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ParticipantNobody can make you get an abortion and just because your sex buddy wants you to does not mean what he says even counts. You get an abortion and then what? What will happen when it finally hits you that all you did is ruin the one person that loves you unconditionally and, you still got no support from that boy what so ever. Why put yourself through something like that just because somebody who don’t give a crap about you or the baby wants you to? Anyway about your dad. Let him be a drunk since there is nothing you can do about it and I’m Polish from Poland EU I know how people in those areas drink trust me I dealt with it many times. If he’s any endangerment to you there is always DCF so there is always a way out or a way of moving forward the thing is its your and your choice only which way you will choose. That path will follow you no matter what you decide to do so think about that.
ParticipantThe decision is up to you. He don’t wanna be there? Well put him on child support. Also if you are eligible for welfare etc.. then the money that the govt. payed you by the time the kids 21 have to be payed by the child’s father. This happen to my friend he lost his house AND his car.
ParticipantWell then your friend do need help and I don’t mean that in a negative way I mean that in she need therapy and somebody to talk to. Anyway from experience I went through that when I was 13. I was all suicidal I had depression and PDSD – post dramatic stress disorder- and let me tell you something if your friend really wanted to kill her self she would of done it as for now its a cry for help and attention. If she cuts herself and does something stupid then she will get put in a hospital for a 30day evaluation. That is her problem and her family let it stay their problem….
BACK TO YOU….You don’t necessarily have to tell her about what happen but at the same time don’t act like her buddy buddy because that would make things worse because there is a chance that eventually she will find out. Concentrate on yourself and the baby what happen happen you cant take it back but at the same time don’t stress your self over it. If you have ANY questions feel free to ask since I’m at the end of my pregnancy and probably know a lot of the answers about that topic. Good Luck to youiswaggaliciious
Participanto.o Holy crap…Is she a danger to your safety tho?
ParticipantYea the doctors count from the 1st day of your last period. That’s the date and they count your due date + 40 weeks from that day. Listen you can do this maybe it seems like its just a dead end but its not. You can get through this.
ParticipantAwh hun I’m sorry for what you’re going through. There is always adoption if you feel like you can make a decision like that. I really hope things will work out for you in the future. Good Luck
ParticipantNo problem I’m here to give advice based on experience.
ParticipantGirl- No idea
Boy-[soon coming] Victor Manueliswaggaliciious
ParticipantGood Luck to you. If you have your “period” then you are not pregnant. Bleeding is possible tho while pregnant but it wouldn’t be the same as you period. Well good luck to everybody
ParticipantHopefully its not a miscarriage. How far along are you BTW?…My aunt had severe bleeding at 5 weeks and everybody thought that she was having a miscarriage until she went to the ER and after staying a week in a hospital she stopped bleeding and her baby turned out fine. Now she is having a c-section in a week. Not because she had to but because she want to. Well Good Luck
ParticipantFirst of all Good Luck. If you are pregnant then tell your parents as soon as you can. I got pregnant when I was 15 and now I’m 16 and 38 weeks pregnant. When I told my mom -at 9 weeks- she did really get pissed off and she told me to get a abortion every day or get out. I know she cannot “make me” get a abortion and I told her no each time. It was like that, arguments everyday till I was 3 months. Now she is happy about my baby and she denies ever mentioning abortion to me. The point is that your parents will go through this phase and better just be prepared for it and ignore them when they get all pissed off, they will get over it. So Good Luck keep us updated
ParticipantYour problem should not be telling your parents it should be concern for your baby’s well being. Come on now you need to face your responsibilities and man up to your actions. So you are willing to risk your baby’s health so you wont get in trouble? I’m not trying to offend you in any way but you need to grow up. Its a baby in there not a doll. Plus your parents will find out sooner or later so it best to tell them early because no matter how late they will find out they will be pissed but they will get over it so from my personal experience its better early than later. Its not all about you anymore. You need to think of that child before of yourself.
ParticipantYou want abortion advice? Take it from somebody that has experience in that field. Here is a couple of interviews of former abortionists that was posted on the site.
[color=#0080FF]1) Former abortionist, Anthony Levatino, M.D., says, “I want the general public to know that the doctors know that this is a person, this is a baby. That this is not some kind of blob of tissue . . .”
