that our bodies work…there is always the possibility if you had unprotected sex… that you could be pregnant. Even though you actually shouldnt be spotting, it has happend to many girls before and they have healthy babies now. I say just take the test so you will know for sure! Good luck girl!

    in reply to: It should hurt but it doesnt #17023

    Aww girl, I didnt know it was so hard for you to be with him! You two looked so happy in your pics…but i am soooo happy for you that you got out, you dont need a guy like that!
    I am sorry that you havent gotten a message from me in quite a while, I am trying to figure out the problem cause I am not able to write you anymore…everytime I try it says that I am not authorized to view your page… I dont know what is going on. You should check your e-mails, I wrote you two!! So dont think that I am ignoring you or anything, it is just this site…strange! Please e-mail me or something, k! Again, i am glad that you got out of that relationship, you and your son will have a happier life… cause you never know… if he was abusive towards you I can only imagine how he would be to a child!!

    in reply to: boy wants abortion… i don’t know #17017

    Aww, well I agree completely with Lisa… she said most of the things that I have in mind. I never went through an abortion, but i can only imagine how hard it would be on you! Your life would never be the same if you kill your own baby! I am so sorry that you have to have a man like that in your life and no family by your side… but hold your head up high girl! YOu can make it on your own and you dont need no man to survive!! I wish you the best of luck and you will be in my prayers!!

    in reply to: i just wanna go home! #17001

    Aww, I am sorry! I could understand how you feel cause I love my family and get home sick if I am gone for just a day!! If I were in your shoes…I would go home! It sounds like you dont even want to be there, and girl if that is the way you feel I say do what you want and take your baby girl and leave! You dont wanna be in a place where you feel unhappy or anything… Even if your bf tries to talk you out of it, you just stick up for your rights, guys shouldnt have no control over a woman…not even if he is the dad of your baby. If he wants to be with you so bad, how come he just dont move to your home? Sorry, but that is the way I see it! I hope you make the choice that makes you happy!! Good luck!!

    in reply to: Losing the weight after #16974

    Well…I havent had my baby yet, but I do know plenty of people (and younger girls) who have had there’s and the doc says not to work out or exercise until about 6 weeks after the baby is born. Or whenever your doc/midwife says you can. Cause your inside of your body is still very sensitive and has gone through alot while being pregnant and if you do strenuous workout (lifitng weights, sit ups…) it can damage and cause internal bleeding. And no…I am not lying, so people dont come and tell me that i am! he stretch marks do lighten after a while, but not right away. I do not think that there is anything you can do about them, they are permanent damage to the skin and will lighten up when they get ‘older’.

    in reply to: Whats More Important? :( *vent* #16946

    Girl I would definetly talk to him about that, you have to let it off your chest. It is not at all wrong for you to be thinking about this, it is right because you are being a good mom and thinking about your baby! You really do have patience, i would probably explode and go nuts on him if he did that to me. You should tell him, he is going to be a dad and needs to see this fact and start helping out, it is his baby too! And about that smoking thing…that is not at all a good thing to be around when you are pregnant! I think he gotta stop that to. He just needs to see that he is responsible too for getting you pregnant and if he wants a part of this he needs to act it. I know you are saying that he is not a bad person, I mean he is your bf and you must love him to death…but he does need to open his eyes and heart a bit! For his son!

    in reply to: the pull out method/BC #16945

    I would not call that birth control, cause even if the guy pulls out but cums all over, you can still have the possibility of getting pregnant. I would say that is not a good way to prevent getting pregnant at all girl!

    in reply to: PLZ Help no one else to ask!!!!! #16944

    Well, i can understand your worries! But you never know until you are late…it is hard to be patient until then, I KNOW! But there are the pre pregnancy test that you can get, they are meant to be taken before you start your period. If you really want to know then you can take one of those. If not then just wait until your period is suppoused to come along. Since you had unprotected sex there is a possible chance of you being pregnant, ofcourse…well girl good luck!

    in reply to: I dont kno what going on!!!! #16943

    To me it sounds like you are not pregnant. Especially if you are having a period that is heavy… I have heard of girls who think they are pregnant and want it so badly that they start getting these ‘pregnancy symptoms’, it is all just in the head and that is why they can be caused.

    in reply to: can’t get results and irregular period #16942

    Aww, that sounds frustrating! I would try another brand even though it might also be a waste of money, but you never know! I never heard of the thing turning a light blue, so I cannot tell you why it is doing that! Maybe you can ask the pharmasist from who you bought it from…if not you can always try the doc. Go and get an appointment and they will do either a urine or a blood test. The blood test will tell you for sure if you are pregnant or not! Good luck!!

    in reply to: New #16941

    Hey Tonia, welcome to the site! My name is Sarah, I am gonna be 15 soon and I am 38 weeks pregnant. Exactly how you explained the dad of your baby, is how the dad of my baby was and still is, but he is out of the picture hopefully for good! So, if you ever wanna talk I am here! : )

    in reply to: 2.5 weeks late and Still Neg. Hpt #16940

    Okay what I think…well I do think it might be a little early to have white milky stuff coming out of your breasts and all the other symptoms that you have, I was over a month late and I only got sick from time to time…but everybody is different and everyone’s body reacts in a different way. Girl, if you had unprotected sex 6 times…then you may just be pregnant! There is a high chance and I have no clue why the tests keep on coming out negative…maybe it is a bit early to determine…but a blood test would sure tell you what you wanna know, so go next week like you are suppoused to, that is what I would do. I do also understand that you want the answer now… but you just gotta wait! Good luck…

    in reply to: Girls plz help me #16939

    Well, from what it sounds like, you are not pregnant. Cause if he didnt go all the way inside of you, he had a condom on and nothing made him cum inside of you, then there is no way that you can be. And girl if you started your period, that means you are not…I do think that you are just worried and stressing this too much, maybe the pink spot was just ‘leftovers’ from your period…I wouldnt worry, as long as you started you period…you arent pregnant.

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