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  • in reply to: 8 weeks preg & heartburn #13290

    Oh my gosh! i hated heartburn and trying to sleep at night was so hard, i ended up sleeping with about 3 pillows holding my head up. Try some Milk, that can help

    in reply to: Dont kow what to do #13289

    It sounds like you are pregnant to me. Both my pregnancies i couldn’t the smell of smoke, well i always hate it but being pregnant makes it worse.
    I dont like abortion so maybe think about adoption..

    in reply to: could i be #13288

    It is possible so maybe go and do a test to confirm…Good luck with the results

    in reply to: Took preg. test, CONFUSED. #13287

    It sounds normal for me. I would take the next step and go to the doctors

    in reply to: im i pregnant #13286

    Are your periods usually regular? i would do a test…

    in reply to: CONFUSED-PLEASE GIVE ADVICE! #13285

    Honestly if he will act badly to this situation and tell you that the relationship will end, he isnt the man you thought he was. Maybe a baby will make you guys stronger?
    What about Adoption to a family that cant have kids?

    in reply to: i need major help!!! #13284

    Sex will not solve anything hun. He obviously doesn’t love you if he is acting like this. It is hard to stop loving somebody even though they hurt you. I think you need to find somebody that will treat you good and you will forget about him.
    Good Luck

    in reply to: i dont know what to do #13283

    What about Adoption to a loving family that cant have kids…
    Having abortions all the time can also stop you from conceiving in the future

    in reply to: What did I do? #13282

    I feel sorry for you too having to feel this way and it was WRONG for your boyfriend to push you into that straight away. Maybe the other choice could have been adoption and the baby would of had a life.
    I guess i would try not to get pregnant anytime soon and maybe go and speak to a doctor to get some help

    in reply to: Waiting #13281

    i’m glad that everything is going good for you!

    in reply to: Please help #13280

    Good Idea to take the test…That sort of confirms everything, But if nothing turns up and ur still feeling crap, take another a week later i reckon.

    in reply to: Here are the results… #13279

    Congrats on the long awaited pregnancy…
    You didn’t leave the test for too long did you to get the positive result coz if it was left for more than 5mins it could be false….but im pretty sure all is good becoz you took that one that had a faint line!!!

    in reply to: Am I pregnant? #13043

    Hmmm with all your symptoms i would say you’re probably preggo but take a test to make sure.The light bleeding could be the egg implanting which lasts maybe 2/3 days.
    Good Luck with it all!

    in reply to: 6 weeks pregnant worried #13042

    The best person to help you with this is a doctor! You will get cramping because the uterus will be accomadating the new bub but i would still go to drs to get checked out

    in reply to: how 2 tell ur parents ur pregnant #13041

    I would sit down with them and say how scared you are at what ur going to say and then approach it. But its entirely up to you. I hope it all goes well! dont go into the convo thinking all the bad though coz it will only make it worse to tell them

    in reply to: im pregnant and i dont no wat 2do? #13040

    I would really start by telling the parents as hard as it may be…They might offer you the support you will need too!

    in reply to: Is it true? #13039

    My first symptom was tiredness.

    in reply to: LIFE GOES ON!!! #13038

    I really do like to read these sort of posts! I love to see a person who knows what life is about and dont think that a baby is failure and that it is a gift that sometimes wont be given again so don’t abuse it.

    in reply to: 1 week to my abortion. #12992

    Honestly if you’re feeling that this abortion is the wrong thing to do, DONT let him tell you what to do. You are still remaining positive which is great! You guys could get heaps of support out there.Good luck with it al

    in reply to: whats the difference #12991

    i think spotting lasts around 3 days or shorter

    in reply to: Is it a Symptom? #12990

    I know its hard but i would wait a few weeks to test again.t still could be too early to detect anything. Maybe go the the doctors to see about fertility medication? Good luck to you

    in reply to: AND I CRY part 2 #12989

    thats sounds right to me. I went to the doctors after getting a positive result 6 oct 06 calculating my last period which would have made me 14wks at the time..i was so sure.I then had my ultrasound and she said i was only 9wks 6days and that i had just skipped a period that didn’t show so maybe thats what you’re gonna have?

    Good Luck Tiff

    in reply to: It’s Complicated #12960

    it still could be early to get a clear result but best of luck for you! Good to hear that your boyfriend is sticking by you and will support you through this time.

    in reply to: ::im under soo much stress:: #12959

    please dont stress as it stresses the baby out too. Thats so sad about puppy, i hope she is having fun with all the puppy friends in heaven.

    in reply to: AND I CRY #12958

    let it all out!! its okay to cry. Hey like you said you are one of a kind so he misses out again. Hopefully he will realise this but then again you probably dnt want someone that is going to cheat on you. Keep us posted as to what happens with the pregnancy tests

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