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  • in reply to: rest in peace zachary mommy loves you #23582

    i am so sorry for your loss!!

    in reply to: im not having one but TWO babys #23292

    cheried wrote:

    lol hun im glad you over the shock and you excited
    now thats how it should be!!!!!
    have a great day B)

    haha thanks hunny!!!
    i really am…
    and lol i just caaaannddt wait to find out the sex of the baby really haha =) im off, need to study math :/

    (you know how much im loving it…NOT haha)

    in reply to: im not having one but TWO babys #23239

    thanks to ya all ladys…
    well i calmed down, haha im on eart again from the shock…and im sooo excited, wiii i am really having two babys, what a gift isnt it? i think its the best thing that ever happened to me, to get blessed to be the moma of two, to give life to two little souls… i love that feeling!!

    ill post my sonogram pict here on soon 😀

    in reply to: Twins? MAYBE? #23191

    hmmm what about going to the doctor? to have a us? did you thought about that?

    an us will tell you your due date and it will tell you how many are there…

    goosh i will be 10 weeks this week and had 2 us and 3 appointments!

    in reply to: Update *Am I Pregnant* #23189

    **blackNblue* wrote:

    idk if im pergnant… im ify to the idea, im 15 and i rele dont think i can get pregnant but somewhere in the back of my mind i think there is a slight chance that i am pregnant right now. sorry if this is confusing, ive never told anyone besides my boyfriend about this… although i told my bf that i am not pregnant cuz ive taken 4 test and every result was negative… and ive been doing research and apperently you get “pregnacy cramps” that get confused with your “menestral cramps” and god all this info on early pregnancy symtoms is so confusing to me… idk i could or could not be pregnant those are my only choices right? im 4 days late for my period…. idk but if you could help thtd be really nice…

    the early pregnancy simptoms are very alike to the PMS symtoms..
    if you wanna know, get yourself to a clinik and make a blood test.

    and stop thinkin so much about it, look you got 4 test,all 4 negative…dont think about it, youll know for sure in a month, but its very likely that you are not.

    in reply to: Update *Am I Pregnant* #23165

    hmmm, im wondering, whhhy do so many after having a negative hpt still wonder if they are pregnant… like they want to be pregnant.

    if you dont belive the hpt, then make 2, 3, its best you make 3 or 5 so youll know for sure. (2 positive,2negative+1 that will tell you where you are)

    OR the best option, go to the doctor and make a blood test.

    amd dont stress bout it so much, youre body can produce a fake pregnancy you know….

    best of luck

    in reply to: 6 weeks pregnant but no symptoms #23164

    wooahh, you could call yourself lucky,and not worry about..

    this past 9 weeks have been hell for me. i hate MS, and i think if ill ever consider to be pregnant again it will be the MS that will make me think twice about it 😀

    in reply to: i’m so i pregnant?? #23163

    well.. if your situation kills yaaahh, why dont you make a HPT?

    i mean… we cant see inside your bump and tell if theres something baby like in it or not..

    make a hpt, and youll know.

    i doubt it could be implatation bleeding, it would be a bit 2 soon for it,.

    did you use protection? why are you soo worried about?
    i mean go in to have sex when you can take the actions that can happen with sex.. when you are mature for that, you wont be scared, if youre not, i would say wait with sex…you dont need to hurry with it.

    in reply to: IM 17 AND IM CONFUSED ON WHT I SHOULD DO?? #23162

    wel…theres a thing called pregnancy test-you made it,its positive…sooo i would say, go to a doctor? there are some centers that make it for free, so i would recomend you to go and let them check you out…
    /if you have sex with more than one partner, it doesent means that theres more chance to get pregnant, theres only a biger chance to get a std..

    /are you using some protection? i mean like condoms, ot BC pills?

    well if NOT,and if you are not pregnant…then i would please oyu to think about it.

    keep us uptaded

    in reply to: problem and the jerk leaved me!!! #23104

    let me ask you first… all this time you had UNPROTECTED SEX? like i see…you are knowing that you can get pregnant with SEX, also with protected, but even more possible with unprotected and countundiesd doing it?

    im not trying to be rude but… i just dont understand that.:blink:

    as for the guy… i know how you feel, one of my girlfriends is in the same situation, his friend with who she is having sex with has a girl, tells her that he has problems with her, so that they have sex… and she i soo in love with him that she cant stop. she knows its not right and that she deservs better, but she still is doing it… hope youll get the strenght to stop it!

    my best of luck!

    in reply to: am i pregnant???? #22903

    it can be just spotting.
    when you see blood or get hard cramps go to the octor asap.
    now you are in a stage in life when you should ask your dootor even if i a sooo illy small thing-but if yo are worrie about, call him, ell help yo=)

    in reply to: Can positives be false? #22902

    dont think that much about being pregnant! its hard specially cause your mother is but lok, you had bleedings..think about it like a period… why did you do do mn pregnancy test? it seem like you are kind of convinceing yourelf that you are pregnant…ok it happens to have s unprotected-in your case condom-did u see that it had breked? like i see here this… it can bejust your mind playing tricks, i know how it looks. it was the same by me. my belly was funny, i have had headaches,crampin, also made 2 tests who had a faint line..
    but hey,then had bledings, not the usual, but for 3 days, but it was my period…so girl please dot think that muc about the pregnancy..think about school and that ou finish it,soo that you will be able to take care for the baby when the time is right..