2) Former abortion counselor, Nita Whitten, says, “It’s a lie when they tell you they’re doing it to help women, because they’re not. They’re doing it for the money.”
3) Former abortion counselor, Debra Henry, says, “We were told to find the woman’s weakness and work on it. The women were never given any alternatives. They were told how much trouble it was to have a baby.”
4) Former abortionist, Joseph Randall, M.D., says, “The picture of the baby on the ultrasound bothered me more than anything else. The staff couldn’t take it. Women who were having abortions were never allowed to see the ultrasound.”
5) Former abortionist, David Brewer, M.D., says, “My heart got callous against the fact that I was a murderer, but that baby lying in a cold bowl educated me to what abortion really was.”
6) Former abortion counselor,Kathy Sparks, says, “The counselor at our clinic could cry with the girls at the drop of a pin. She would find out what was driving them to want to abort that child and she would magnify it.”
7) Former abortionist, McArthur Hill, M.D., says, “I am a murderer. I have taken the lives of innocent babies and I have ripped them from their mother’s wombs with a powerful vacuum machine.”[/color]
[color=#FF0000]Here’s how Carol Everett answered questions about the abortion industry:
Q. What is the governing force behind the abortion industry?
A. Money. It is a very lucrative business. It is the largest unregulated industry in our nation. Most of the clinics are run in chains because it is so profitable.
Q. In what way is the woman deceived?
A. Every woman has two questions, “Is it a baby?” and Does it hurt?” The abortionist must answer “NO.” He/she must lie to secure the consent of the woman and the collection of the clinic’s fee. The women were told that we were dealing with a “product of conception” or a “glob of tissue.” They were told that there would be only slight cramping, whereas, in reality, an abortion is excruciatingly painful.
Q. What type of counseling was offered at the clinics?
A. We didn’t do any real counseling. We sold abortion.
Q. How did you dispose of an aborted baby?
A. We put them down the garbage disposal. Some second and third trimester babies’ muscle structure is so strong that the baby will not come apart, so they must be disposed of through trash receptacles.
Q. Abortion is supposed to be a “safe” experience. What complications did you witness?
A. In the last 18 months I was in the business, we were completing over 500 abortions monthly and killing or maiming one woman out of 500. Common complications that take place are perforations or tears in the uterus. Many of those result in hysterectomies. The doctor might cut or harm the urinary tract, which then requires surgical repair. A complication that is rarely publicized is the one in which the doctor perforates the uterus and pulls the bowels through the vagina, resulting in colostomy. Some of those can be reversed, some must live with the colostomy for the remainder of their lives.
Q. Why did you get out of the abortion business?
A. Two things came into play at the same time. I experienced a profoundly religious transformation — a conversion. At about the time I was having second thoughts, a Dallas television station did an expose disclosing the abortions performed at my clinic on non-pregnant women — all for money! I finally realized, “We weren’t helping women — we were destroying them — and their children.” By then my transformation was complete and I knew that I not only had to stop being involved with abortions, but I had to help promote the truth.
ParticipantOk you need to go to the ER for your and your babies well being. I really doubt that you are 3.4 weeks since positive hpt’s show positive [barely] at 4 weeks. You count from the 1st day of your last period. Also if you are having a miscarriage then you need to get checked out because you can get a infection and that might not end so well. Also something might be wrong with the baby and if you not get it taken care of it can end up as a miscarriage. My aunt had a lot of bleeding at 5 weeks and if she didn’t go to ER her baby would be dead and now she’s due anytime.
