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ParticipantIf he is being like that then you do not need him. Life will not be perfect for your daughter because life never is.Just make the best out of the situation that you have and make him pay child support
ParticipantSorry for your lost I can’t imagine what it would feel like if I lost my boy. I hope that you will feel better even tho right now it does not feel like it. The thing is it was meant to happen and unfortunately you could not prevent it 🙁 I cant do much to help you but hope that you will feel better …
Participant1.Take responsibility for your actions
2.Talk about it
3.Accept it
4.Take control
You may not be able to move on because I’m guessing you are feeling guilty about what you have done but now you cannot change it so you gotta try to move forward and make better choices in the future. You got to take control of you life or else you will be feeling like a doll on strings. Good Luck :unsure:
Participantugh I hate UTI’s I recently took pills for 12 days and now I feel WAY better. Its better to take pills so you wont be in pain. I also hate taking pills every time I do I gag..Well its better to get medicated then stay in pain and it can affect your kidneys .. Good luck 🙂
ParticipantNo hes my good friends cousin and he gratuated high school and is working and yea I think its too early to get married but if there was a threat that he can get in trouble we would since he’s helping me so much. Yes I do have everything I need =] ty
Participant18…Yea she knows she kicked me out for a week few months ago
ParticipantI’m actually living with him (he moved in) and hes helping me a lot… Its hard being preg at young age and taking care of the baby but defiately worth it. I’m glad I choose live and my baby boy is so cute he also looks like he is smiling in the latest ultrasound pic :laugh:
ParticipantI’ve had depression and all that on me for a long time and its something that you actually CAN control and get over you just gotta be strong. Good Luck
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ParticipantYuongMama wrote:
So, i have also chose life. i have everything in order. i am in gr.11 and will still be able to finish gr.12 next year in haft the time as everyone else.
just one thing… i just found out last saturday. but i’m starting to get bigger, is that normal? i couldn’t be that far alone, i only missed one of my things.
my systems:
* dizzy after eating/ if i don’t eat
* tender nipples
* i have to go to the washroom ever hour/haft and hour
* i eat so much and never get full, ever.
* I can go to sleep at 9:30 and wake up at 7:00 and feel like i didn’t sleep at all.
* Odd feels/little pains in my lower tummy.
* i randomly wake up at 5 every night and like need food.
* randomly i get really hot, like i’ll just start sweating. and that new for me, i never sweat.
* i am not an angry person, but something little can just set me off now. its embarrassing.the thing is i can’t be more then a few weeks, can i?
– It depends how far along you are and a lot of those symptoms can come because you are thinking a lot about the pregnancy. Good luck
ParticipantYour story is a really good one to share with other moms to be who dont know what to choose. I was also stuck in between the two decisions and from beginning I knew what was right. I was 15 when I found out I was pregnant. When I told my mom she told me that if I wont get a abortion I cannot live with her and that she will put me in the DCF custody. She told me all this messed crap every day up till I was 3 months. Then she tried to talking about adoption. Ever since I found out that I was pregnant I knew that I will keep the baby. I’ve had a lot of pressure because of that plus I’m still in school. Now I’m 28 weeks along with a baby boy and I’m really happy I made my choice because he is a blessing 😉
I’m 28 weeks and gotten really bad stretch marks too but the only thing that actually helps its that CocoaButter Formula heres a link to what I’m talking about…[/u][/i]iswaggaliciious
ParticipantMaybe you do not want to hear about my opinion but just hear me out ok? Go check out how do they perform abortions. If you are not ready for the baby why not find a nice family. Yes your body is your choice and do whatever you want with it but the body you will be tearing up and destroying is not “yours” its the baby’s. Face what you did. You put your self in a situation that you have gotten preg and now why not face the consequences or at least give the baby a voice. I sure know I would not want to be torn apart by my own mother.
Participantaaww congrats…Dang first time I felt my little boy kick was 18 weeks now I’m 28 weeks and I feel him every move 😆 Well congrats on the ultrasound and on my 1st ultrasound my little boy head bumped the place that the ultrasound tech. put pressure xD then he tried moving away from it. Now he kicks and punches me all the time :blink:
Participantdeneisha its impossible to know when you are 1 week pregnant the earliest is around a month.
Well hey,
My name is Klaudia and Im 15 (16 next month) and I’m 28 weeks along (7months)…Its nice to meet you and if you ever need any advice or anything then let me know :side:iswaggaliciious
ParticipantSometimes its not even your mucus plug. It may be just your discharge. I’m 28 weeks along and experience all crazy stuff too. I would say dont worry about it but if you do just call your doc. to be sure and good luck.
ParticipantWell you can fight for custoty and possibly win since he is a drug addict. Thats what I would do your kid do not need that around him. You sound like a caring and loving mother and thats all a child needs. I never knew my father my mom kicked him out for the same reason. Drugs&Alcochol. She knew it’ll be better for me if he was not around and it was. Good luck
ParticipantHey 🙂
I’m 15 (16 next month) and 28weeks(7months) along with a baby boy. Dont let your age keep you from parenting this baby to the full extent. Also dont be scared I know I was “terrified” when I found out but now the only part I’m scared about is the labor. I was not with the baby’s father at the time. We all make stupid choices… I was scared to tell him till I was 4 months along. Hes 21 and when he found out he tried communicating me and we got together, talked, and he was really happy and still is. Now we live together and he helps me so much. I also wanted to get pregnant but haven’t really “tried to”. At 9-16 weeks I had doubts and second thoughts but I knew what I gotta do. Well all I’m trying to tell you is that you can do it even if you’re not ready. Pregnancy is the time to get ready. Good luck 😉iswaggaliciious
ParticipantI’m also 15 (16 in jan) and I’m 7months(28 weeks) pregnant. My mom flipped when she found out and tried pressure me into abortion everyday until I reached 3 months. Now she is happy with the soon coming Victor :laugh: I dont know my dad so that was not a problem but my mom is rough if you know what I mean. All you gotta do is stay strong for that baby and dont let your age affect your parenting skills because you can do it. Dont feel down when he will be pissed for few months, give him some space and grats on the miracle =] 🙂
ParticipantHey my name is Klaudia and my due date is March 18
Only 2 more months to go I’m so scared of labor o.o :laugh:
I’ll attach a pic of my baby boy when he was 20 weeks I got a Ultrasound the 22nd =]Attachments:iswaggaliciious
ParticipantMake sure to call the doc. about the contractions…
I got a big tip for you I found a way to get rid of back pain for few hrs. My boyfriend bought me a massaging machine and you can get that in a closest pharmacy…Its not too expencive and it saved my life. I’m 28 weeks and my back kills ALL THE TIME! :laugh:iswaggaliciious
Make sure to call your doctor those contractions may be the real ones 😉 I know a thing that helps me so much with back pain I’m 28 weeks along and I got big and when I walk for a long time it kills!…Well get one of those messagin machines from a closest pharmacy they are not too expencive and they help soo much… good luck -