    but it can be that im false, and you are pregnant,… but like u said it wasnt really responsale to wait soloong for the appt and the over sleep it.. ou should scheoulde anotherone, just in case.

    in reply to: I might be pregnant. Please help!! #22901

    aaam… why again are you going to buy hpt tommoro if you had sex on he 25t?
    a hpt will show you if you are ornot, like a day or so before your period is due, t for sure, after our perio i lte..
    you cant just test 5 days after having sex? where’s the point here?
    wait till your period is late-if it is, and then do it.

    in reply to: i dont think i will ever forgive myself #22874

    it’s hard. i know it is. and i wont lie, i cant say if you will forgive yourself, i know i still didnt. but you will learn to live with it… not tommorow, not next week, also not next month.. but you will.
    if you wanna chat, talk about it, or if theres anyway i can help ou, just pm me., i would love to listen to you,
    love, Monika

    in reply to: Help… #22842

    hey Ally!
    welcome on the site girly, and congrats on your pregnancy!!
    look, im not pro-life or so, im pro-choice, but you have to know how your future will look if you choose A and how if you choose B.

    i had an abortion, it wasnt me who choose A but my doctor did…it affected my life, i feel sad still (its been 2 yrs), i miss my baby, i keep askin myself how he would look,and everything around it. i know it was a mistake, it may be hard having a child so young, but i know that when hell be born everything would settle down, and everything would go just fine..

    now i choose option B, yea im still scared a bit, but im soo in love with my baby i cant even tell you.

    how far along are you? you see, its great your bf is supporting you, that means alot..

    hope all will go just fine, keep us posted!
    love, Monika

    in reply to: UPDATE =) #22841

    hey girl…congrats on your girls!

    i just wanted to say, you are such a strong person…im sure you are a motivation for many girls here on..

    keep on the good work moma, and im sure, once youll held the girls in your arms, youll know that you are going to be a great moma, no matther how the past was.

    good luck!

    in reply to: Pregnant? .. Why am i bleeding?.. #22840

    well… you could be pregnant-and the bleeding would mean the implatation bleeding… but i think its a bit 2 soon for it.

    i would say, its your body responsing for the double dose of hormones that you gave him..

    sadly you can’t find out until your period is due, but until then keep yiourself healthy and dont tahe any birth controll.

    keep us posted,


    in reply to: how do i tell my parents #22839

    hey hunny!!!
    first off, congrats on your prergnancy!!
    well yea, the telling parents part is scary.. but youll see once its behind you you will feel relived, and be able to focus on your baby thats growing in you for the whole 100%.
    you should tell them asap, ’cause youll need them.
    just relax, ask them to drink a tea with you, that you have something very important to tell them.. and say them that you love them, and that it was a big suprise for you too, and tell them.

    hope everything will go ok, and congrats on the prergnancy!!

    in reply to: pull out method… help #22833

    you should have informed you before having sex.. (if you arent married/cant provide for the baby)

    but yes, it is possible, very actually.
    keep us posted

    in reply to: positive. #22832

    congrats hunny, and welcome back!!

    in reply to: "Knocked Up" #22764

    i saw it and i love it..

    hum good idea for teens? i think its a great idea, cause the message from it is dont drink 2 much, and dont have sex when youre drunk…

    so i think its great.

    in reply to: when did you find out you were preggo? #22738

    B) i found out 2 days before my period was due =)
    6.10.08 exactly haha =)

    well i know i had sex on THE days, i was feelin different..and i couldnt wait till my period due, so i made it on the day i bought the test and make it and…two big fat red lines= we are pregnant =)

    in reply to: When is your due date? #22737

    my sunshine is due June 19 =) (based on my last period, will see this week if i measure more forder)[cause i feel so, and my bumb to lol]

    im soo excited..well scared too but the excitement is big =)

    in reply to: my story #22736

    oh yea.,its totally normal to feel that way, belive me im in it atm to :S but i love every bounch of feeling sick haha:cheer:

    try to eat some salty crackers before you stand up off bed, and eat dry food…it helps me abit..

    well,you should go to the doctor,to check you up, maby have a us done..

    then talk with your bf, make a plan of the future,cause the future will change totaly..

    and you have to tell your parents, you think they may flip out not support and that… but its important to tell them, theyll see that you trust them, and when theyll see you have started to take care of theyll know you are mature for that…


    in reply to: could i be pregnant? #22720

    well… i would say more NO than YES.

    i mean ok the hpt tests are round 99% and not 199%, but the blood tests, they mesure your hormone level, and your hormone level gets so high at the beginnin the pregnancy that they would detect them..

    are you stressin alot lately? are you havin iiregular periods?

    thinkin bout being pregnant can do that too..
    keep us updated

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