Participantty ^^
ParticipantIf you are pregnant then you go to the doctor and get a note for gym that you cannot participate in group sports, any abdominal work, weight lifting over 25lbs, and anything with a risk of fall or getting hit by the ball etc. That what my doctor gave me. I was fine up to 7months but after that when I tried doing gym I started getting contractions and pains so my doctor gave me a note that I’m excused from gym. Its important that you do this as soon as you can so any risk to the baby will decrease. Get a appointment at a clinic if you’re preg because usually you don’t get to see a OB till 9 -12 week into pregnancy and you really need that note. I was pregnant in the summer so before I went back to school I had my note. Good Luck
ParticipantWell there is nothing you can do to speed up your period. I would recommend going to the doctor few weeks after you had sex to do a internal exam to see if you are pregnant because having your period less than once a month might mean that your hormones are a little off and that may make the pregnancy test not accurate. Also if you are not pregnant and if your hormones are off you would need something to regulate that. A friend of mine got some messed up hormones and now she has trouble getting pregnant. So she is taking pills but no baby on board. Good Luck
ParticipantAww congrats hun :cheer: Keep us updated
ParticipantGood for you ^^ … I had it pretty bad with morning sickness from 9-16weeks I threw up up to 5 times a day o.o if it gets really bad just ask your doc to prescribe nausea pills for you… Yea I always crave random things and if I cant get it I want it the next day and the next until I eat it :laugh: well how far along are you now? If you need any tips and advice let me know since I’m due anytime now been through it all lol
ParticipantUPDATE: The doctor thinks I’m due anytime now o.o
ParticipantYes it could it depends on your hormone level tho.
ParticipantSo have you decided if you want to keep the baby? If yes then make sure you go to a pharmacy to get the Prenatal Vitamins those are important in the 1st trimester of the pregnancy. Also you can get pills with Omega 3 it helps with the development of the baby’s brain. Any abdominal exercises are out of the question and also no lifting stuff over 25 lbs. Caffeine should be limited but you don’t have to stop drinking coke etc…Right now your b/f has no parental rights and if you don’t want to inform him about stuff about the baby you do not have to. Also if he wont be helpful child support will catch up to him if you want. Just eat healthy the doctors recommend to limit tuna but you do not have to avoid it. Pregnancy is not a sickness so you can do most things just use your common sense.
ParticipantLittleGirl_x wrote:
before you think & judge by my age
im no slag, drug user?,dont smoke, anything atall? never have..
so now thats out the way
ive bin with this lad a couple of months now & waited about 4 until we slept togehter
i didnt loose my virginity to him
as ive had a 16 month relation ship with a previous lad:
and got pregnant to him& decided to keep it but had a miscarraige(U)!
my mum & dad new and was more upset&dissapointed than anythin…
so now this boyfriend we waited a few months & had sex unprotected about 4 times?
he swore he never cum up me, until i said well u bet not have i cant take nothin ? no tablets…
over somethins whats went on in my life recently..
& ive always been againt abortion
im so scared:'(
i’ve missed 2periods now, and havent had a test because the nearest chemist my auntys work at.. & my mums best mate is the receptionest at the doctors:
i dont no what to doo:(
i dont want this baby! as im a model: & size 4? ill get BAD stretch marks& dont want to loose my figure
but i cant take tablets : of anysort
and againt abortion:'(
soemone help PLEASEEE !! :'(:'(Hun, I’m also a model and let me tell you something a figure is easy to gain back with lots of exercise and good balanced diet. There is nothing you can do about stretch marks but they do fade away. If you decide to keep this baby then you need to mature a little more and you have time for that before the baby comes. I’m 16 and 37 weeks pregnant so there is no way I can judge you for being a teen mom to be, and I also cant stand those judging [witches] they drive me nuts. The point is that you need to put your child before you and your career. The life that was all about you is over now you got to start a new chapter and that is being a mother. Its a big change but its worth it. It does not mean you cannot proceed with your career it just means that it will be on hold because all the money you need will be going for that baby.
ParticipantXxlucy_starxX wrote:
Im 17 yrs old and last week i found out i was pregnant.. since then i have had realli bad pains in my stomache and feeling realli sick … is there somthing rong or is that how i am meant 2 feel. im scared and i dont want enyfing to go rong and i havnt got a lot of ppl 2 talk 2 .. i have my friends bt only a few know and i havnt told my family as im scared of what they say .. && the dad of the child dont want nuffing to do with it so i was thinking that it may b stress or somthing bt i dnt want it harming my baby i dnt know wat to do ): XxX
Its best to be safe than sorry so if the pains in your lower stomach area get really bad go to the hospital to check if its not ectopic pregnancy, that can be really dangerous and life threathening.
Participantlost_dayna wrote:
i just have no idea what im goin to do.
I told my mum and she told me to get out so now im staying with a mate who i cant tell and im starting to get morning sickness and im in my first year at highschool i just dont know what to do.Your mother cannot kick you out if you are a minor its illegal.Call somebody or the police.Maybe there is a home for pregnant women in need of help that you can stay at